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Locked in love Horse RP sign ups

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Locked in love Horse RP sign ups

#169611 Posted on 2018-05-06 11:08:35

Inspiried by Agapi. There has always been two herds, a strong herd of stallions, and a larger, weaker herd of mares. And every year the two herds come together to reproduce for the two herds to continue to grow and stay full of horses. 

Everyone was happy, and there was no worry about hearts being broken or feelings being hurt, because every mate was chosen purely to create a good, strong foal. 

No one ever had a problem with this system, for a long time. But as time went on, things changed. 

After a while, the mares started to rebel, and no longer want to produce foals for the stallions, so they have began moving away, unbeknownst that the stallions had been following them. 

One night while the mares were all sleeping, the stallions caged them all in an old, abandon barn. 

Then the next morning, the mares were to be auctioned off to the stallions, and each mare had to produce that stallion's foal. 

Now, this capturing and caging of the mares is tradition. And it is that time again this year, for each mare to be auctioned off to a stallion. 

The mares have started to rebel again, recently though. They started becoming restless, and no longer want to be caged and sold.

But that didn't change a thing, and the Alpha Stallion is persistent on caging the mares. 

Herd Rules
 Alpha Stallion doesn't have to "bid", he get's mare of his choosing when it is her turn to be auctioned off. 
 Beta Stallion doesn't have to "bid", he get's mare of his choosing when it is her turn to be auctioned off, so long as Alpha Stallion doesn't want the same mare. Alpha Stallion's wants overrule that of Beta Stallion. 
 Unless the stallion who won her lets her go for the next year, then the mare must produce a foal for the stallion who won her, and may not escape. 
 Every stallion must bid at least on one mare, though if he choses to set her free or use her is up to him
 A stallion may have a maximum of three mares. 
 When foals are born, they stay with their mother until they are weaned, after which they join the proper herd. Colts join the Stallions, and Fillies join the Mares. 
 Alpha Stallion's word is law, after that, Beta Stallion's. If a mare births her foal before everyone else, she is free to do as she wishes when her foal is matured, meaning she may run free with any, if there was any, released mares.
 Stallions may not physically abuse their mare(s), though may punish her if need be. If he is found hurting her without or outside of reason, he shall be exiled depending on severity of the situation. 

Bidding Lingo
Horses don't actually "bid", but more so fight. If a stallion wants a mare, he says he claims her. If some other stallion wants her, then he claims a challenge, and they fight. If multiple stallions want a mare, they all fight at once. It is not a fight to the death, and no stallion needs to be fatally injured. Once the Alpha or Beta declares the winner, the fight is over and the next mare is brought up. Alpha and Betas do not have to fight. 

 Please please please be literate and detailed. 3+ sentences per character per post. You will received one warning, before you will be kicked from the roleplay. 
a. While I expect everyone to be detailed, descriptive, literate, etc, I don't want to read about gore and everything. That is unneeded. 
 Please be active. I understand we all have lifes, and aren't roleplay robots who sit at a computer all day, but please try to post at least once a day, and if you know you won't be online to post for a few days, please forewarn me.
a. If you are gone for a long period of time without an explanation you will be kicked. 
 I love original, unique characters that are unlike anyone else's. I understand there is lots of people who think similarly when it comes to creating characters, I have encountered that problem before, but I dont want a bunch of Jane Does and Billy Bobs running around in the roleplay. 
 Make at least one mare and one stallion. If you want to make more, that is fine, but I prefer the number of mares be larger than the number of stallions if it is to be uneven. 
 If you have read all the rules post how excited on a scale of one to ten, 1 being not very, and 10 being extremely, how excited you are in the Q/C/C portion of the sign up. 
 Have fun!

