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#252136 Posted on 2022-02-04 12:44:47





Last edited on 2022-02-04 at 12:54:18 by Juniper

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#252137 Posted on 2022-02-04 12:54:44

Name:  StarDust ( star for short)
Age: 6 years
Breed:Andalusian/ Arabian mix
Type: winged mare ( gray mare with light-medium pink wings and light blue eyes)
Home: Unknown
Role: Lead mare
Likes:  apples, the wind, patience, sun, moon, adventure, protecting the little ones
Dislikes: danger,  some males, rain, thunder, trickery
mate: none yet ( Bronwyn... died three years prior)
Family: a grey colt, with blue wings named Asher
Personality: protective of her adopted foals, her entire herd and of course herself, adventurous,  Cautious when it comes to strange males,  playful when you get to know her, caring, gentle, rarely gets mad


Members of StarDusts herd
1)  Pepper- black with silver/white speckles and black wings
2) Ariena- Perlino with gold wings
3) Jasmine - light bay mare with the color of ( you guessed it) Jasmine colored wings.
4) Molly-  wild bay with back wings
5) Windy- pure white with silver wings
6) Sasha-
7) Angora-  Medicine Hat with  wings like StarDust
8)  Glory- Palomino with white wings
9) Colette- Perlino with black wings
10) Nova- pure black with  celestial purple wings

Children of  StarDust and Elijah:
1) Name still being decided. Alicorn. Colt. Looks like the father and the wings of the mother but the horn would be pure white.


Last edited on 2022-03-25 at 17:13:44 by Juniper

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#252138 Posted on 2022-02-04 13:43:32

Name: Elijah (I might end up changing his name idk)
Age: 7
Breed: Lusitano
Type: Unicorn stallion (bright chestnut dappled tobiano with turquoise eyes and horn)
Home: unknown
Role: lone stallion
Likes: privacy, trickery, moon, lake, harsh weather, forests, danger
Dislikes: gossip, mares who try too hard for him, large herds, some pegasi, other stallions, sometimes foals
mate: none
Family: nobody knows
Personality: He likes to trick other he comes across with his magic. If you get to know him though, he is caring and passionate, but trickery is to keep his privacy. Some fear him for his games. He can come across as harsh to strangers, and often ignores them. 

Name - Althea
Age - 13
Type - unicorn mare (a bright chestnut mare with some dapples as well as a turquoise horn and eyes)
Home - unknown
Mate - unknown for now
Family - her son Elijah
Backstory - She did something that a lot of horses are angry about, and she has been hiding for years. To this day, there are horses trying to look for her knowing she's dangerous due to her magic. Elijah was only a month old when she had hide, but she had to leave him behind. Althea put a spell on him to ensure he'd live without her, but knew she had to remove his memory. She did it out of love, to protect him.

Name: Ace
Age: 8
Breed: Dutch Warmblood
Type: unicorn stallion
Home: unknown

Last edited on 2022-02-23 at 11:52:33 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#252146 Posted on 2022-02-04 19:06:00

     He could normally be found walking through the trees, or standing near the river amongst the full moon. This was when his powers felt the strongest, and it was one of his favorite times. He turned hearing that of bushes and sticks moving and breaking as a young stallion approached. "A unwise stallion shouldn't be out here alone," he said, "weird things happen at this river when it's a full moon. Here let me show you," he chuckled as his horn started to glow. "Oh now don't go, this is only the beginning," he said the youngster quickly left the scene. Elijah chuckled, "Every single time."
     After some time, Elijah left the river. He walked through the trees as his horn glowed to show the path. The stallion preferred being alone, and didn't plan on ever leading a herd or having a mate. He had picked up to a canter as he navigated through all the trees. He reached the cave in which he slept in, unlike other horses. Once he entered the cave, his horn glew to light the way. Some bats screeched and flew off, "Get outta here you filthy bats," he exclaimed. Elijah stayed back deep in the cave so that if anyone enters, they are more than likely to stay close to the entrance, unlike him. 
     The stallion had many tall tales about himself, and he liked it. It added to his trickery, and made it more fun. Some say his bright turquoise eyes will manipulate you if you look straight into his eyes. Elijah knew spells that most unicorns wouldn't know, and that was another reason he was feared of.

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#252148 Posted on 2022-02-04 20:04:42

Stardust was in the woods with her foal and the others. Her light pink wings folded, her head down eating the sweet grass, close to her son. A grey foal with light blue on the edge of his own tiny wings.

“ Hey momma?” He asked prancing  around her, his wings flapping and flew into the air and almost hit a pine tree.
“ You need to focus on your flying training before anything happens without me, Asher. “ his mother replied back using her powers to bring him down to the soft ground and nuzzled him. She then whinnied to her group and told them it was time to move on. “ There’s a cave not to far from here, I will go in first before any decisions are made.”

