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Fantasy Horse RP

#252596 Posted on 2022-02-12 08:55:30

     He spoke not a word for a few moments, but then looked out in the distance. "Then I guess I'll have to get back to it..." he said. The stallion would train all day and night if he had to. Elijah never wanted the accident to happen again, especially to Star, whom he grew feelings for the more he was with her. He looked at her and nuzzled her. "I trust your words Star." he said softly. "Though before I go back to train, why don't you tell me something you. I mean I've told you everything I know about myself..."

sorry it's a bit short

Last edited on 2022-02-12 at 11:42:23 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#252648 Posted on 2022-02-13 08:06:47

Star sighed “ Well…if you insist, Elijah."

“ A long time ago…  many centuries er before I was even born, the greatest of all pegasi ruled the land with his mare and herd. As the myth supposedly goes, everywhere a winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, a water spring burst forth. To this day… no one knows for sure if that was ever true. I am still finding the truth about that. My mother, Callista, and father, Jace (pronounced Jay-SEE) were the second generation of Pegasi. Been together for all those centuries until the day I was born.” She took a few paces towards him “My father a pure back stallion with wings like the raven, and my mother, the purest of white. How did that color combination… turn into this? A silver mare with pink feathery wings? That will never be known to me. My mother is long gone, Elijah… but my father is surprisingly still around. So do not be frightened when you see a strange stallion walking around in the distance.”
The more they talked the better their communication became. “ I think that’s enough of my story for the time being. Get back to your training with…..Glory. ”

( I hope this is enough lol I can always add if you need me to)

Last edited on 2022-02-18 at 06:44:06 by Juniper

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#252652 Posted on 2022-02-13 09:32:28

     "I-I didn't mean to put you on the spot." he said nuzzling her. "I'm sure we can figure it out together, but-" he paused for a second, "I think your perfect just the way you are..." he said blushing a little bit. "Everyone does..." he added. The two nuzzled, and the stallion spoke again, "I'm sure your mother and father are very proud of you. Your mother may be gone, but I know she lives in you. You are just what this herd needs, and more." He had to admit he had fallen for the mare, and he would help her in any way he can.
     Elijah looked over when another mare had approached, whom's name was Glory. Elijah nuzzled Star once again, and followed the mare to continue his training.

(that's perfectly fine^^)

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#252662 Posted on 2022-02-13 13:41:22

Father… I feel like im working him too hard and too fast… she told him. And I don’t know what to do. She continued to talk to him while Elijah and Glory trained til night fall.
“ You are getting so much better, Elijah.” Glory said clearly happy with how she did her job to help him continue to control his powers. Its getting dark… I suggest you head back to the Queen and see what else she needs. “ After a little nudge from Glory, she walked off back to the herd and played with Asher.
You have feelings for him, don’t you, StarDust? Jace said  If you do, you need to tell him your feelings.  You must if you are to keep him as your next mate then he was gone.

StarDust paced back and forth deciding on what she wanted. Unable to sleep.

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#252664 Posted on 2022-02-13 14:17:42

     Elijah thanked Glory for helping him before walking away. The stallion walked over to Star only to see her nervous about something as she paced back and forth. He walked up to her, "What's wrong? You look like something is bothering you." he said nuzzling her. "Whatever it is, I'm sure everything will work out just fine," he said in a soft and caring tone. The stallion looked into her eyes with a soft smile on his face. "If you think your pushing or working me too hard, your not. I'd train all day and night until I had control if I had to." he said thinking that was the problem, though it wasn't.

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#252671 Posted on 2022-02-13 16:55:18

“ no… its not that.. “ Star began finally able to look into his eyes.  “ I just talked to my father and he and I discussed… well.. you” she greeted him back with a gentle nuzzle. “ I know it isn’t time…. But I have to ask you anyways because if I don’t im gonna go crazy.”
She took a deep breath and flapped her wings  “ Ever since I met you, Elijah… my life flipped. In a good way. I began to think about what I did in my past that would begin to change here and now. “ she paused for a second “ What I am trying to say is that….… will you be my mate and the father of my son and the stallion leader to the rest of the mares in my herd?”

The moment she said her words, her father appeared watching from a distance Now its up to him to decide. You have done your part.

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#252675 Posted on 2022-02-13 18:04:32

     The stallion got a bit nervous when Star said she'd been talking about him. After about a minute or two he spoke, "Before the night of the storm in which we met, I thought I'd just be the unknown stallion that tricked everyone and scared everyone.....until you came along. I was a lost soul until I saw you. I knew you were different from everyone else since I first saw you." he paused for a moment before continuing, "You changed me Star. You changed me in a way where it made me who I always wanted to be, and I can never thank you enough for that. I'm not a lost soul anymore, as I now have a purpose in be with you." He paused for a few moments then nuzzled her and continued, "Of course I will My Queen." He nuzzled her and smiled. "I'll be the best leader I can be, and I'll be the best father I can be." Elijah never thought his life would change this much, and he never thought of being in a herd.....or even having a mate. Though, he was glad he did.

Last edited on 2022-02-14 at 08:06:34 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#252852 Posted on 2022-02-16 11:46:04

Star nuzzled Elijah once again “ I am holding you accountable for the safety of this herd. Not just me and my father. Even when you are done with training, there are others needing to be trained, like my son Asher. But I will train along with you. You will get accustomed to the rules and ways of living in a herd like mine very quickly. But danger is never too far away.”
Then Nova came over and bowed to the Queen “ I am headed out on the long journey ahead, My Queen. I do not know when I will return, but I hope that Elijah’s mother is easy to find. “
She glanced over to the stallion of the herd and nodded before opening her mighty wings and took off in mid stride into the early morning sky in search of the mare.