Herd Rankings
Alpha Stallion
● Saju || Daphne101
Alpha Mared
● Chosen In RP
Beta Stallion
● Haunting || Midnight Outlaw
Beta Mare
● Chosen In RP
● Bazku || Daphne101
● Serval || Raptor
•Thunder ||Zeke
•Deure || Dragonfly
•Kin || Oswin 
•Umi || Oswin
•Sirocco || Bandit
• Janus || The Gaiaphage 
● Sakura || Daphne101
● Zapata || Daphne101
● Mackerel ||Raptor
• Outlaw || Midnight Outlaw
•Cheveyo || Midnight Outlaw
•Cheese Cakes ||Zeke
•Terei || Dragonfly
•Odissi || Oswin
•Super Nova || Oswin
•Raevyn || Bandit
•Celaena || The Gaiaphage

● None To Start

Sign Up Form (delete everything in parenthesis) 
★ Name:
☆ Nickname: (optional)
★ Gender: (♀ [female] or ♂[male])
☆ Age: (stallions age range 2-15, mares 2-12 years)
★ Rank: (mares may only be mares, all stallions should be signed up stallion rank)
☆ Desired Rank: (optional, if it is a stallion, indicate here if you would like him to have the rank of Beta Stallion)
★ Crush:
☆ Family: (not a lot of horses should be related, please don't make all your characters related)
★ Five Words: (five words to describe your character's personality. words not phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc)
☆ Description: (realistic horses only, please be descriptive)
★ History: (optional, but preferred that you fill out. Most stallions shouldn't have dramatic histories, they live a good life. And only some older mares would have a slightly dramatic history.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 

Last edited on 2018-05-13 at 03:27:21 by Daphne101

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#169613 Posted on 2018-05-06 11:48:00

Sign Up Form
★ Name: Serval
☆ Nickname: Serv, Ser
★ Gender: ♂
☆ Age: 2
★ Rank: stallion
☆ Desired Rank: n/a
★ Crush: n/a as of now
☆ Family: n/a
★ Five Words: cautious / reserved / kindhearted / shy / brooding
☆ Description: Serval is classic dun in color, with extensive rabicano. He has a wide blaze on his face, cutting between his friendly dark brown eyes. He has a stocking on his right foreleg, as well as a sock on his left hind leg. He has a lithe but well-built body, standing at 14.3hh. His breed, though mixed, is mainly a Nokota horse.
★ History: Serval has had a rather good life. His parents had a decent relationship, and he was/is pretty close with his siblings and half-siblings, especially while he was growing up.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 10/10, because I was in an RP very similar to this a couple of years ago and had a lot of fun... Speaking of that, do you know who's idea this was originally?

Sign Up Form
★ Name: Mackerel
☆ Nickname: Mack
★ Gender: ♀
☆ Age: 7
★ Rank: mare
☆ Desired Rank: n/a
★ Crush: n/a
☆ Family: n/a
★ Five Words: blunt / sardonic / dull / condescending / defeated
☆ Description: Mackerel is fleabitten gray, with different shades of freckles littering her pelt. Her mane has shorter-than-normal patches in it from when stallions (and occasionally her fellow mares) have had to restraint her (they still haven't fully grown out, which says something about how vicious she can sometimes get), and she also has numerous scars from similar events. Her dark brown eyes have an ever-present mocking light in them, though they've grown duller over time. She's some kind of Thoroughbred/Appaloosa cross, with other breeds mixed in, of course. She has a lean, worn-down build, and a height of 15.2hh.
★ History: Mack learned early on in life that rebelling against the system is a futile quest. She experienced firsthand the effects of such a way of life - her father was absent for most of her foalhood, and her mother wanted nothing to do with her - but after a few years of trying desperately to escape from any and all stallions, she finally gave up. She has been a mother to four foals [one at age two, another at age three, not bred at age four, another at age five, and another at age six], the second of which died at birth, and the third of which died of sickness when it was only a few months old.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: ^

Last edited on 2018-05-06 at 15:13:50 by Raptor

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#169628 Posted on 2018-05-06 15:07:26

★ Name: Haunting
☆ Nickname: Haunt
★ Gender:♂
☆ Age: 5
★ Rank: stallion
☆ Desired Rank: Alpha Stallion
★ Crush: n/a
☆ Family: n/a
★ Five Words: quiet/reserved/gentle/calm/fiery
☆ Description: Haunt is a silvery grullo with a long black mane and tail, black dorsal stripe, and black zebra barring on his legs. He has the traditional head shape of a Lusitano, because he is half that and half Thoroughbred. He stands at 17hh and has several scars from fights he’s gotten into. 
★ History: He grew up with a mother that didn’t want him and a father that loved him to pieces, so always wasn’t sure where he stood. He also observed his father’s gentleness with his mares, and does the same.  
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 10/10!

