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#166035 Posted on 2018-04-11 17:43:15

Same, Disney World. 
WYR have a pet fox, or a pet wolf?

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#166063 Posted on 2018-04-11 18:39:20

PET WOLF!!!! I’ve heard their howls around our place and seen them from a distance in the wild, I’m so in love with them lol. Whereas my experience with foxes is when they try to get into my chicken coop. XD

WYR have a pet tiger or a pet lion? 

Last edited on 2018-04-12 at 10:06:30 by Midnight Outlaw

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#166071 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:16:59

Tiger. Duh. XD I mean, lions are cool and all ...
WYR have a pet dog or cat? (DOG DOG DOG)

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#166074 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:20:50

Umm, that’s a bit of a hard one, as I have both, but I’ll go with dogs. A huge, fast dog that can accompany me on my rides like my big dog that I have now does, lol. XD

WYR have a cheetah or a cougar as a pet? 

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#166084 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:40:42

Umm ... huh ... RGH *after the internal struggle, Coco finally masters herself and comes up with ...* Which one???
I'll go with cheetah. Because. XD

WYR have a Griffin(Gryphon, Gryffin, Griphon,) or a Dragon as a pet/companion? (I'm killing myself with this one, but I guess Dragon.)

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#166085 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:42:26


WYR be allergic to bananas or walnuts  (I'm allergic to both lol

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#166086 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:42:47

Edit: posted same time as Bandit lol. I’ll go with banana cause I anyways don’t like them, lol. 

WYR have a Centuar or a Unicorn as a friend? 

Last edited on 2018-04-11 at 19:43:55 by Midnight Outlaw

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#166089 Posted on 2018-04-11 19:49:41

Depends on what type, but I'll go with Centaur. (Narnia-style :3)

WYR have a pet fish or frog?

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#166201 Posted on 2018-04-12 10:05:55

Hmm, that’s a hard one, and I’ve had both, but I’ll go with frog. I love African Dwarf Frogs and have had several before. 

WYR have to be in bed all day sick or have to do school ALL day? 

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#166323 Posted on 2018-04-12 19:13:50

School all day. (I'm homeschooled, lol)
WYR have a balloon animal or a helium balloon? (IDK, I'm tired)

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#166325 Posted on 2018-04-12 19:57:43

A helium balloon so I could make the funny voice haha

Would you rather be able to teleport or fly?

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#166326 Posted on 2018-04-12 20:03:05

Teleport. I can already fly by horseback, lol. 

WYR be able to control the wind or earth? 

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#166351 Posted on 2018-04-12 22:26:52

Wind. :3

WYR have a cozy campfire evening with whoever you wanted to be there, or a just-you indoors reading cozy evening?

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#166356 Posted on 2018-04-12 22:44:29

#1. I love campfires, and I’d probably choose my Dad, we often do that anyways in the summer, sit around the firepit and have Spitz and s’mores, lol. 

WYR travel by plane or boat? 

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#166362 Posted on 2018-04-12 23:10:23

Depends on where to, but I'll go with boat because I don't get to do it often. ^.^

WYR go to Hogwarts or Ilvermorny?

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