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Meet my new girl! + update

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Meet my new girl! + update

#163353 Posted on 2018-03-27 13:07:00

Her name is Annabell! I've recently gotten into HARPG and I lovvee itt!  She's a big boof who thinks shes a dog because she was raised alongside my tokotas -who I think most people have met by now on here lol.  If you haven't, here they are!- Maia, Kiki and Hon. Anna is part of the DA group Equus Ballators. I have to get her ref done though, but I'm looking for art for her! :D Big custom arts. PM me with prices and examples ;) for reference she is a North Sweedish Draft build and "my animals and I" live in fictional alaska borderline canada/north pole somewhere. 

If anyone would draw Anna and or one of my dogs hunting a polar bear, I will love you and throw you a retired tag/sig recolor in there too. - super bonus if you'd include me with 'em :3-

Now for the update: Those of you who have ordered form me when my shop went live I have not forgotten about you but recently, real life decided it wanted to crop up. You can read if you want in my rant on another post. But besides from the long process of getting a new prosthetic, recently, I've been having a lot of aching pain in my arms mostly my right, and shaking like someone who's gone cold-turkey off of their meds, and as of this morning, My hand does NOT want to grip a pen. Typing this is actually kind of hard. If you still want your manip, please let me know :) If you've paid for half of your manip(s) and don't want to wait, please let me know so that I can refund you. If you're still waiting, please let me know if you want to wait or not. :)  I am so super sorry for this. I don't know how long it will be until I can get to work on your art.

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#163355 Posted on 2018-03-27 13:09:00

she looks amazing!!!!!

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#163427 Posted on 2018-03-27 16:50:35

ooh she's gorgeous! c: I have a big floofy artic too!... which I still need to design.... ahah
and ahh another toko person!! :D haha
Unfortunately I don't have time for taking on more art projects, but I wanted to just pop in and say how cute she is! Perhaps when I get my artic designed(when I'm not too busy too haha) , I can draw a hunting image with them both!:D I think plains can hunt with arctics too so I can always just draw my plains x)

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#163444 Posted on 2018-03-27 17:40:42

Ahh!! Another arpgggeerrr!! Oh that would be so cool!! I haven't taken a serious look at the hunting regions and who can and can't hunt in the tundras lol. All I have is a chart for what EBs and tokos can hunt together lol.

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#166367 Posted on 2018-04-13 02:37:01

Glad to see more ARPGers, that's where I've been lol. Completely into HARPG. Haven't picked up an Equus Ballator yet, since I'm trying to get a hold of a Quirlicorn, Boucle Unicorn, Hototo, and Nordanner. Also want to try to get into Tokotas, but at the moment don't have the time to do so. So, will try in like September, when HARPG things start settling down. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one completely addicted lol. 

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#167188 Posted on 2018-04-16 12:32:38

Not addicted :3 But I do like the thought of having a good life when mine's falling down around me in real life lol. Right now It's kind of what's keeping me sane lol. I'm currently doing tokos and EB's and I think that's enough for me lol.

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