What StarDust didn’t know was that it was already being used by another horse. But she would have to convince them that she was o harm to them. But what would it take to convince the other? Her life? Her foal? She didn’t know, but she would do anything to keep her herd dry from the incoming storm south of their destination.

“ Lets move out before that storm hits!” she ordered and  walked off towards the cave she  spotted a day prior.  I hope this will be big enough for all the horses she thought.

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#252149 Posted on 2022-02-04 20:21:56

     Elijah was resting deep in the cave when he heard some voices. "They'd be daring to come this deep inside the cave," he chuckled. Though, he thought he would have some fun. The stallion reared as his hooves hit the ground hard causing some turquoise flames to appear, but disappeared over a few minutes. He neighed, and chuckled. "Let's see how they handle that." Though, he got curious. He walked a bit closer to the entrance of the cave seeing what looked like was a herd. They couldn't see him, but he could see them. 
     He analyzed the herd and chuckled, "No sign of a stallion. This herd is lead by a mare how nice." He had his fun...for now as he walked back deep into the cave his hoofbeats leaving an echo. Although, Elijah came to realize there was a problem with the herd being in the cave. It was the only entrance, and he went out early in the mornings. He'd be trapped in there until they leave, but even then he couldn't get out. The herd would have to be a small ways away for them to not even notice him. 

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#252150 Posted on 2022-02-04 20:38:07

StarDust folded his wings as best she could before keeping the others out of the cave and she herself dared to enter the cave. Her blue wings making her glow and making her a lighted path. She could hear her little one snorting with worry don’t worry my little one.. I will be fine she said to him as she stopped when she smelled something that she was not used to * that’s odd…. Another animal perhaps* she thought to herself as she walked cautiously closer and in dangerous ground. Her hooves making static-y noises as she walked. But then stopped.  “ If someone is there… I command you to show yourself.” She ordered, holding her ground and waited for whoever was deep inside the cave. " I wont hurt you."

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#252151 Posted on 2022-02-04 20:49:04

     "If you insist" he chuckled. The stallion slowly walked out of the mist with his horn and eyes glowing bright. "A herd led by a mare I see," he smirked. Elijah was a bit taller than most horses, and he stood tall. "Oh look at me taking orders from a mare." He watched the mare, and the herd. This herd seemed different then the ones he's encountered before, so he analyzed them before playing any of his games. 
     He stood still, looking at the mare and the herd behind. "So, what brings you to MY cave?" he said. The stallion barely moved, as he wanted to get some information before playing some of his games.

(sorry it's kinda short I didn't really know what to put haha)

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#252162 Posted on 2022-02-05 05:59:50

“ There is a bad storm on the way and we… I mean… my herd and I cannot be outside when it hits” she replied.  He’s one I hope I can trust. I don’t seem like it right now…. But I have to sooner than later before that storm hits. She told herself
And as the queen of all winged horses she forgot her place. She stomped her hoof at her stupidity. “ My name is  Queen StarDust. “ Her light blue eyes looked over he stallion,  but then just as quick, looked into his eyes. But it wasn’t for long. She knew she hinted something that wasn’t right, and immediately looked away. “ Look, We just need a place to stay til the storm passes tomorrow.. when it disappears… we will be out of your home. I promise you, that my herd wont bother you one bit. “
Her wings spread out  its full length, the little hint of  blue on her mane, and tail showing as well, putting her in full spotlight.

( It happens)

Last edited on 2022-02-05 at 07:58:03 by Juniper

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#252168 Posted on 2022-02-05 08:21:31

     "Just make sure you don't block my way out your majesty," he said turning around walking away. That wasn't like him, but there was just something different about that herd, or was it the mare? He didn't know, but what he did know was that he was angry with himself. The stallion walked deeper into the cave his horn lighting the way, though he made sure to go deeper into the cave this time not knowing how deep the herd would go into. 
     Though he remembered that there was indeed a storm that night, but he couldn't really get out of the cave. "I haven't explored the whole cave, so there has to be another opening somewhere," he said walking deeper inside not even knowing what would be there. Eventually though, he did find a secret entrance,"Perfect," he chuckled. The stallion walked through the vines as it had led him near the river. Elijah galloped through the trees to the lake, and once he got there he slid to a stop. His mane blew in the wind as he stood amongst the water watching the full moon and stars. He came to thinking,"That mare was a Queen, but he thought royalty was gone for centuries. If that is true, then how is she a Queen? If it was only a lie, and royalty was still a thing for all those years," he said thinking he had figured it out. Why would the Royal Family lie?

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#252170 Posted on 2022-02-05 08:49:07

But they didn’t lie. She was the queen. Her mother died from a war 3 years prior, only making her a queen at two years of age. But that never stopped her from giving orders to her own family members and the herd she looked after. All she had left was her old father. A fully black stallion, with black wings. You never see him in the herd, but once in a few years, you would see him walking around protecting them.

