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Help me out please

#172776 Posted on 2018-06-04 04:57:22

I just saw this 

this can't be right 50 dollar prize pool to enter a 100 dollar show?

100Miles N1 Endurance $50 0
100Miles N1 Endurance $50 0
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2018-06-04 04:46:53
and 50 dollar prize pool to enter a 20 dollar show??

Rose Gold N5 Endurance $50 0

Please if anyone else is getting the same thing post to my post on the bug zapper called 100 dollar shows only paying 40 dollars for first place. There is no way the prize pool for a 20 dollar show and a 100 dollar show is the same. It seems the show payouts aren't working correctly.

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#172777 Posted on 2018-06-04 05:03:56

Having same issue with $100 shows. If only horse, payout was $40/show yesterday   >.<   Have posted on bug zapper and am still experiencing this issue.....    :(

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#172897 Posted on 2018-06-04 18:00:46

Some of the money in shows go to the show host. The rest get disturbed among 1st, 2nd and 3rd to my understanding. The prize pool also depends on the amount of horses in the show. If there’s 10 horses in a $20 Show, there’s under $200 to go around to the prize horses. However if the shows $100 and there’s only one horse in it, and the host collects some of the money and there’s less than you paid to show.

Just kidding I just looked at some shows and that doesn’t seem to be the case :/ maybe my understanding is all wrong c:

Last edited on 2018-06-04 at 18:06:17 by cazoo

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#172960 Posted on 2018-06-05 05:01:46

@ cazoo if you put a horse into a 100 dollar show and it is the only horse in that show when it runs you get 40 dollars prize money that is a 60 dollar per horse loss of income. Would you still enter a horse in a 100 dollar show knowing the payout isn't correct??  You aren't winning that show money wise, your bank account is being drained $60 per horse for getting first place.

here is a 100 dollar show
100Miles N1 Endurance    (this is what it showed for the payout for first place $50)    (this is how many horses entered 0) 
(this was how much time before the show ran 4:42)
(this is what it cost to enter the show $100) IF one horse had been entered the payout is only $40 I have it posted in bug zapper

Payout used to be more than the $100 entry fee for each horse entered

here is a 50 dollar show
Rose Gold N5 Endurance (this is what it showed for the payout for first place $50) (this is how many horses entered 0) 
This is how much time before the show ran 8:53:14)
(this is the cost of the entry fee $20)

this is what a $100 show should look like 

KeyHole R4 Western $150 0 23:58:45 $100

Last edited on 2018-06-05 at 05:18:06 by HiddenAcresMustangs

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#173494 Posted on 2018-06-07 05:00:18

Anyone know if this is fixed yet?

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#173495 Posted on 2018-06-07 06:06:39

Abbey said it is working as intended. Shows will *not* payout bonus money unless there are 3 entries...

So people who want to compete in smaller shows are now going to be penalized..... sounds great.....

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#173497 Posted on 2018-06-07 06:16:57

I don't understand why you guys are freaking out, it sounds completely fair to me. Why should there be a pay out bonus in shows with 1 or 2 horses? 3 horses is very small show and you are getting a payout bonus for getting 1st-3rd place. Its not a penalty for being in small shows, its so you don't get easy cash from entering an almost nonexistent competition.

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#173498 Posted on 2018-06-07 07:12:42

@Rem, maybe you are having better success with the updated showing but I have had NO success with it. It doesn't matter what I do with my horses, they can't place well.

So I agree with Evermore, it IS penalizing players for showing in small shows. I can't get my horses to win any other way unless there are only 1, maybe 2, horses in a show.

I am very unhappy with the turn this game has taken. I am frustrated with the new show system, and now with the new penalty for minimal entry shows, I don't know that I want to keep playing.

This may be the last straw for me.

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#173506 Posted on 2018-06-07 07:57:52

ugh... this news isn't great. I was going to start showing again and now I don't know if I should show my horses...
It isn't fair to be penalized when there's not enough players to enter. Often, I enter my horses when all shows only have 0-2 entries. Some days, all those shows ended with high number of entries. However, there are days where several shows ended with low entries. It is not my fault since I cannot predict that other players would lock their horses or suddenly ride school them.

@Deadpoot, I understand how you are feeling :(

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#173546 Posted on 2018-06-07 12:10:18

I think I'm a little confused on what the big issue with the lack of bonus is. I don't think it's penalizing people, because shows with fewer horses already do you less good anyway (ex. you don't earn stats without there being at least 5 entries). Beyond that, everyone is always asking for more realistic features--and in reality, you're simply not going to make as much off of a show with fewer horses because the host of the show still has to cover their bottom line before there can be a payout. 

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#173548 Posted on 2018-06-07 12:16:19

I agree with Sonoma.
Whether or not I have issues with showing does not have anything to do with this new update. It is about not getting free cash from showing against one other horse. Like I said before, all you have to do is show against 2 other horses to get a bonus payout. Either way, you are getting either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place plus that bonus. That seems quite a deal to me itself. 
Its not like you got much cash from a 2 horse show anyway. Its not a big loss.
If you need to make some profit from your horses, you would get more of it from the riding school.

