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Heritage University- Elemental Roleplay!

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Heritage University- Elemental Roleplay!

#179682 Posted on 2018-07-20 08:21:46

Welcome to Heritage University!

These days, there are two kinds of people- those elementally gifted (water, fire, earth, air) and those who are not.
People with elemental powers from the ages 11 and upward have the option to attend schools to help them further their magic abilities. One such school is Heritage University- one of the most prestigious schools for talented students. You are a student here, training to keep the world safe from a mysterious darkness that is spreading, draining life and color from the world.
Who knows what will happen during your stay?

Students can choose to follow the paths of as many elements as they choose, but naturally everyone has a specialty. Within their special element, they may have a tendency towards certain things, i.e. specialty element is earth, tendency toward growing things or earthquakes, etc.


Heritage University’s large, green, immaculate campus, located in Montana, sports the following:

  • Vast student dorms, able to accommodate up to 4,000 individuals. Each individual dorm sleeps 2 students, including a small kitchen, living room, two bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms, and a small deck overlooking campus. Guys on 2nd floor, girls on 3rd. Main level includes offices and help desks for various needs. Curfew at 10:30 PM, lights out at 11.

  • Specialized classrooms, suited for every aspect of each element, not limited to an Olympic-sized pool, large greenhouse, and many other facilities.

  • Training facilities, providing hands-on experience and optional one-on-one tutoring with long-term student volunteers.

  • Various other activities for the enjoyment of students, including but not limited to restaurants, libraries, parks, pools, and basically anything else you can think of.

Students get to choose their schedule every day. Classes and times are posted on screens located on the main floor of the dorm building, allowing students to pick and choose what they do and when, but remember, Heritage University is dedicated to helping elementalists reach their full potential and will expect some form of improvement in one's abilities.

The RP will start on the first day of the semester.  


  1. Follow EV rules

  2. Keep it PG if possible

  3. No swearing

  4. No godmodding

  5. Have fun!

  6. Romance allowed with other player's consent

  7. If you have an idea, feel free to let us know in the group chat!

  8. Have fun!!

  9. Have fun!!!

  10. Have fun!!!

Okay, I think you get it, lol. Let's get into it!

Dorm assignments!


Blaine & Evan

Iris & Kenna 



Julian & Raphael

Jackson & Elfur

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 20:34:09 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#179685 Posted on 2018-07-20 08:50:35

Alexandria Grace
Alex sat on the deck of her 'castle,' her falcon perched on the back of her chair. "How bad is it?" she murmured, stroking the bird's head. Karma chittered in response, leaning down to nuzzle Alexandria's face. "I'll get down there tomorrow and check things out."

Jackson shouldered his duffle bag as he walked up to the gates. The campus looked perfect, as always- long, winding walkways, lush, perfectly cut, soft, vibrant green grass, colorful gardens, and pristine buildings. Back for another year. I've missed this place. 

Last edited on 2018-07-20 at 09:04:26 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#179691 Posted on 2018-07-20 09:17:17

Raphael Leoni
He ducked as he stepped out of the vehicle to avoid hitting his head on the room. "Bye, Raffi! Have fun!" his mother chirped as he closed his door. He offered her a smile and a wave as she pulled away. She didn't understand that sending him to a new school wouldn't help him find new friends. The chances of more bullies was high once more (it had taken so long for him to get the courage to break out of the grasp of his first bullies). He was the new kid here, under-experienced for his age. Raphael sighed and trudged up the walkway toward the greenhouse. It was bound to be his favorite place here, one of the few good things Heritage had going for it. Raffi entered and paused in the doorway, breathing in the beautiful smell of plants and soil. He didn't see anyone in there (he wasn't really looking) and looked for his favorite plant. There was one tucked in the back corner, a small Sedum morganianum (or donkey's tail succulent/burro's tail). It was just a few small shoots, not yet long enough to hang in long, pretty droops. Raffi had recently fashioned a small hanging basket and decided he would transfer the plant into it, so that when it did start growing long it could hang. He couldn't wait for it to grow big and be tucked into a large basket; but the small stage was cute and adorable, and Raffi admired it for a second before checking for any dried leaves. The dead parts he carefully took off. It was definitely getting longer, starting to hang just a little bit over the sides of its clay flower pot.

