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Have you noticed??

#213648 Posted on 2019-11-20 21:51:21

Sooo foal art is finally here! I am pretty sure just about everyone on EV has figured that out by now.  :p

But have you noticed that the foals look hardly anything like their adult versions...? The patterns are WAY OFF when comparing foal to adult version. Their coat shades are even different, too!

Sooo does that mean the foals were done in an "updated" manner because we will (someday) get updated/more realistic coat patterns for adult horses with shade variations within a coat???

I know this might be a stretch but I would hate to think that the foals were PURPOSEFULLY done to look NOTHING like their adult counterparts...

Examples below.

You see it too, right? Patterns are way different (the foal patterns look better than the adult versions if you ask me, so cute!) and there are noticeable differences between the shades the horses are as adults.

What do you think? Think I am seeing things? Think we are stuck with foals looking NOTHING like the adults? Are foals just a precursor to better things to come...?  :)

*Disclaimer* This is purely speculation. I have no inside info, just hopes that there are rhymes with reason...

Last edited on 2019-11-20 at 22:00:45 by ᏋᏉᏋᏒᎷᎧᏒᏋ

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#213649 Posted on 2019-11-20 22:24:19

Yes, I believe the foal art was done much better and much more realistic. The silver gene shows correctly as well. Maybe someday we will have updated art as well. Who knows. 

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#213651 Posted on 2019-11-20 23:39:30

I have definitely noticed. It kind of threw me off at how much more realistic the foals looked in general compared to the adult horses. I heavily prefer the foal patterns, they look very good and realistic whereas, being a Chinco breeder, and I have frankly extremely disliked their adult patterns. I do also hope one day the adults will get an overhaul and match the foals better and have realistic markings ♥ 

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#213657 Posted on 2019-11-21 04:18:39

To be fair, we're looking at two different sides of the horse in this case, so I suppose it isn't entirely impossible haha. And foals' coat shades tend to change a little with age as well, so to me it isn't really that big of a deal.
If we do get updated art, I hope it's only the patterns/modifiers that people have had complaints about, since I actually really like the Chinco patterns and many others' patterns as well.

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#213699 Posted on 2019-11-21 14:28:01

I did notice this, especially with my chinco's. Hopefully that will get resolved and the adult patterns will get changed.

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#213880 Posted on 2019-11-23 09:35:26

The sabino on clydesdale foals looks as awful as it does on the adults... 
But I love the foal art anyway

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#213944 Posted on 2019-11-23 21:48:43

There's a few different sets of paint markings, supposedly from different stages of development when the horse art was created (first ones vs. later ones). Depending on what breed you have the foal art markings may not match up right now but most of them do actually match up with current markings in game on some breeds (paint horse for instance has that splash, not sure on the spotted tobiano but it could be a combination reaction) foal art is likely still in progress but released somewhat early because we asked for it, so it could be they will all match at some point, or maybe the first adult horse markings will switch over to the newer horse markings made (ones the foals were done under)

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#213951 Posted on 2019-11-24 03:44:17

@Eliza, that is really interesting! Thank you for pointing that out; I had no clue!

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#213959 Posted on 2019-11-24 07:00:41

Yea, i have noticed that too. It is kinda cool waiting to see what your horse is going to look like when it gets older. Tho i don't breed chincos, i breed andys.

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#219030 Posted on 2020-03-11 05:30:43

Old topic, I know. But I was thinking the same about Mustangs. Their adult white patterns are soooo unrealistic and ugly, including tobiano, overo, roan... Even silver is strange in the adult version.

I stopped playing somewhere around 2016-2017 I think, I knew the old art for breeds, and I remember they had much better white patterns than the actual breed art. I am back now, since less than a week ago, and I hoped the white pattern art wopuld be better, but no.

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#219053 Posted on 2020-03-11 16:38:43

@Feline, you forget though, that sabino looks bad on every horse. Especially real, live ones. ^_^

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#225166 Posted on 2020-07-12 03:29:38

The sabino is one of the main reasons I stopped breeding Clydes, that and the fact that they lost grey as a colour option. Guess who was breeding for grey? Lol.

It was a huge shock bringing them over to v2 and not recognising them. I left in 2016, and just returned this week. Still have a few Clydes kicking about, waiting to age out and die.

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