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#181400 Posted on 2018-07-29 21:49:34

"You blacked out, so the questioning was cut short. They had me bring you to a holding cell." He needed to remember what she looked like so he could compare it to Desiree later. Ash noted the eye color, which he was pretty sure was different.ย 

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#181401 Posted on 2018-07-29 21:51:34

"...Right. Which means everyone just witnessed my pr-" nope not finishing that sentence not on my life thanksย 

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#181402 Posted on 2018-07-29 21:55:35

He slightly lifted one brow. "You're not going to finish that, I assume. Even if I asked for the sake of my curiosity."ย 

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#181403 Posted on 2018-07-29 21:57:16

Skye would have adamantly shook her head, but she settled for not answering. Processing system crash, or problems. Either way they're literally the same thing.

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#181404 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:01:17

"Thought so." Ash was still trying to make sure he didn't forget what she looked like so he could compare when he would go to talk to Desiree later - more errands.ย ย 

Last edited on 2018-07-29 at 22:02:08 by Oswin

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#181405 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:04:44

Aha! He's still clueless... I think. Well, if he asks if I'm a cyborg, I'll just punch him with my right hand and he'll find out. After he comes to. And by then I'll be out of here and obsessively avoiding him and that medic guy. And anyone else, including my sister when he inevitably asks her about that whole fiasco.

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#181407 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:10:43

Okay, he was pretty sure he would be able to accurately remember what she looked like. Yet he couldn't convince himself to leave quite yet. Curiosity really must have killed the cat; he was pretty sure it would be advisable to go now. But, of course, he didn't. "Why did you run?"ย 

Last edited on 2018-07-29 at 22:11:37 by Oswin

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#181409 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:16:25

"Because I'd rather have a few minutes of freedom than an eternity of unquestioning compliance. Because things get complicated when people realize that you're not what you appear to be. Because, if you're going to do something, commit to it. Because if I got caught, there and then, who would have been behind the cameras watching? Because maybe I would rather escape my problems for fleeting moments than deal with them head on? Who knows."

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#181415 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:21:03

He paused a moment, considering everything she had said. "So what are you pretending to be that you really aren't?" Ash decided to focus on that part of what she said, since it made him even more curious.ย 

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#181419 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:26:36

"So Sherlock Holmes hasn't figured me out just yet," Skye said, stalling. "Why am I sitting here, waiting for my mind to wake up so I can move? I can think of two words that could finish my earlier sentence, but one of them is more specific. First three letters are P,R, and O."

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#181423 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:34:13

"I'm not exactly smart enough to be a detective." He thought of words that matched the letters but his mind instead went to what she felt like when he carried her, and then it jumped to when he snagged her out in the street. Now that he thought about it... "Your arm - it's not completely real, is it? It felt almost real, I didn't even notice at first. And yourย arm is probably not the only thing."

Last edited on 2018-07-29 at 22:34:42 by Oswin

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#181427 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:38:44

"I was starting to wonder if you possessed enough brainpower to compute that," Skye muttered as she attempted to move anything on the right side of her body. A little slow to react, but it was getting there. "Question number two- who is my supposed doppelganger?"

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#181431 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:42:45

"Desiree. Sister? Cousin? I knew you looked familiar but the voice was off." Ash ignored her initial comment, at least outwardly. It mostly just confirmed what he already knew about himself.ย 

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#181432 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:47:33

"Right the first time. I'll answer the next question, since you wouldn't possibly know the answer. She thinks I died three years ago in an accident, which would be true had this-" Skye wiggled her fingers, which was the extent of her immediate-response mobility- "not happened. Point is my sister hates liars, so if I showed up suddenly not dead and very much alive, she wouldn't ever forgive me or our parents for lying. Third question- why exactly did I black out?" Skye preferred this roundabout method of answering questions- she didn't have to actually answer them outright.

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#181434 Posted on 2018-07-29 22:50:09

He was surprised at how much he had learned in such a short amount of time. "I'm not quite sure. My guess was you didn't know Desiree was here, but I don't think..." He trailed off and ended in a shrug.ย 

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