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What would you like to see?

#71747 Posted on 2016-10-11 12:32:07

1. I'd be fine with ribbons or medals for achievements, but I don't really want another "job" other than creating shows and showing my horses.
2. I don't like the idea of crossbreeding at all. As mentioned above, I think it would be confusing.
3. I think there is already enough to breed for and play for. The current variance in player goals has created a stale economy.
4. Indifferent.
5. Nooooo never. The ability to play and participate in this game is based on the constant availability of foundation horses. Most people aren't willing to pay for or can't afford credits using real money.
6. No. See above.
7. I would love this if it was a reasonable amount, as well as a minimum age (8-10). I don't really see why it's necessary to breed a horse more than 10 times on here, regardless of how many foals stallions sire in real life. The saturation of related, overbred horses in this game has ruined the markets.
8. Sometimes I wish that this moved faster, other days it's a stretch to just log on and collect interest. I like that everyone is on the same pace, so unless the overall timing of the game changed for everyone, I don't support this.
9. Why don't we just reduce the lifespan of horses? I am usually bored and ready to breed my horses at 14-16, and those last few weeks of waiting is such a drag. Would people be opposed to horses retiring earlier rather than shortening the aging timeline (7 days = 1 year) of horses?
10. Yes.
11. This is unlikely. I think that a reasonable breeding limit would literally solve this issue entirely. Everyone wants color (thats the fun part) then decent conformation, decent stats. There are so many horses on the market right now that are all of those things but are "overbred."
12. I've seen so many posts about how Abbey will not be doing this because she wants the value of horses to fluctuate. As mentioned by SilverWolves, I think it would just be worthwhile to mention it in a tutorial as a general pricing guide, but people definitely price above and below that.
13. I agree that this would distract from the realism. I like that everyone is on the same timeline.
14. I like this idea!
15. I think this should only be a feature of auto-care. I don't know how I feel about conformation being modified through showing. I like that you have to be intentional to breed for conformation, although we aren't 100% sure about how that works quite yet. I support the spaying of mares.
16. Yes! This could be cool.

-I would love to see the ability to have public horse pages. This has been suggested here.
-I love the idea of there being different graphics for different variations of markings (roans, splash, overo, etc).

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#71901 Posted on 2016-10-13 12:41:23

Some I have an opinion on are listed below::

5. Foundations cost real money in form of credits. Need to buy from other players to avoid using credits. == please implement a imit on how many foundations people can have (e.g. a few a week?) I hate seeing pages of horses in the rescue centre but I know lots of people on the game are looking for confo/colour so will not want to loose the affordability/availability of foundations

7. Cap on how many foals a horse can have. Minimum breeding age. (i.e. 5-10) = caps on how many foals YES, minimum breeding age I don't like as much but doen't fuss me....
Idea regarding this---- after a certain amount of foals, having offspring could negatively affect a mares stats/conformation (as it would in RL)

9. Horses age a year every day, or every 2-3 days. = plz noo

10. Game generated shows to balance out the lack of player shows. = I didnt realise we didn't have enough shows plz tell me what i should create :')

11. If game had a clear goal, everyone would aim for it. Be it stats, points, etc. instead of player oriented goals (high stats). = aw i like everyone having their goals

12. Standardized value for horses. I.e. Shifty Jim. = what does this mean

13. Turns could be stacked (could use 10 in a day, or not play for a few days and have more). Small bonuses for deluxe, such as an extra turn every few days. Extra turns could be a credit item. = what are turns :S

15. Treating returns to old way YES♥
Checkbox to select a group of horses to train/show at one time instead of doing each horse individually. YES♥

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#71967 Posted on 2016-10-14 08:32:08

I haven't been around long, so I'll give my new member perspective.

1. This is fine. No strong opinion.
2. I would love to see cross breeding for actual breeds, not just generic crossbreds.
3. Possibly. I think movement would be a great addition here.
4. I like this. It offers good incentives.
5. Nope.
6. Nope.
7. Nope. Unrealistic.
8. No. I am not a fan of turn based games at all. I would probably leave the game if it switched.
9. 2-3 days is too often. 5-6 would be fine. Honestly, I think the current week is perfect.
10. Yes.
11. No. Player oriented goals create more variety.
12. No. Unrealistic.
13. No support for any turns.
14. Yes. I like this.
15. Yes.
16. I like this! It would be fun to have to qualify for something :)

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#72118 Posted on 2016-10-15 12:47:46

I feel like how often horses age right now is good enough

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#72226 Posted on 2016-10-16 14:32:43

Forgot to mention- I really don't like #9.