★ Name: Outlaw
☆ Nickname: n/a
★ Gender:♀
☆ Age: 4
★ Rank: mare
☆ Desired Rank: n/a
★ Crush: n/a
☆ Family: n/a
★ Five Words: spirited/rebellious/loner/blunt/quieter
☆ Description: Outlaw is a pitch black mare with a long, slightly wavy black mane and tail. She has fiery ice blue eyes, is tall at 18hh and has a fast, lean build. She has several scars from her rebelling, and absolutely despises the system and is just waiting for a chance to flee. Her ears are slightly hooked, as she’s half Marwari half Frieab, and she also has a face that’s a mix between the Arab profile and Friesian. 
★ History: Her father ruled over his mares very viciously, hated her, and her mother lived in constant fear of her father. Her mother hardly seemed to know she had a foal, she was so fixated on her situation and wallowing in self pity. 
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: hopefully I did those right! 

★ Name: Cheveyo
☆ Nickname: Chevy
★ Gender: ♀
☆ Age: 4
★ Rank: mare
☆ Desired Rank: n/a
★ Crush: n/a
☆ Family: n/a
★ Five Words: gentle/mellow/shy/calm/blunt
☆ Description: Cheveyo is a flashy blue roan with a long, smooth black mane and tail with some lighter streaks, a bald face, light blue eyes, and black stockings. She is half Nokota half Tiger Horse, and stands at 16.5hh. 
★ History: She grew up in a normal setting with both parents doting on her. 
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: ^^

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 21:08:33 by Midnight Outlaw

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#169633 Posted on 2018-05-06 15:28:25

Sign Up Form 
★ Name: Thunder
☆ Nickname: 
★ Gender: ♂
☆ Age: 3
Rank: stallion
☆ Desired Rank: Beta
★ Crush: N/A
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Serious, Mellow, Gentle, Strict, Strong.
☆ Description: Blue Roan with long socking on hind legs and a lightning bolt down his face.
★ History: Just joined the herd a little bit ago, still trying to learn the rules.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: N/A

Sign Up Form 
★ Name: Cheese Cake
☆ Nickname: Cakes
★ Gender: ♀ 
☆ Age: 2
★ Rank: mare
☆ Desired Rank: N/A
★ Crush:Thunder
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Sweet, Freindly, Willing, Dreamer, Strict
☆ Description: Black Tobino Paint, almost looks like she is split in half in color.

★ History: Completely new to the herd, barley knows anyone.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 

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#170130 Posted on 2018-05-12 04:18:10

Everyone is accepted and agape has a rp like this so I’ll out inspired by agapi 

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#170142 Posted on 2018-05-12 06:46:01

My entire signup got deleted ;_;  so I'll redo it sometime today. Not sure when.

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#170158 Posted on 2018-05-12 09:21:17

★ Name: Terei (Teer-ee
☆ Nickname: Ree
★ Gender: 
☆ Age: 3
★ Rank: Mare
☆ Desired Rank: None
★ Crush: None
☆ Family: Deure, her half brother
★ Five Words: Intimidated//gentle//concerned//unsure//afraid
☆ Description: Terei is a red dun, with a snip face marking. Her tail has dark brown-red sections, and her eyes are a deep shade of sable. She's an Arabian/Welsh Pony cross, and is only about 13.3 hh.
★ History: This is her second year doing this, last year she was chosen by a stallion who didn't care much about her one way or the other, and was set free. Because of this she's rather wary of stallions, but wouldn't be too afraid of them, if not for the way most of the other mares react to stallions.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 10/10, I've read the other roleplay like this several times and love it!

