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[ADDED] *Approval/Refusal for Transfers

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Topic is locked [ADDED] *Approval/Refusal for Transfers

#61297 Posted on 2016-08-14 14:34:45

This suggestion has been marked as "Added To The Game". Thank you, Confessor, for the suggestion and to those of you who supported for making Equiverse better!

I would like to propose that we add the ability to approve or refuse transfers from other players.

I am not the only one who has had people randomly transfer horses to me without asking first if I wanted them.  In some cases, someone is returning a horse they purchased to its original owner, and others, it may be the gift of a foundation horse.  In either case, it can be a very inconvenient thing to suddenly own a horse you had no intention of bringing to your ranch.  

Having the option of approving or refusing a transfer would make it impossible for someone to add horses to someone else's ranch without their permission.

Last edited on 2017-08-29 at 15:31:50 by River

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#61301 Posted on 2016-08-14 14:47:17

Totally agree. I think it should be for items and money too. If a person accidentally sends money to the wrong person, the receiver could do the right thing and send it back.

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#61307 Posted on 2016-08-14 14:59:09

I totally support!!!!

@ Raptorfang - totally agree that this should apply to items, credits, & money besides horses. :)

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#61316 Posted on 2016-08-14 15:20:29

we already have the option to not allow transfers which covers any and all, horses money credits, etc...

i just had a mass transfer done to my account of 25 horses and personally would hate to have to go accept everything but i can see where it might come in handy to those who do not wish to have horses randomly transferred to them.
so, i'll support, or at the minimum support an option where you can block certain transfers too instead of ALL transfers.

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#61318 Posted on 2016-08-14 15:27:41

Someone just transferred me this lovely boy, he has 500+ stats. His confo isn't the best but I love his coat and his stats are amazing! I placed a bid of 15k on him but they just transferred him to me instead?

I'd like to say, I've been getting random horse/item transfers lately and they are extremely annoying, haha.

EDIT:I like to keep transfers on, but would love to have an option to turn certain transferring things (horses/money/items etc) off like treats, tack, food, etc.

Last edited on 2016-08-14 at 15:56:06 by ` K a l i m e r a

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#61320 Posted on 2016-08-14 15:45:19

Isn't this what the "Allow Transfers - Yes or No" function does?

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#61324 Posted on 2016-08-14 15:55:48

Ha, yeah, Kalimera, but you put a bid on him so I knew you wanted him. I have a policy of giving my sale ponies to people who are actively raising Chincoteagues, because there are so few people doing it, but only if they express interest in the horse. I would never just dump a horse on someone unless I knew they wanted it.

And Sonoma - the Allow Transfers - Yes or No can turn off transfers altogether, but that's not what I want. Transfers are useful things. I am open to receiving horses through transfer - maybe I've arranged a trade, or won a horse in a contest. But I don't want anyone to be able to dump horses on me without my permission. Right now, if someone allows any transfers at all, I can go to their page and just fill up their barns with my unwanted horses, and leave them to deal with it. I don't think that is something anyone should be able to do, even if they do want to use the transfer feature.

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#61329 Posted on 2016-08-14 16:34:26

Yeah, this isn't about getting transfers or not, it's about accepting them.
Imagine this: someone wants your rare plushie for a Black plushie. The trade takes place, and you were out a rare. Why? Because you couldn't decline it; it just immediately happened.
Now, let's say someone gives you a horse. It could go in your Notifications that 'so-and-so wants to transfer this horse to you', and you could either accept or decline. People can still transfer you stuff, but you have to accept first :)

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#61335 Posted on 2016-08-14 17:10:40

Well, no one can take your plushie without your permission, so I'm not sure it works that way, but you could, say, have room for one more horse, and have a bid out on one that you want, and someone else could decide to transfer a random horse to you and take up that slot. So then, the person selling the horse you want wouldn't be able to give it to you, and might decide to sell it to someone else. So, even if you end up transferring the horse back, or putting it in the Rescue Center, it may be too late and miss out on an important sale.

Potentially, someone could sabotage another player if they were in a bidding war for a horse they both want, by filling up their ranch with cheap horses. It would be a pretty rotten thing to do, and I would hope no one here would do it, but as things are, it is possible. Or you could just harass someone, just to be annoying.

Other people shouldn't be able to decide how you fill up your ranch capacity. Especially since it can be such a pricey thing. Right now, I'm at the point where expanding my ranch by five horses will cost me almost $100k. Why should someone else have a say in how I utilize a $20,000 slot?

I recently had four horses transferred to my ranch in one day, all without my permission, from two different people. One person bought some of my foals, kept them for a few weeks, and raised their non-specialty stats, then transferred them back to me. The other one was a new player who saw that my horses were well cared for and thought I should take in their unwanted foundations. I felt bad about the second, and debated for a while what I should do. While, in a way, I was flattered by the gift, I actually had no place in my breeding program for new foundations, and they were colors/patterns that I was actively trying to eliminate. I actually spent a day racking my brain what to do with the horses, so that I could live up to this new player's confidence in me, but I had to be honest with myself that it just made no sense to keep them.

The two horses that I had owned previously that were returned, I wasn't nearly so conflicted over. Obviously, I put those horses up for sale because I didn't want them. I'm going to want them even less after someone else has spent weeks raising them in a way that completely spoils them for my purpose. I feel like their owner didn't want to go through the bother of selling them, and so pushed the task on me. That shouldn't be something that a person can do.

I'm currently president of the Chincoteague Club, and I recently chose a random winner from the active Chincoteague owners who were club members, and gave them a custom Chincoteague of their choosing. I could have loaded that thing up with all the rare genetics available, and just dumped it on their doorstep. Yay, free ponies, right? Wrong. I asked permission. If the person said no, I would have chosen another winner.

In real life, you have to ask people to take in your animals, even if they are valuable animals. Why should Equiverse be any different?

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#61342 Posted on 2016-08-14 17:50:52

Would a temporary fix (until this were to get coded) be to not allow transfers, and then if you KNOW that you have something coming from another player (horse, payment, etc.), set yourself to allow? Once the thing you were waiting on is received it can be turned off again.

Not a long term solution, but a temporary fix for a problem I wasn't aware of.

EDIT: I didn't mean to sound rude with the "problem I wasn't aware of" bit. I just meant that this was the first I'd heard people discussing it; my awareness doesn't make it any less prevalent. I'm sorry if that came out wrong.

EDIT TWO: Holy typos.

Last edited on 2016-08-14 at 18:14:12 by Sonoma

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#61343 Posted on 2016-08-14 18:04:16

Yeah, it could be a temporary fix, and I'm debating doing that until something more versatile can be implemented. I just hate to turn the tap off completely, because I actually do use the transfer feature, to an increasing degree.

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#61378 Posted on 2016-08-15 01:20:02

People have transferred random horses to me before, some of them I keep, but I would like to be able to say no sometimes. :) I support!

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#61457 Posted on 2016-08-15 12:16:06

I know you can't get your plushies stolen, but I've been playing another game for a while where you do trade, so I was imagining not being able to accept on that game, my bad!

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#78873 Posted on 2016-12-09 19:53:05

No support. If someone transfers you a horse/treat/etc, you ALWAYS have to option to dump/delete the item.

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#78881 Posted on 2016-12-09 20:03:35

^Yes, but that is wasting the item.

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