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#72525 Posted on 2016-10-19 10:27:22

the tutorial is nice; but not being able to ask questions on the forums until you're level 3 really bugged me. I had questions, surfed the forums and could not find answers. I finally broke down and messaged a mod.

I would like to see ONE space in the forums for brand new people to ask questions in.

As a very new player; here is my take on the above questions:

1. Medallions. Jobs, - yes; this is feasible as long as it's balanced between new players and others who've been playing longer.
2. no crossbreeding. there are enough horse breeds already and not enough players to play them all in every specialty
3. no More breeding factors –8 conformation areas is plenty to try balancing
4. no Items/treats produced by players, too much stat boost is NOT a good thing
5. no Foundations cost real money in form of credits but limit on foundation per week would be alright. I HATE being forced to buy other players "castoffs" on these games!! Its NOT fair to newer players
6. no Foundations available for limited periods of the year -perhaps a limit of 5 per week (for me, i like the idea of starting a new line from foundations)
7. YES!! definitely Cap on how many foals a horse can have. Minimum breeding age. (i.e. 5-10) perhaps 4 years old and mares limit according to her conf (eg

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#73219 Posted on 2016-10-24 15:37:57

Sorry I didn't see this sooner, I haven't been on the forums much (or the game for that matter).

1. No. I strongly dislike the idea of "jobs" (unless it's optional and doesn't give an advantage to those who use it - have it only be for a small amount of EVD as a 'reward'). There's already too much to do that takes too much time because everything is so tedious. If you want to award medallions or something I would suggest it being for things like meeting breeding goals, showing goals, stuff like that that wouldn't require any extra work since it's stuff everyone is already doing.

2. Don't really care since I don't do it, but if this were to happen I would like to see pedigrees easily marked to indicate 'repeat' horses in a pedigree (like how real life TB pedigrees are designed - makes it easily find horses that show up more than once). Bahahaha ignore that. I read it as 'limited inbreeding', not 'limited crossbreeding'. Dur. Anyway, no, UNLESS it's true to life. And even then it should be extremely limited.

3. As long as it doesn't factor in to showing or breeding, that'd be cool. Just something to 'personalize' the horse a bit more.

4. Not interested. As long as it doesn't give anyone an advantage over those who don't have time/desire to do extra stuff I don't see where it would hurt anything though.

5. NO NO NO NO NO absolutely not.

6. NO. There is zero reason to restrict foundations to limited time periods or only be available to people who have money to blow on a game. I don't want to see the way foundations now work changed at all, but if it absolutely had to be, I'd say go back to capping them per week, but at a much higher number than before. Fifty, or something like that, but really, I'd rather they stay just as they are. Unwanteds that stay in the RC get deleted by the game anyway, so it's not like there are a ton of extras taking up server space.

7. While I cringe at some of the insane numbers of foals I see on some horses, I don't think a cap is needed. Those lines are easy enough to avoid. I don't think the minimum breeding age needs to be changed. I think a tutorial on "smart" breeding might be helpful (I would be willing to write it if it were to come to be).

8. NO. I detest "turn-based" games. I can see this majorly screwing up things like breeding plans and allowing people to take advantage. It's fine the way it is.

9. No. A week is perfect.

10. Maybe...? Probably would be a good idea, though I think we should see how the new showing system goes before changing anything (I do realize you wrote this before the showing change).

11. I can see something like this being interesting. What about certain awards for meeting certain game-set goals? Trophies, ribbons - maybe placed on the horse's page rather than the player's page? I think that could be fun. I would say breeding goals, showing goals (and would like to see the return of conformation shows which could be something else to have goals for).

12. Ehhh... not so sure on this. I know it was a thing in the past, but *most* people seem to price in a similar manner (there are, of course, exceptions, but it's usually people who haven't been playing for very long and don't understand how most of us generally price horses). It would have to take in to consideration stats, confo, and in some cases color. Maybe even showing success. I dunno. Could try it though I think most of us do a pretty reasonable job as it is.