★ Name: Deure (Dee-uer)
☆ Nickname:
★ Gender: ♂
☆ Age: 7
★ Rank: Stallion
☆ Desired Rank: He wants to be Beta or Alpha stallion, although that's highly unlikely because of his reputation.
★ Crush: None
☆ Family: His half sister, Terei, and a foal.
★ Five Words: Troublemaker//sly//sneaky//protective//tough//
☆ Description: Grullo, with minimal tobiano across his shoulder and on his side. He has a stripe on his face and a sock on his back left leg, and is a Welsh Pony/Quarter Horse cross, and 14 hh.
★ History: His mother was a Welsh Pony, his father was a Quarter Horse, and he let the mare he chose go free most years, but twice he decided to have a foal. The second time, the foal died, and he was so upset, he let the mare he chose go free every year after that.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: He enjoys playing tricks, so he's pretty much not respected by anyone.

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 11:07:44 by ↁragonfly

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#170179 Posted on 2018-05-12 13:57:39

edit : withdrawing signups if this starts up again 

★ Name: Kin 金 (pronounced Keen)
☆ Nickname: N/A
★ Gender: Stallion ♂
☆ Age: 9
★ Rank: Stallion
☆ Desired Rank: Stallion
★ Crush: N/A
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Stubborn // Moody // Jerk // Nice* // 
*conditions apply
☆ Description: Kin has a golden bay coat. His face is marked with a white blaze, his front legs with socks and his back left with a stocking. Kin's mane and tail are night-black. His eyes are brown, warm like syrup when he is pleased but can become sharp in an instant. He is a quarter horse. Kin's Reference
★ History: Lived in the herd his whole life, used to this lifestyle and mind of thought. 
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  10/10 excited, I was in Agapi's original RP and excited to do this again! 

★ Name: Umi
☆ Nickname: N/A
★ Gender: Stallion ♂
☆ Age: 3 Years Old
★ Rank: Stallion
☆ Desired Rank: Stallion
★ Crush: N/A as of yet
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Skittish // Gentle // Caring // Passive Rebel
☆ Description: Umi is a draft horse, a Gypsy Vanner to be exact. His coat is short and dark brown with feathering on the legs. Caramel-colored dappling covers his body. His mane and tail are wavy, soft, and a very dark brown. His eyes are a gentle blue. Umi's Reference (in the RP he doesn't have the blue dapples)
★ History: Umi was born into this world, but he doesn't agree with it at all. However, his skittish/submissive nature keeps him from acting on his opposing thoughts.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  ^

★ Name: Odissi
☆ Nickname: N/A
★ Gender: Mare ♀
☆ Age: 7
★ Rank: Mare
★ Crush: N/A
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Quiet // Strong-Willed // Sometimes Sarcastic // Loner
☆ Description: Odissi is a strawberry roan mustang. She has a white spot on her back and a white marking climbing up her back left leg and onto her hindquarters. A white blaze stripes her face. Her front legs have pastern markings, and her right back leg has a short sock. Odissi's Ref
★ History: Odissi has always preferred being by herself. Having lived with this for several years, she's come to accept it as part of life, though she isn't a huge fan. She'd much rather be by herself, exploring the woods or something.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  ^

★ Name: Super Nova
☆ Nickname: Nova
★ Gender: Mare ♀
☆ Age: 2
★ Rank: Mare
★ Crush: N/A
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Ambitious // Charismatic // Friendly // Backstabber // Bossy
☆ Description: Nova is an Arabian with a pretty dapple gray coat and some roaning. Unlike most dapple grays, however, Nova has a blonde mane and tail. She has stockings on front right and back left legs, and socks on the other two legs. Her eyes are a very high contrast blue that look silver/gray. Reference .... Eye Example
★ History: This is her first year. She is hoping to become alpha mare, or at the least beta, and if that is unachievable, Nova would like to lead the mares into rebellion. Anything to be at the top - the top of anything.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  ^

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#170180 Posted on 2018-05-12 14:04:59

Sign Up Form (delete everything in parenthesis) 
★ Name: Raevyn 
☆ Nickname: Rae
★ Gender: female
☆ Age: 4
★ Rank: mare
☆ Desired Rank: 
★ Crush: None as of yet 
☆ Family: none 
★ Five Words: Loner- uncaring- snappy- frustrated 
☆ Description: Dark, completely black coat with a small rosette on her forehead. Arabian with long, wavy mane and tail.
History: Raevyn had a pretty standard foalhood, nothing special there. She's frustrated with the system and wants nothing to do with anyone or anything- but secretly, all she wants is for someone who likes her for who she is.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  super excited! Never done anything like this before!!!

