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Increase Size of Farmstead

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Increase Size of Farmstead

#260914 Posted on 2022-09-27 16:12:22

I love the idea of growing your own food, and treats for the horses. However I never use it, not because I don't like it but because for the amount of treats I get and the amount of horses I have (sometimes over 600) I don't believe it is worth the hassle when I can buy treats from the store, and in much larger numbers.  

My suggestion is being able to pay to increase the size of the farmstead, and like the horse limit it, the cost should increase with each time you expand the size of the farmstead. Therefore stopping people from growing an almost limitless amount of treats, and selling them off at crazy prices. However I don't think increasing the size of the farmstead should be as expensive as increasing your horse limit, but enough to deter people from making their farmstead as big as possible. 

With each expansion the farmstead should increase by three trees for the orchard and five spaces for the farm. Or it could be done separately where you can grow more trees in your orchard instead of your farm or vice-versa.    

The idea behind it, is to help reduce the cost of buying treats for those with a large number of horses as well as provide more use for the farmstead, which for me just sits empty most of the time and gathers dust. 

I would love to hear everyone's thoughts. 


Last edited on 2022-09-27 at 16:19:47 by Laureal

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#260926 Posted on 2022-09-27 22:39:25

I think something like this would be a great idea! Alternatively (or in addition to) to extra space, perhaps we could utilize fertilizers/manure that increases the yield/speeds production? There's potential for EVC items to be created here as well. People would pay credits to instantly harvest their gardens or boost production in a way that could supply large numbers of horses. 

Different fields/locations could have naturally differing levels of fertility in soil that would increase growth/rate of crop production. You could purchase land in a valley to cultivate into another orchard and because of the land bonuses, crops produce 10% more produce twice as fast as the land on our farm.

Perhaps deluxe members with stables could use the droppings collected to produce higher quality fertilizers to sell/utilize over those sold at the general store?

It also has the potential to create a more player involved produce market. Make the produce/fertilizers in the store more expensive so that players are incentivized to buy from their local farmers :) I hope there's lots of ideas and feedback that come for this suggestion. It would be lovely to see some new features in the garden!

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#260932 Posted on 2022-09-28 08:24:34

I think this all sounds like a great idea. I usually forget about the farmstead because I can't produce anywhere near enough to supply my herd. 

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#260934 Posted on 2022-09-28 08:44:20

i'd love to see this! i find that even with a smaller number of horses the orchard doesn't really help me that much although it does save some money. and the fertilizer idea sounds great too! c:

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#261001 Posted on 2022-10-01 06:13:21

Personally, I would love an option to replace my farm with an orchard. Personally, I do not use my farm since I have no need for their treats. I only needed yellow and green apples so I just have an orchard. It's a little annoying to see the farm tab first and have to click on the orchard tab.

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