13. NO NO NO NO NO. I will not play a turn-based game. They're awful.

14. YES. I have been asking for this very thing for months, I think it would be an excellent addition for those who like to auction horses. I see so many people say they won't bid on horses at auction, so this way, those of us who will could go see all of them in one place, and I suspect it would make it easier for owners to get horses sold. I'd like it to include an alert if you're outbid on a horse you've bid on.

15. YES YES YES YES YES omg yes. *Especially* the treating part. Some days I don't bother because it takes forever and isn't all *that* valuable in relation to how tedious it is. I fail to understand why this was even changed in the first place. I think I was the one that originally suggested being able to train multiple horses at once, because there again it's so tedious and takes forever. I'd love to see breed-based competition, too.

16. Yes! This is a great idea. I do think any award graphics should be a permanent addition though, perhaps with the date on them. Cool cool cool. I'm all in on this one.

re: breeding- I have no problem with the way it is now. I think the way Abbey designed it works pretty darn well. If people want to breed faster than the system allows there are EVC products to help do that.

re: stats- it's insanely easy to pile stats on to horses now, so if anything were to change it ought to be to slow that down a little bit (though not back to the crazy slow way it was in the previous version of the game).

re: showing- since it's just been altered I have no opinion since I want to see how this new way works out.

My other thoughts (some of which I know have already been shot down, but I'm gonna repeat them anyway, lol)-

A few more breeds (I mean like 2-3, not a zillion - my thoughts are Saddlebreds and Standardbreds). More disciplines or a breakdown of existing disciplines (e.g. "western" is pretty generic. What is it? Arena pleasure? Trail? Barrel racing? There are a ton of 'western' disciplines). Eventing and 'gaited' (if we're going generic) would be awesome (I'd love something more realistic for my TWHs).

Something needs to be done with clubs. I totally burned out on running a club (even though I'm still a president, but I did that so the registry wouldn't get backed up - I'm doing exactly nothing else with the club this month). There has got to be a way to get them more incorporated in to the game and make players more interested in doing things with them. I had some ideas some months ago though never got around to posting them. I can try and do that if someone wants me to, though I'm not sure I remember everything I'd come up with.

I think that's everything.

*Please note that everything here is only my opinion and I am not trying to speak for anyone else. Things that are emphasized (as in, capitalized) are done so for, well, emphasis. I'm not yelling at anyone, lol. I realize I'm pretty blunt, but don't take any of it as combative or anything like that, because it isn't meant that way. And while these are just my opinions and I know one person is of little consequence, there are at least four suggestions up there that would cause me to quit, which I would rather not do.

Last edited on 2016-10-24 at 19:25:36 by Rising Dawn

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#73222 Posted on 2016-10-24 15:50:00

I has idea.
I don't know if this already exists or not, as I've never been president. But if it doesn't ADD IT PLEASE!!!

The ability to kick out registered horses. Just please. The new TB club rule is that horses can't have real-life famous-horse names, but yet some of those registered before Rowan Ashwell's presidency have IRL names (Man O' War, War Admiral, ect...)

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#73228 Posted on 2016-10-24 16:09:51

I've been avoiding answering all these because I'm A. lazy and B. there are a lot of questions and C. I really don't want to start an argument. ;)

Anyway my personal opinions.

1. So long as this is a way to earn money but doesn't effect breeding, stats, etc or if it was something that required very little time/effort to do.
2. I'd really prefer not to have cross-breeding; the games I've played that had crossing breeding crosses were nearly worthless and very difficult to sell. I think that with the already slow horse market adding this wouldn't be beneficial.
3. I'm open to this.
4. Maybe... still not sold on the idea of jobs though so.
5. This may be the one thing that would cause me to move away from EV. Not that me leaving is a do-or-die of course ;)
6. A monthly cap maybe rather than a weekly one? And have it be rather high 50-100 horses. I could live with this change either way I think.
7A. Not really interested in a cap on number of foals that seems too constrictive and unrealistic.
7B. I could live with an increase in youngest breading age, but wouldn't want the age to be any higher than ~5.
8. NOPE, really don't like this idea at all.
9. This would be okay, but I like having 1 year = 1 week.
10. Not against this idea.
11. NOPE, I love having the freedom to focus on my own goals.
12. NOPE, this leads to a situation where individual players goals simply cannot all be accounted for. I feel pricing is rather consistent on this game already; maybe even a little stagnant already.
13. NOPE.
14. Yes please, I prefer to auction my horses so I could really use this function.
15A. YES to treats, though being able to assign a treat entire division and have the treats being given out at once with the click of a button would work too.
15B. I don't find training to be that bad honestly, but if this change were made it'd be cool with me.
15C. I never liked confo shows, but I'm not against them being added in again.
15D. Yes please, I'd love to be able to spay mares!
16. Sure I would enjoy having weekly championships.