He once said to Stardust “ Protect them like I protect you and the rest.”  And StarDust never forgot that promise. And for the next three years, she did just that. Kept  her herd safe from  dangerous creatures, from storms, and the evil that surrounded then everywhere they went. But how long would it take for the Queen to realize that where they  are now wasn’t safe? At least for her. Because the stallion she just met would temp her in different ways, unknown to her and  fall for him when she knew she had a crush from a far away  land. And she was to bring her herd to that land, safe and sound. But at what cost?
 Well that was rude StarDust thought as she watched him walk away from him Absolutely rude.  She let the rudeness pass and let the other ten horses come in and prepare for the night and storm ahead. “ I don’t know how long we will have to stay, but  all of you must stay right at the entrance if anything happens.”
Her  foal Asher came to her with love and affection “ I know you were talking to someone momma.” He began “ What did he want?”

“ Nothing dear…” Was her only reply  before tacking him back to the others and layed down, like the rest of them.

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#252182 Posted on 2022-02-05 13:53:28

     The storm had started shortly after, as the stallion took this time to go for a run. He used his glowing horn for light as he galloped through the thick trees. He felt one with the storm, and took this opportunity. Though something has been different around this place. There used to be storms like this a lot, but now not so much. Sometimes the stallion made a small little storm in the cave during the night while he rested. Though there was still something different about this storm. It felt more personal, but he didn't know why. He just knew he had to run with the wind and rain.
     He kept thinking of that mare. No one has talked to him back like that ever. Everyone around here is just too scared to say anything, though he does like his privacy. Although, sometimes mares who pass by, see him and flirt. Which he hates, and scares them away forever. Nobody knows his origins, or where he came from. Elijah doesn't quite know himself. Though he does have a story that no one will ever find out. Maybe the storm had something to do with it? He had no idea, but knew there was something personal about this storm. 

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#252196 Posted on 2022-02-05 17:39:09

The storm caused StarDust to wake and walk outside to keep it under control.  For the love of my life…. Would you stop and chill? She thought as she looked at the lightning that occurred every five minutes.  She then looked at the ones in the cave and sighed  I will be back.
She unfolded her wings and took off into the sky looking for anything that could stop the storm… but with this one… she couldn’t. This was a signal from her father. A warning in a way.  
She could hear her fathers voice in her head telling her to be wary of a strange stallion that was around this area.    Could it be him? The one I just met in the cave?  She thought as she flew around in the storm, her wings  filled with water droplets.
When she looked down, she spotted a stallion running below her and she rolled her eyes as she flew down and ran with him, trying to stop him “ you don’t have any experience with this storm, do you?” she asked finally able to stop him. “ Its best if you go back where its safe.”  Her wings glowing brighter and bigger as the wind began to pick up.
She knew what was happening. Btu this stranger did not.  “ If you don’t get back to the cave, you will face something you would regret later in your life. “I cant believe im talking like this to a stranger and a possible harm to me and my herd She said to herself as she stopped a  lightning strike from hitting  the ground at her right side. She held it with her mind, the front of the bolt at his snout. “   get somewhere safe now”

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#252198 Posted on 2022-02-05 18:01:16

     Elijah was enjoying his gallop when that mare flew in and landed right in front of him. He quickly slid to a stop, "Who do you think you are? I let you wait out the storm in MY cave, what makes you think you control me?" he said walking past the pegasus. "Mares," he mumbled. The stallion kept on walking ignoring what had just happened. "If you don't get back to the cave, you will face something you would regret later in your life" he mumbled mocking her. "Oh please you have no idea what I'm capable of," he chuckled. 
     He looked up at the storm. Why did this storm feel familiar to him? Elijah didn't remember much from his past, and he wondered why. He only knew little, but no one else knew the rest. Who were his parents? Where was he from? Nobody knew.

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#252199 Posted on 2022-02-05 18:09:57

" I'm not going anywhere, Elijah" StarDust said  pawing the ground " I know it affects you like it does me.... Just come back to the cave with me and we all will be safe. " she didn't know what was going on with him, but she had to trust what he said "  I'm the Queen. That's who I am. " she replied to his rude question.  I cant give up... not here not now... even if something horrible happens... ill be strong through it.

She then felt her foal  try compacting her and she stepped away from the stallion and flew back to the cave where it was warm and dry. " What is it, Asher... No im fine... I just had to deal with something... this storm must be  playing with my better judgement"

She nuzzled him just as another crack of thunder and  bolt of lightning hit just outside of the cave and al the other horses woke up in fright and began to worry if they would be able to come out soon. But the queen knew that they wouldnt be able to til the night after.

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