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Would you rather?

#166363 Posted on 2018-04-12 23:35:18

I haven't studied Ilvermorny houses, but apparently the horned serpent is like Ravenclaw, which I am, so I'm ok with that haha. I'd still choose Hogwarts though.

Would you rather go to the beach or to the mountains?

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#166396 Posted on 2018-04-13 09:48:35

Beach right now cause I'm sick of snow, but usually I'd actually prefer mountains, they're cooler, and you usually don't get sunburned on them, lol.

WYR ride a horse in a forest or on a meadow?

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#166527 Posted on 2018-04-13 20:14:15

Forest. A meadow would not be as satisfying. 

WYR play a card game or a board game? (I'm big on board games. My whole family is. Candyland? Ugh no. We do the real stuff. XD)

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#166556 Posted on 2018-04-13 22:52:00

Board game. (Same, I don’t play Candyland  and actually don’t know how, lol. I usually play by myself though, it’s not as fun as with someone but it works!) 

WYR be stuck in the hospital for two days, sick, or be forced to stay in your bed at home sick for a week? (I’d go with at home, I avoid hospitals at all costs lol.)

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#166563 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:19:21

Honestly, I'd have to say hospital cause for some reason I love hospitals lol. AND THEIR BEDDING IS SO SOFT (yes I've been stuck in a hospital before)

Wyr have only water for the rest of your life, or have only pop to drink, but every other week?

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#166566 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:22:11

I’d go with water, suprisingly. Lol. (And I’ve been in hospitals before as well, but I really hate them, lol. XD)

WYR have a mini horse inside (that’s potty trained) or a dog the size of a mini? 

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#166570 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:28:18

Dog cause I imagine like a great dane, and I've always wanted a great dane. They're such sweet dogs tbh

Wyr break collar bone, or break both of your arms?

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#166572 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:31:27

Collarbone. I’ve already broken my collarbone once, so yah. (And ditto, lol. I’d LOVE an Irish Wolfhound, they’re the tallest breed of dog in the world, and I like big animals lol.)

WYR be a veterinarian or a doctor? (I’d go vet, I’m much better with animals then people)

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#166573 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:32:45

Doctor, sorry I've already decided. But to be overly truthful, nurse lol

Wyr have one horse, or 4 cats?

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#166576 Posted on 2018-04-13 23:36:33

Horse!!!! I mean, I already have 3 horses in rl and like 6 cats, and cats are sweet but like, horses win. Hands down. 

WYR have cattle or oxen? 

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#166596 Posted on 2018-04-14 00:05:49

I googled this to answer, haha. I don't drink milk, so I think I'd go with oxen.

Would you rather always talk in rhymes or sing instead of speak?

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#166610 Posted on 2018-04-14 00:27:13

sing instead of speak, cause musicals are awesome like that; but talking in rhymes would be awesome to...

Wyr have one year of no music, or listen to your least favorite music for the rest of your life?

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#166617 Posted on 2018-04-14 00:34:56

#1. Hands down. XD

WYR break your leg or break both arms? 

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#166832 Posted on 2018-04-14 18:48:23

Leg. I've broken one before so I know what it's like, and at least you are still fairly independent haha.

Would you rather be without elbows or be without knees?

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#166854 Posted on 2018-04-14 19:48:03

Mine are bad any way  (thanks CP) but I need elbowssss
WYR miss a week of your least favorite subject or miss a week of your favorite subject 
(Ive done both lol)

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