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#73235 Posted on 2016-10-24 16:28:45

Raptorfang - no, at present horses cannot be removed from registries. I do think this would be helpful in the event a horse of the wrong breed was accepted in to a registry (and I'd say it would also need to return the registration fee). I've only ever had a couple of incorrect breeds submitted to my club though (which I caught before accepting), so I don't know how much of an actual problem that is.

That's... interesting, about the TB registry. :/ I was actually planning on getting some foundations to make my own 'dream barn' of famous TBs, past & present. Was there a reason the prez didn't want famous names used?

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#73237 Posted on 2016-10-24 16:43:13

Probably because it's... disrespectful to those horses? I really dunno. I mean, I was at one point going to do the same thing you are, lol, so I can't really say it's bad. I guess because it's not original? Plenty people can name their horses Secretariat because it's a known name, you know?

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#73247 Posted on 2016-10-24 17:54:12

1. support
2. yes! I'd love an appendix QH or a Paint QH etc
3. eh
4. eh, I agree on tack but not on treats
5. I don't like the idea of making this game cost more
6. see above
7. eh, I mean everyone should choose for their own horses
8. nah, I feel like it would mess everything up
9. no, I like the weekly aging, gives enough time for everything.
10. agree, its hard to find shows sometimes above novice
11. no, let people play for different reasons. Also, even if there was one, people would still aim for others.
12. no, because people aim for different things
13. I don't like the idea of turns, but what if for every day a horse didn't show the horse got an extra (single) show slot up until it capped out at 20 total (and once you use those the timer restarts)
14. eh
15. treats- yes, but you can choose multiple treats; training- yes!; confo shows - maybe breed specific ones and overall ones?; I don't support spaying mares unless it costs something like 50000 EVD or credits. IRL, we don't spay mares because of all the risks. While a gelding is very simple, and only takes around 30 min, spaying a mare tends to be painful and there can be scary complications, such as bleeding from the ovarian artery, which can be difficult to control.
16. I agree with

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#73267 Posted on 2016-10-24 19:13:39

Since all the cool kids are commenting on this thread now, I guess I'll follow the crowd. ;) (I meant to quite some time ago, and then totally forgot about it, lol)

1. Medallions/Jobs.
I really don't much care for the idea of jobs if they become something essentially mandatory. If it's something optional that would be a source of income (nothing outrageously high, but worthwhile if one wanted) or of items (like treats or something), then that would be nice. But if it would turn into "oh god, not yet another thing I have to do today", it would just be frustrating. I don't want the game itself to feel like a job I have to do.

2. Limited cross breeding.
There are three different types of crossbreeding I can think of, and all of them I have different opinions on, lol.
2A The first is crossbreeding between breeds that result in foals that can be registered as purebreds. (At least in US registries; other countries could have different rules, I honestly have no idea.) For instance, breeding an appaloosa to a quarter horse results in a horse that would be registerable as an appaloosa. (But maybe not registerable as a QH, as QHs can't have appy markings.)
I think this would be a cool feature, and would open up some opportunities for genetic diversity between breeds, and cooperation between breeders of different breeds. It could also be a very neat bit of realism, and even in some ways an educational opportunity for people interested in real-world details of the breeds they work with. However, it would be limited to a relatively small number of breeds that are currently available in-game, and would require some formal research into registry requirements to ensure that all the valid outcrosses were accounted for. Even so, it would be the type that would require the least amount of work from a coding/implementation/art/etc standpoint.
I can also see it creating kind of a headache, as many people might be confused as to why and how some horses are cross-able and some aren't.