Sign Up Form (delete everything in parenthesis) 
★ Name: Sirocco
☆ Nickname: Rocky
★ Gender: Male
☆ Age: 4
★ Rank: Stallion 
☆ Desired Rank: (optional, if it is a stallion, indicate here if you would like him to have the rank of Beta Stallion)
★ Crush: None as of yet 
☆ Family: None
★ Five Words: Sweet, kind, compassionate, loyal, trustworthy 
☆ Description: Buckskin Tobiano paint/mustang, one blue eye and one brown with a white face.
★ History: Rocky was raised by a loving family. His mom always told him to do what he felt was right and to follow his heart, so thats what he's going to do.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:   :D

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 14:15:58 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#170253 Posted on 2018-05-12 20:40:01

Everyone accepted 

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#170254 Posted on 2018-05-12 20:48:55

Creating the form now 

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 20:50:15 by Daphne101

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#170260 Posted on 2018-05-12 22:42:42

★ Name: Celaena // Janus
☆ Nickname: El // N/A
★ Gender: Female // Male
☆ Age: 2 // 3
★ Rank: Mare // Stallion
☆ Desired Rank: None
★ Crush: None as of yet // None as of yet
☆ Family: None
★ Five Words: Friendly, Bold, Likable, Selfless, Amusing // Insentisive, Charismatic, Intelligent, Ambitious, Trustworthy
☆ Description: Celaena has been blessed with a gorgeous champagne gene from her mother, who was once one of the most fought over mares of her time - only to pass away during a freak storm. Celaena is an almost 15hh Cream Draft/Tennessee Walker Cross, and has a large pink scar due to an ill-fitting muzzle.  // Janus has quite a unique facial marking, which prompted his name. He is a (roughly) 16hh blood bay warmblood with four stockings - the epitome of perfect breeding, bar his facial marking and brand.
☆ History: Celaena, by no means wants to be here - she hates that the mares get no say, and while she wishes she could go unnoticed, she knows that her eye catching colour and desirable genes can easily make her one of the top priorities to any stallion focused on good breeding. She can thank her mother for that - A surprisingly lightweight dun champagne cream draft, infuriatingly only known by the stallions for her genetics, not her personality. Celaena, while not always agreeing with her mother valued that she was a gentle soul, but stood firmly for what she believed in.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns: 11/10 gahhhh i remember the old one!!! so good

Last edited on 2018-05-12 at 23:43:34 by The Gaiaphage

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tg :^)

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#170266 Posted on 2018-05-13 03:25:06


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#170545 Posted on 2018-05-14 16:31:39

Sign Up Form 
★ Name: Saju
☆ Nickname: N/A
★ Gender: ♂[male]
☆ Age: 6 years
★ Rank: Alpha
☆ Desired Rank: Alpha
★ Crush:
☆ Family: None
★ Five words: Hot-headed, Strong willed, Emotional, Angered
☆Description: A 16 hand palomino Quarter horse and thoroughbred cross with dark brown eyes.
★ History: (optional, but preferred that you fill out. Most stallions shouldn't have dramatic histories, they live a good life. And only some older mares would have a slightly dramatic history.
☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  

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#226762 Posted on 2020-08-14 15:57:45

★ Name: Electra
☆ Nickname: None
★ Gender: Female
☆ Age: 5yo
★ Rank: Mare
☆ Desired Rank: 
★ Crush: N/A
☆ Family: N/A
★ Five Words: Sassy, willing, kind, loving, smart.
☆ Description: Electra is a Quarter horse mare, she has a light grey dapple coat, one of her eyes are brown and one is blue, her nose is a pale pink, she has dark black hoofs.
★ History: She does not have a bad history, she was treated pretty well.

☆ Questions/Comments/Concerns:  Is the Alpha mare already chosen?

Last edited on 2020-08-17 at 18:03:27 by Maddie

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