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Showing higher grades

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Showing higher grades

Showing higher grades

#216270 Posted on 2019-12-26 20:13:40

So, just out of curiosity, how does everyone go about showing national and international grade horses? Using the method of showing horses right before they're about to go up a grade. Those higher grade horses need 200 stat points to jump a grade and then it goes up from there. That's a lot of points to accumulate only to show a couple shows before the next grade. So what is a good method for showing higher grade horses?

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#216271 Posted on 2019-12-26 20:19:39

Sometimes I show them everyday and sometimes I wait until they are maybe 50-70 away from level up. Honestly there just isn't as much competition at those levels so my horses still place a lot of the time even when they are at the lower end.

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#216277 Posted on 2019-12-26 21:44:57

Showing every day helps fill shows so everyone can get more stats! But I show everything anyway so I'm probably not the best model for anyone doing more involved methods.

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#216298 Posted on 2019-12-27 11:30:47

I also show every day, for the reasons above; less competition, helps fill shows, etc.

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