2B The second kind I can think of is any cross that is recognized as its own breed. (Like an Andalusian crossed with a Friesian is a Warlander or an Arabian and a Saddlebred create a National Show Horse [of course that one doesn't apply, since we don't have saddlebreds]). This seemed to be the type that Abbey was vaguely considering in a post where she talked about features under consideration, and that these crosses would only be available by breeding, and not as foundations. I totally recognize why a lot of people oppose this, since it would create so many new "breeds" when there are already issues with how many people actively work with the ones we have. But... I think it would be really fun and actually would love this to happen, even if were pretty far in the future. ><
Again, it would require some research into what crosses result in recognized breeds/crosses, and would probably also require new art for all of these breeds, so the horses would be visually distinguishable from the purebred horses they're descended from. But I think it could encourage cooperation between people who breed different breeds, and add some diversity to the game. (I also think this would almost have to then come with the first type of crossbreeding as well, since it would seem very strange if you could breed a totally separate crossbreed, yet not cross breeds that result in a purebred.) It would also require an official list of some kind as to what crossbreeds were possible in the game.

2C The third type would be an anything-goes type crossbreeding, where you can cross any type of horse with any type of horse and get either an acceptable real-world crossbreed, or could wind up with "grade" style mutt horses. This I emphatically do NOT support, as those unrecognizable crosses (clydedale/shetlands! arab/minis!) could easily flood the market with low-value unwanted mutt horses. And trying to create art for all possible crosses (especially if you got into horses with four or ten or however many breeds in their pedigree) would be completely impossible, which would mean either having a generic image or an image indistinguishable from another breed. I can't see any positives to this, to be honest.

3. More breeding factors – height, temperament, etc.
I'd support this as a cute additional bit of information, kind of to personalize a horse, or as a pure "vanity" type project that you could breed for if you chose. But I would emphatically not want it to impact showing or anything, as I would hate for one random trait to potentially undo months (or years!) of work on a line.

4. Items/treats produced by players...
This seems like it would go along with the first suggestion regarding jobs. I'm not real sold on those in general, and wouldn't want to be at a severe disadvantage if I didn't have time to do an in-game job. I'd especially not want jobs to net anything that would significantly improve the stats of a horse; stats are already extremely easy to pile on (which I like!), but I would not want to risk serious stat inflation by making it even easier. If it's an opportunity to farm your own turnips or whatever, so you benefit by not having to purchase them, that could be nice.

5. Foundations cost real money in form of credits.
I completely hate the idea of that. Especially with the inbreeding block, players *have* to bring in new blood eventually. This can already be a challenge; making it harder would be terrible.

6. Foundations available for limited periods of the year...
I also really dislike this idea. I've honestly started several of my breeds on whims, which I couldn't do if foundations weren't available at the time. And I wouldn't like the idea of being unable to get new foundations if I realized I needed/wanted them. (If my schedule of time/energy doesn't match with the game's schedule of availability, that would suck.) Especially for new players, this could be really difficult to cope with.

7. Cap on # of foals/minimum breeding age
To be honest, while I think it would solve a lot of the things I view as "problems", I don't want to tell other people how to play the game. I seriously cringe at the number of foals some horses have, and it frustrates me to see people start breeding their horses as soon as they hit 3, but... well, if that's how that player wants to play, and they enjoy it, I don't want to tell them they can't.

8. “Turns” can be taken at player’s leisure to speed up playing progress.
Really dislike this idea. I do NOT want to play a turn-based game, *especially* one where someone with time to burn can advance significantly faster than everyone else. It would make the game so uneven it would be *harder* to work with other players, as everyone could be moving at a different rate. Especially when we have so many time-based systems (aging, gestation, breeding, showing), having them happen whenever a player likes would be chaotic.
I recall Abbey mentioning the possibility of a cron system that runs based on when a player logs in (so that if you skip a day, your account is essentially automatically locked.) That's somewhat turn-based, but I think I could cope with it. (Not really a fan, but wouldn't immediately send me running.)
But something where players choose to take as many turns as they like is... no.

9. Horses age a year every day, or every 2-3 days.
I like the way horses age now. Having them age faster would speed up the long lifespan, and allow for quicker breeding, but I really do prefer the way it works now.

10. Game generated shows...
This might now be obsolete with the new showing system, as we can create shows for immediate use.