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#173551 Posted on 2018-06-07 12:30:03

Also, just as a note, if you withdraw from showing purely because of this, that makes you a contributor to the "there's not enough people showing" problem, same as going private contributes to the lack of "good showing horses" for sale/studs and oversaturation of certain pedigrees. 

All it really means is that you may have to adjust your showing method. I show random all the time provided there's enough shows (and making sure there's enough to have 3 horses a show or less if possible), if you handshow just pick more entries where you can. My method (albeit probably the laziest) gets me 10k+ profit and consistent stat gain across the board, including when I'm the only entry (usually depends when I show if that happens). 

 If your horses aren't winning at all then you need to check it's suitable for showing, if it's still consistently losing to worse horses regardless then there's a bug post in the bug zapper about inconsistent showing. It's not really a penalty when you don't earn much for a less than 5 entry show, like Sonoma and RemRem have mentioned. 

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#173557 Posted on 2018-06-07 12:49:59

@ Sonoma,
my issue is that I will lose money just because other players happened to lock their horses or whatever. 
If I paid $100 to enter a horse and only receive $40 prize money, then I will lose $60. How am I suppose to make a profit? I am fine with no bonus but I would like to get full refund. If one horse entered in $100 show, the prize should be $100 not $40. It is bad enough that my horses won't gain any stats. Now, I will lose profits. Sorry, but I am not going to take a risk.

The higher the grade are, less competitions you have. If I have an international level horse that only have 2 other competitors, how am I suppose to gain profit? What's point in showing?

I've said this repeatedly but I am going to say this again. The show system are extremely flawed.

If you need to make some profit from your horses, you would get more of it from the riding school.

Oh yeah, I am planning to do that. I am going to drop showings and focus on riding school for now...

Also, just as a note, if you withdraw from showing purely because of this, that makes you a contributor to the "there's not enough people showing" problem, same as going private contributes to the lack of "good showing horses" for sale/studs and oversaturation of certain pedigrees. 

Why should I voluntarily lose out moneys just purely for sake of that? No. I will not do that. I don't care if I contribute to the "there's not enough people showing". There is a plausibility reasons why players gave up on showings. If we all keep showing and losing money in silence, the extremely flawed system will be not fixed.
I handpicked shows because I often will try to ensure that my horses are entered in shows with 4+ entries so I can get stats bonuses. However, it doesn't work all the time. Often, I found 20 shows available with 0-2 entries so I had no choice but enter in those shows and hope that someone else will come along and enter their horses as well. 
I already risked a lot by doing that and now I will have to lose money. That's way too much. It was bad enough that my horses won't earn stats when that happens.

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#173565 Posted on 2018-06-07 13:17:27

As I understand it you aren’t currently showing or haven’t been for a while? Why not just try it for a couple weeks with a few different methods. There’s no one right way since it depends on the level of your horse and how many you have of that discipline and level. In the case of only being 1 of 3 national horses then I’d just school it? You’re not going to get star gain even if the others did show. Entering low entry shows isn’t always a bad thing if they’ve just been made, but if there’s only a couple hours left then schooling would be the best option. As a handshower you really have a lot more control over horse your horses show than someone that autosjows, since you can make decisions for each individual. 

Honestly, it’s only encouraging you to manage your horses more than blindly enter shows. If you’re concerned about losing money because of random locks then enter shows with more than 6 entries instead of 4. I don’t see any change of method, just that one way hasn’t worked for you so you’re throwing in the towel by the sounds of it. I don’t really see any of us being quiet about losing money, if anything profits have improved since the showing tweaks and fixes that I’ve heard at least. Hence why I can only think it may be how you show or just a case of low level bad luck. 

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#173566 Posted on 2018-06-07 13:21:23

I should not be told to shut up and color just because my horses can't seem to do well (for the life of me!) in bigger shows!!!!!!!!!!

It isn't enough that horses entered in small shows don't gain stats but now the owners are just throwing away money because they are the only 1 or 2 persons to enter a show! That is ridiculous!

Entering riding schools does not earn achievements, points, wins for a horse. I use the SAME show techniques as successful showers (with foundie horses with lowish non spec stats) and I can not FOR THE LIFE OF ME get my horses to compete well! Just the other day, I had a mare with over the amount of stats for her level, 5/5 tack, feed/treated before showing and didn't get a single win with her. I got a couple 3rds and higher placings. Losing to horses with less training and less stats. HOW does that work? How is that fair? So to get a few wins, I enter in smaller classes. But not anymore I guess. Showing isn't a charity event for me.

It isn't right that players be FORCED to play a certain way. It would make MUCH more sense, to me, if maybe players simply broke even when they are the only entrant in a show. Least that would be fair and not so.... poopy for players entering in tiny shows.

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