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Horse Pricing?

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Horse Pricing?

#215230 Posted on 2019-12-11 21:05:40

What are the guidelines for horse pricing these days? It seems value has dropped on horses since I last played? It used to be 1k per 100 stats and then some variation with color/breed/ect.

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#215234 Posted on 2019-12-11 22:46:38

There's so many factors that influence price so it's quite hard to put a really simple formula together for it. I did try after putting together the Buying&Selling Guide, which goes in depth to the pricing factors as well as methods for selling/buying. The Sheet is linked in the last post. 

However I don't even use any of those methods directly at the moment. Since I'm not focused on selling horses as the final income(I get plenty of money from them while showing in the interim), I tend to have simple prices in the even thousands ranging from 12-50k depending on the horse and it's factors. I knock off about 2-4k every couple weeks if a horse doesn't sell. Since I keep tack on sale horses so they can be shown I try to never sell for less than 10k (price of a fully upgraded tack set when starting from the store), but other than that I'm content to let them chill with me until they sell or retire.

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#215249 Posted on 2019-12-12 08:08:36

I'm currently pricing at $2k/100 stats. It seems to move anything under 5 okay, but I might have to drop older horses. It's tough, because sometimes it does take several weeks to sell right now.

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#215255 Posted on 2019-12-12 09:27:04

I don't often sell horses, but I tried a while back to sell this handsome horse (back when he was younger) and couldn't sell him even at a very low price. A horse I tried to sell a while before that took a week or two to sell and then was immediately stripped of his tack and background, gelded, and dumped in the rescue center. Both were fairly nice horses, and had low prices that I lowered several times before they sold/I gave up on selling them, so I don't personally think the economy is doing too well.
However, as far as the other end of horse sales, I have a bit more experience. I don't know about other people, and I frequently see National horses with great color/confo selling for a few thousand or even hundred dollars with no buyers, but for a horse I like, with good color/stats/whatever I'm breeding for in that breed, I'm willing to pay 50-80k; maybe more if the seller wants more than that and I think the horse is worth it. It seems not many people share this opinion, or else there just aren't very many buyers out there.
I don't breed or buy any of the more popular breeds, Andalusians and Gypsy Vanners and whatnot, so maybe the market for them is better, but I don't have too much confidence in the horse market right now. Funny how credit prices have gone up, and horse prices have gone down... But I'm getting a little off topic, sorry!
Anyway, long story short, I don't sell horses enough to have a general guideline for pricing, but 1k per 100 stats, the old generally preferred method, seems alright if variation for color and confo is allowed. I think I'd buy a horse where that pricing was used.
All right, now I'll stop talking (typing, I guess). 

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#215338 Posted on 2019-12-14 03:04:06

For breeding purposes, I price my horses depending on their NSS (lower NSS=higher price). In some breeds an extra 1k for non-grey or flaxen or sooty and I add 2k for each 1000 stats reached plus 0,5k for each ribbon achieved.

I haven't attempted selling any horses yet, so I don't have any price strategy developed for that.

Last edited on 2019-12-14 at 08:19:00 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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