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I'm sorry, what happened?

#258645 Posted on 2022-06-14 14:06:20

The thing I love about art and making art is that I can charge whatever I think I'm worth, and so can others. I tend to notice that art prices on Equiverse don't really go off game inflation but moreso what others think their own worth is. At least, that's my opinion. I do think there are a few artists who could charge far more than they do, but as Renvers said, there's kind of an unspoken base price for most art pieces such as tags (50-100k) and sigs (150k-300k). The difficult thing about the market for art is that anyone can charge anything they want, so sometimes people charge more than what the quality of their work is probably worth (especially if f2u bases are being used) and sometimes people charge less than they should for work that was completely done on their own. I tend to stick around the usual prices for tags because I want my public art sales to stay affordable and I don't consider myself a top tier artist either. I guess if someone values their time and work at 500k, 1 mill, etc over what the normal price should be, that's their freedom to charge that much. Personally, art sales are few and far between so I am happy to pay whatever is being asked for good art. I think the best we can do is not support sales we don't agree with and hopefully prices per quality will change c: 

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#258661 Posted on 2022-06-16 02:32:13

Personally I’m not going by worth, I go by affordability for the time spent on a tag. If I actually went by hours spent it would simple be unaffordable and mostly credit based. I do like doing recolours for lots of people but I’m easily burnt out when I get complicated characters to do. If it’s a simple rag, I’d rather be able to have multiple rounds that everyone could afford than have one round and expect the richest players with complicated characters that I’ve usually done before just grab all the slots. It’s a bit of a catch-22. I don’t make art to make money with the exception of credits (bc those credit prices are insane), I just make it for fun.

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#258802 Posted on 2022-06-24 18:12:05

I definitely agree with points both you, wey and maple make!
Yes, wey, I charge what I think I'm worth usually.. On few slot sales. Or custom stuff. Idk, I sometimes just have a hard time charging lots for something I host unlimited slots for.
And yes, maple, very true. Tags are just kinda like, if it's cheap enough, because its a recolour then I'll pay it. I spend at least an hour or two alone on my backgrounds, so if I went by my wages, the tag would be over $50CAD itself lol. I definitely hear you about being burnt out with complex characters.. But Idk, I like doing them just cos no one else will lol. I'm weird, I like taking on the ones people don't usually wanna colour. But I do agree with everything you say! I also just make art for fun. The sales are just a perk.

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