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[delete] Breed specific shows

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Topic is locked [delete] Breed specific shows

#274354 Posted on 2024-07-09 23:26:51

*Now I know implementing Suggestions is on hold, but if suggestions are implemented again in the future I will just leave this here. I have searched the form suggestions and didn't see anything that is remotely like this.*

As of late I have found it difficult to enter my horses into shows and have been gushing EVD because of it, the shows are too none restrictive, and I have tried breed-specific shows in the past and still had every breed in the game compete in those shows, it is one of the reasons why I haven't renewed my deluxe account in some time. As stated before I have posted shows that were listed as 'Quarter Horse Show Only' and have had every other breed other than Quarter Horses enter the Shows, and it is making it harder and harder to show my horses, but I digress. 

I propose breed-specific shows to help with the overloading of shows so breeders can get an accurate assessment of how well their horses do in shows before offering them up for brood, stud, or selling. Most players I have interacted with will not buy a horse unless they have a nice win-to-loss ratio. This means their Win, Place, and Show must be higher than their losses for each show they are put into. I have Quarter Horses that should be winning, placing, or showing, in shows that are being beaten by other breeds. I believe this will help with the over-running of comps and allow players to get a more accurate win based on breed.

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#274360 Posted on 2024-07-10 10:54:26

If you're dissatisfied with how many shows your horses are winning, you may want to focus on reducing their non-spec stats (NSS).  Most people avoid NSS above 60.

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#274363 Posted on 2024-07-10 14:44:06

The thing is shows need to have at least 5 entries to receive winnings/stats (can't remember which), and horses need to be entered in 10 shows to be shown for the day. Due to the number of players, there aren't enough players/horses in certain disciplines for shows to run properly. I do racing shetlands and have a few horses over several different grades sometimes shows will run with only 2 or 3 entries therefore the amount of stats/winnings are not covered. 

Also, a lot of deluxe players use the Auto Showing feature therefore each horse will be entered into shows randomly, the players cannot pick and choose what show the horse is entered in. The game randomly assigns the horse into 10 shows, therefore some shows might have 5 to 10 entries in one show and only 3 or 4 in another. I have seen shows run that have like 6 or 8 (up to 10) of just my horses. Only the top 3 horses will have stats assigned to it, the rest go without which is why players will sometimes not use the auto-show feature and will pick and choose what horse is entered into what show to allow an even distribution of stats across all their horses. I cannot be bothered doing that due to the amount of horses I show each day (close to 300+) used to be over 500. So I just let the game automatically do it, for time management's sake.

The problem with breed-specific shows is that there simply aren't enough horses of each breed for shows to run optimally, like I said my favorite breed is Racing Shetlands. With 100+ horses already they are spread across novice, and local and I have only a handful of regional horses there aren't enough of them for shows to run properly. 

What you would be suggesting would require an extreme overhaul of the showing system, which the game cannot afford as it requires the whole game to be recoded due to the number of players we have, and the limited resources the game already lacks. Also touching the showing system is something most players are wary of, the showing system was tweaked a year or so ago and it caused a lot of mixed reviews, and some players quit due to it. 

The game also doesn't require a need for an accurate assessment of breeds, as horses that are in the hall of fame are assessed across all disciplines, and like I said before some people choose to breed certain breeds in unusual or uncommon disciplines. To be frank, the reason your horses are not competing like they should is due to them having a higher-than-average NSS. NSS is regarded as the make or break of showing in horses. 

NSS used to be the only way horses were assessed in shows before confirmation was recently added. Therefore if two horses are put into the same show that have relatively similar conformation, the game will rely on NSS to calculate the winner. This is why most players aim for as low as possible NSS with anything below 60 being optimal for showing horses with the lower NSS considered better. It may seem counter-intuitive but none-specialty stats are the total number of stats that DO NOT contribute to a discipline. Therefore if you consider the Western discipline which is speed and intellect, non-specialty stats would be Strength, Agility, and endurance these stats have to be as low as possible. 

Hope that helps, 
(also I hope someone clarifies how shows are calculated as I'm not sure if my explanation is correct) 

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#274364 Posted on 2024-07-10 15:31:05

while i think this is a nice idea, i personally haven't had issues with winning or placing in shows.
if anything, there's not enough horses entering shows these days. as Laureal mentioned we need 5 entries per show to both earn stats and earn more winnings than fees paid (less than 5 entries means even if you win, you will earn way less than you paid in fees), so a lot of my showing is trying to ensure i can reach that number.

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#274372 Posted on 2024-07-10 18:50:34

@Belkar I see the game through my own eyes and the horses I once had, quarter horses were bred to have broad chests and big booties. They are good at anything realistically you put them in this is most likely why people are leaving Equiverse. Everyone has a diffrent style and you want to limit it to one style for everyone or, that is how you sound anyway.

@Laureal they are still over-flooding the comps and it is one of the reasons I do not use auto-show, it should be completely removed from the game period.

@forgottenland did you ever think that people are leaving because of the whole issue of 'Low NSS' breeding and still not be able to get wins? Let alone the fact the auto-show add-on should be removed completely?

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#274373 Posted on 2024-07-10 19:02:05

?? of course i do...? people have had issues with the NSS system ever since it was added, i've watched it happen for so long. you say everyone has their own style of playing and that's true, for years i've been against suggestions that would force people to only focus on NSS and make other aspects of the game lose their relevance. i don't need to be told to consider how others play the game. but your suggestion is entirely based around your unique playstyle that many other regular players don't use, so i personally don't see how that would benefit the playerbase as a whole.

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#274374 Posted on 2024-07-10 19:03:24

I have no personal opinion on how people "should" play the game, but it sounds like your methods aren't getting the results you want.  Hence my advice regarding NSS.

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#274375 Posted on 2024-07-10 19:04:59

This is the reason why many players are leaving Equiverse and why players are discouraged from suggesting anything. I don't see this game being online much longer.

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#274377 Posted on 2024-07-10 19:21:59

oh for sure, people just can't take criticism anymore and if someone doesn't agree with their suggestion then they take it personally. i've seen this on so many other sites over and over again, this isn't new to me. people make suggestions for themselves, and when others don't agree they act like they're being attacked, then they say the playerbase is toxic or something. it's really sad to see browser games as a whole decline like this.

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#274404 Posted on 2024-07-11 20:22:51

@forgottenland don't put words in my mouth that I never typed out, I never said anything about anyone being toxic, now correcting a game for misinformation about a wild horse breed, that doesn't exist in New Jersey but Georgia and getting an account band on the other hand? That is toxic. Blocking a player only for them to come back with an alt account to harass you when you refuse to sell them a horse? That is toxic. Never once did toxic leave my keyboard to the reply post. I merely state facts, if this game is to survive changes have to be implemented for better game play, or else this game will flatline completely where as other games are beating out this one that have toxic players.

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#274405 Posted on 2024-07-11 20:38:15

i genuinely have no idea what you've said just now lol. but either way, you seem incredibly hung up on something i did not claim (that you, specifically, called people toxic. it was more of a prediction actually.), so i think i'll be heading out of this conversation. c:

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