11. Set goal in the game...
I don't like this one, as I think it's a *good* thing that people can set their own goals. Stats, conformation, and color are the most popular, obviously, but it's fairly varied between which of those things people care the most about.
I do have a semi-related suggestion that I've seen hinted at earlier in the thread, but I expand on below.

12. Standardized value for horses.
I was one of the people to repeatedly suggest this, but... I'm not even as much of a fan of it anymore. I think that there are so many variables in the way people value their own horses that it's basically impossible to have a truly set value for them, as so many factors go into each horse.
It was mentioned a few times, but I don't know that anyone did so... but I think this would be a better player-led feature, rather than something in-game. If we could create some kind of guide and dialogue around why and how horses can be fairly priced, I think that would be more helpful. It still frustrates me to see people drastically overpricing horses or making insultingly low offers, but I think players coming up with guidelines would be better.

13. Turns could be stacked ...
Back with the turn-based gameplay, and I still do not like it. Again, especially if people with extra time/money can advance faster than everyone else.

14. Public auction house...
I usually put my horses up for direct sale, but if this would get people more involved in the horse market (I'm sure I'd go just to browse at what's available) then I'm all for it! (I'd want a bit more info about how exactly it would work, but I am a fan of the idea.)

15A Treating returns to old way
YES PLEASE. Or at least offer some method of mass-treating, like assigning a treat to a whole division, or offering a checkbox selection system.

15B Checkbox to select a group of horses to train/show
YES PLEASE. Especially for training. (For showing I'm not sure how to implement it, considering the way horses are currently sorted.) But offering a checkbox system to train several horses in the same arena would be fantastic!

15C Bring back confo shows...
Yes on confo shows, and having it be by breed would be nice as well, since the best confo scores in the game tend to be in the same breed, so giving more people a chance to compete would be nice.
I don't know if the suggestion meant awarding conformation points as in the horse's actual conformation could be improved by winning, or as a separate kind of point score, just keeping track of the horse's success. The former I do not like, since it would additionally make the winning horses continually harder to beat, and would take away from what's currently one of the more challenging things to breed for. If they meant the latter, yes, I like the idea of a conformation point score kept separate from the points the horse earns in regular shows.

15D Spay mares.
Yes, this would be helpful. I realize it's not a common real-life procedure, but since we can no longer delete horses, it would be kind of nice from the perspective of controlling your lines.

16. Weekly championships...
This could be fun as well! I think that this was kind of what the club shows were meant to be, but having it be something where horses have to qualify for it could be a nice challenge. :)

Okay, so that's just my reactions to the already-suggested things. As for other things that I've considered...

Player and Horse Achievements
I think having badges/trophies/achievements for players and horses would be a really cool bit of encouragement. It could fit in a bit with the above suggestions regarding game-set goals, but without limiting what people can focus on. Ribbons signifying certain markers could appear on a player's page, showing that they reached that goal, and the goals themselves could be varied. There could be conformation ones, like a ribbon or a badge for breeding a foal with 70+, 80+, and 90+ overall conformation. And stat ones, like having a horse reach 500, 750, 1000, 1500, etc. stats. Or having a foal born with 500, 750, etc. stats. Or even things like a player's horses entering a certain total number of shows, the player having a certain amount of money in the bank, or other potential goals. (About the only goal I can think of that would be hard to encompass with this would be color, since that's so variable by breed.)
These could either just be displayed on the player's profile page, or could be a separate page like the trophy cabinet. If they were on their own page, it could be set up with greyed-out spots for each ribbon/badge that would be filled in when the player hit that goal. It could get some people to branch out into different goals, and offer encouragement and recognition for various ways in which people have been successful. They could also come with one-time monetary prizes (1k to 5k, maybe, depending on how difficult an accomplishment it was).
There could also be ribbons of some kind for horses to have displayed on their page, like having reached a certain number of show entries, show placings, show wins, money earned, etc.

New Breeds (but slowly)
I know that this has been suggested and denied many times, and I really do understand why. I really want this game to grow to the point that it's feasible for it to support more breeds, and I recognize it might just not be at that point yet.
But if at some point it were considered feasible (as in art could be afforded, there was a robust enough player base, etc.) I think it would be cool if new breeds were introduced as part of a celebration, like either new years or Equiverse's birthday. Prior to this, there could be some kind of discussion where people could nominate and advocate for the breed or breeds they most think should be added into the game. Abbey could then narrow it down to a list that could be voted on, and voting could be open for a certain length of time. Then the winning breed (or even top two or three, if desired) could be released as part of some sort of site celebration. I think this would offer a slow enough roll out (somewhere in the range of 1-3 breeds in a year) that art could be afforded, and that people could be hyped enough to want the new breed, so it could find a place in the horse market.