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#252859 Posted on 2022-02-16 12:54:25

     "I'll do my best Star. I protected everyone back then by keeping them away. Now I just have to do the opposite." he said looking in her eyes smiling. He felt like his life was complete except for one thing. His mother. He trusted Nova, and had faith in her. "Stay safe Nova. I trust you'll find her and bring her here." he said with a smile. He watched as the mare flew off starting her journey. 
     Once she was out of sight, Elijah looked back down at his new mate. "Should we tell the herd, or wait?" he said nuzzling her once again. After a few moments he joked, "So this make me a king?" he chuckled jokingly. 

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#252872 Posted on 2022-02-16 15:37:05

StarDust nuzzled him again to let him know that Nova was the best flyer in the whole herd. " She will be just fine, Elijah. She knows whats best. For us and most of all, you. When she comes back with your mother... if she is alive that is... I know you will have a lot of questions for her. As for the  telling part..  think we best tell them now."

she son led him back tot he others and grazed along with then, Elijah by her side.

Meanwhile, Nova was in the Western Winds a few hours later, only a few scratches and cuts from getting through the mountain. But she soon arrived at the place where her  head told her Elijah's mother would be . " I hope I can convince her that her son is safe in my Queens wings." she thought out loud as she trudged through the woods, feeding on what she knew was good and not eating what she knew was deadly.

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#252879 Posted on 2022-02-16 15:56:53

     "I know Star. I have good faith in her." he said as they headed back to the herd. He grazed alongside Star, and kept thinking different things about his mother. Though, he ignored them. He knew Nova would bring her back, and she'd tell him everything. Until then, training was to be done. Before he could train anymore though, he waited to say anything once Star announced their relationship to the rest of the herd.

     Althea was in the open walking slowly against the harsh winds. She knew anyone would be daring to come there, and knew it'd be a great place to hide. It had seemed like eternity since she had to leave her son. The mare thought about her son every day wishing she knew what had come of him. Did they ever figure out she had a son? Althea didn't know, but she knew she'd probably never see him again. 
     In the meantime, she battled against the wind sand flying straight into her face. Her horn glowed to try, and make it easier to see, but it wasn't worth it. There was nothing in sight except for more sand. A lot more sand. After a bit of searching, Althea had found a cave. She shook most of the sand off her, and rested. "Oh Apollo. I don't know how much longer I can take this." she said sadly trying to look out of the cave at the morning sun. Her mate was gone, and had been for years. The thought that one day she might see her son again, and have to tell him his father is gone, hurt her everyday. Though she hoped the day would come, and it would be soon.

(I figured the Western Winds would be like a really windy desert place so yeah lol)

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#252905 Posted on 2022-02-17 06:38:10

Nova hated the sandy winds. At this time of year, it was at its worst. Deadliest if there was no other word for it. But as Nova was taught to do, she stuck to the path and continued on in her long search.  In a mtter of ten minutes though, her purple wings lifted  up, protecting her from the  sand hitting her again when she spotted her.  Althea…. She thought. She didn’t know how she knew her name but she looked at the mare for a few moments before rising  both her wings and walked forward. Hoping the mare would notice.
 I cant believe I found her… But why here? It’s too dangerous here… for anyone… I have to get her home before something bad happens

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#252906 Posted on 2022-02-17 06:59:46

    Althea had just walked into the small cave when Nova found her. The mare sensed something out there...something alive. For years, she was the only one out here in this place. Althea looked out the cave, but she couldn't see anything. Though, she was ready to defend herself if needed. "I know your out there. I demand you to show yourself before you regret anything." she said with a demanding tone. She didn't know who was out there, but she hoped it wasn't those who have been searching for her after all of these years. Please don't let it be them after all this time she thought.

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#252913 Posted on 2022-02-17 09:23:18

" Fear not for what you fear, Althea" Nova said walking up so she was seen, her wings back against her back. " My name is Nova." She said stopping when she was a few feet from the other mare " I have come to find you. Your son in in search of answers only you can answer. Please come back with me to my Queens land and  come see your son. I know it has been years since you saw him last and feeling you regret doing what you did prevents you from wanting to see him, but he is  better hands now. With my Queen and her herd. "

She could also read her mind and what she was thinking  What seems to be the problem with Althea now?  She thought. She would just have to let Althea get used to her and StarDust before any sort of great measures were to be taken.

" Please... your son doesn't even know you are alive. He has seen you in a dream a while back and knows you are somewhere far away.  He misses you. You need to comeback and be in his life once more No matter what happened to him those years ago."

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#252915 Posted on 2022-02-17 09:36:27

     It had been 7 years since Althea had spoken to or saw anyone, and she didn't know whether or not she could trust this mare. "I know not of your intentions, but I did what I did because I had to. I have been hiding here for the past 7 years in order to protect him. You have no idea what's at stake if I return. My son, and everyone around him would be in grave danger. I suggest you go back to your Queen, and tell her you didn't find me. It's for the greater good." Althea had spoken in a demanding yet harsh tone. 
     "I have horses that have been searching for me for 7 years because of what I did. If I return now, everything I have done wouldn't benefit anything. They will attack me, my son, and everyone he knows are cares for. I ensure you. As much as I'd like to see my son, and tell him everything, I cannot. So with that, I suggest you leave while you still can."

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