Last edited on 2018-07-20 at 09:53:40 by Oswin

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#179692 Posted on 2018-07-20 09:38:41

Kenna stepped out of her mother's car, looking around with an unimpressed expression on her face. Her mother was saying something, ..have fun, blah blah blah..... but she wasn't really paying attention. Despite her expression, she was glad to be back. She nodded absentmindedly at her mom and started towards the school, her high tops making a soft crunching noise on the grass. All around her, students hurried towards the building, and out of the corner of her eye she watched them, glad she knew where she was going. She marched into the school, looking around once she was inside and nodding with satisfaction. Same old place.

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#179695 Posted on 2018-07-20 09:45:51

Dorm assignments hadn't yet been posted, so Jackson decided to head to the greenhouse, one of the places he spent most of his time in. The path to the greenhouse was fringed by tall trees, vibrant flowers, and carefully sculpted hedges. Pushing open the door, Jackson was hit by the comforting smell of soil and flowers. 

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#179697 Posted on 2018-07-20 09:52:30

The transfer was a success, and there was very little dirt scattered about. Instantly Raffi wondered if he was even allowed to do that. He tried not to worry about it - the burro's tail looked much happier in its new pot - but he couldn't help but fret he would get in trouble. He took a deep breath and carefully hung the natural pot, shoving his trepidation aside. He wanted to enjoy this place, not be nervous all the time. And he was so happy they had his favorite plant here, albeit a small one. It was easy for him to hang the basket, being tall, and he stepped back to admire it. The little shoots of the burro's tail peeked over the edge like a nervous baby bird. Raffi smiled faintly. 
[This is the basket Raffi made and also the current size of the burro's tail succulent; image from Google]

Last edited on 2018-07-20 at 09:54:06 by Oswin

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#179698 Posted on 2018-07-20 09:55:41

Jackson set his duffel near the door and surveyed the greenhouse. There was someone here, and he looked to be new. Might as well go say hi. "Cool burro's tail, man," Jackson said, approaching the boy. "I'm Jackson."

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#179699 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:00:25

He jumped, not having heard Jackson enter. "Oh, uh, it's not mine, it was here already," his words slightly blurred together as he spoke in half a mumble, and his eyes instinctively darted to his shoes. "I'm Raff - Raphael," Raffi added.

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#179700 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:02:51

"Nice to meet you, Raphael." Jackson surveyed the little plant. "I think it likes you," he said. "Last time I saw that plant it hadn't even sprouted. Congrats."

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#179703 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:08:03

He looked up at the hanging basket, brow furrowed. "Oh," was all he managed to say. It had been a little smaller when he found it, had only grown a little bit, but he didn't realize it hadn't sprouted before. "Are - You're sure?" Raffi had always had a green thumb, plants always grew well under his care (also faster than normal, according to his mum; and the garden had produced some of the largest vegetables in town), but he found it hard to believe a plant could sprout and then grow that much simply because of him.

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#179704 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:11:09

 Since she lived relatively close by, Blaine had chosen to walk to the campus as opposed to taking a car. As she trekked down the sidewalk and then onto the grass, the air around her seemed to drastically change from slightly chilly to humid, though whether or not the temperature had actually changed very much was beyond her knowledge.
 She narrowed her eyes against the sun as she looked up at the large front building, mild distaste flickering across her face. "At least in Virginia, I got to attend a normal school with normal people who didn't expect me to reach their expectations, because no one there ever did," she muttered, ducking her head back down and continuing towards the building. Two years ago, Blaine had attended Heritage for the first time, but had went to a normal high school the year after that. It hadn't taken long for her aunt and uncle, who she lived with, to grow tired of the small town that they'd moved to, though, so they'd packed everything back up and moved back to Montana, despite their niece's protests.

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#179712 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:31:17

Jackson nodded. "When Alex was here, plants grew faster," Jackson murmured to himself. "What's your element?" he asked.

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#179713 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:34:03

"Earth." The response was quick, despite not really knowing what all it entailed. What else would it be? All Raffi knew was he was good with plants and had a positive affect on them, which he was more than happy about since plants were probably his favorite thing in the universe. 

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#179715 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:45:11

"Me too! I focus on plants and animals, and strangely enough, earthquakes."

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#179717 Posted on 2018-07-20 10:47:36

He had gotten the courage to look up and, as Jackson finished, stared blankly at him. This was complicated. Raffi had been under the impression it was a general element, and hadn't realized there were different parts to it. Though obviously there would be now that I think about it. I am officially the world's biggest idiot. He realized he was staring and looked up at the burro's tail.

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