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2 designs for auction (closed)

ForumsCharacter Sales → 2 designs for auction (closed)

2 designs for auction (closed)

#276090 Posted on 2024-11-23 21:44:05

a little pair i whipped up in an hour

1. mealy wild bay tobiano

2. blue bubble thingy

base used

SB for both is 10k
MI for both is 5k
mixed payment okay, 1 EVC = $100k (please bid in EVD only to keep things clear)
auction ends on Sep 26th 16:00 EV time

1. SB by
2. SB by

credit me as designer on any future refs (#121399 on EV or forgottenland on TH)
you may design the other side as long as you follow the above rule
do not sell for more than paid unless with additional art
use on EV and personal sites/galleries is okay, ask before using on other sites
do not make major alterations to the design
minor adjustments to the colors and patterns is fine as well as creating addons
you must let me know if this design is being sold off of EV

i would appreciate a chance to buy the design back if you no longer want it in the future

Last edited on 2024-11-24 at 10:38:43 by forgottenland

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#276092 Posted on 2024-11-23 22:27:08

Ooh pretty! Can I make an offer of 1 mill each to auto buy? (Also asking if you accept if it’s okay to put charries in my th account)

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#276096 Posted on 2024-11-24 10:38:49

omg that's really generous! yes you can AB, my user on TH is the same as here (forgottenland). thank you so much!

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