I absolutely agree with above comments regarding integrating clubs more thoroughly. Sadly, I still don't really know how to do that, but I *love* what I feel like clubs could be... and yet it seems almost impossible to keep people engaged with them. (I'm guilty too!) I don't know what to do to make them more beneficial to players or easier to interact with, or what. But I want them to be a bigger deal!

All Time Hall of Fame
This has absolutely been suggested before (and was mentioned in this thread) but I want to throw my support behind it.
Our current "Hall of Fame" is actually more of a leaderboard; I'd like that to remain, but for there to *also* be a section that has the all-time leaders for any given breed/category. So you can compare how the best horses of now are doing compared to the best horses ever. (Theoretically, the all time best should keep getting replaced as new horses surpass them, but I still want to know which horses have truly been the best *ever* in the game.)

Semi-related to both the leaderboard and the achievements suggestion above:
I would love for it to be displayed on a horse's page whether they've ever made it onto the leaderboard, either for their specific breed or overall. I'd say it should only display the highest spot they achieved (so not "this horse was fourth, third, second, and first highest stats for arabians; it would just say that the horse had reached first highest.) It could also maybe give the most recent date (or the first date, whichever people think would be most impressive) that they held that honor. This would also remain, even if they fell to a lower spot. It would just mark that they'd gotten that spot.

Pattern and Color updates:
There's an active thread where Abbey is seeking information so that the current breeds can be updated to accurately reflect the colors and patterns that realistically exist for them. I am super in favor of that!
However, I'd really like a couple of the existing patterns to be made more realistic. (In NO WAY do I want to seem like I don't appreciate our amazing artist, and all the work they did!) But in some breeds, certain patterns do not actually look like they look in real life. For instance, overo in minis is awesome! But overo in TWHs looks kind of like someone just sprayed a can of white spraypaint willy-nilly over the horse. Sabino is also sometimes a little off looking.
It's purely aesthetic preference, but with such good breed lineart and such amazing colors, I'd like the patterns to have a similar level of realism.

Ways to minimize tedium
The only thing I ever dislike about the game is when some aspects seem very repetitive or tedious. (I know there's always going to be a lot of clicking, and I don't want every task to somehow be automated, but certain things are *really* tedious.) The biggest one is treating, in my opinion, and it's been suggested many many times to alter that, and I think it's on the list of things in-progress.
Checkbox lists for training would also be super helpful in speeding up daily tasks.
Another one for me is clicking through to finish all of the schooling that I have horses entered in. However, I'm not actually sure how to remedy that, since you get individual results regarding stats/items for each horse. Doing it all at once could be a big task for the server, and would generate a lot of info for so many horses at once. (Treating could run into the same problem.) Perhaps a mass action that takes you to a page that lists the results for each horse. Like...
Horse A got +3 end and a green apple
Horse B got +1 agi and a turnip, hay cube, and yellow apple
and so on down the page? I'm not sure how to do it, just that I'd like it to require less repeated click-scroll-click-scroll-click.

Site Events
Final suggestion that I remember for now: site events always seemed to really energize people. The snowball fight, pumpkin carving, etc. often seemed to make people excited to play and do stuff around the site, so I think having regular holiday or seasonal events like that was a fun opportunity. They may not be feasible until things have evened out a bit more in terms of bugs/features/etc being worked out, but I do think they were nice things.

(Um... enjoy that novel.)

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#73352 Posted on 2016-10-25 12:09:53

@ Crossroad Farms:
Horses can't be harmed by anything on EV except neglect, so even though spaying mares irl can be dangerous, it wouldn't be on here. Just saying :)

@Only the Wind:

Last edited on 2016-10-25 at 12:15:45 by Raptorfang™Ω

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#125204 Posted on 2017-10-22 14:32:37

Like everyone else, 5+6 are not ideas I would ever support! I'm currently reworking my herd at the moment, and if something like this were to happen I would be unable to do this! No! No! No!

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