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Greek Mythology Roleplay

#189220 Posted on 2018-09-15 07:31:28

He nodded, not having looked at Denver for most of his time in the tent. Being here still made him feel guilty and like he had failed. Her cot was now empty, so he assumed somebody had taken her to prepare for the burial ceremony. Auberon tried to force his mind a different place. "Okay. Let's go," he muttered to Kahlen, turning and quickly leaving the infirmary tent.

"Okay.... How are we getting the chair up the stairs?" Freddie imagined a pretty funny scenario and stifled a giggle with a swig of soda.

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#189221 Posted on 2018-09-15 07:32:58

Kahlen noticed Auberon's gaze and winced. It's not his fault. She sighed, following him out of the tent.

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#189222 Posted on 2018-09-15 07:36:08

"Strawberry fields, right?" Auberon asked. He glanced at Kahlen. Is she upset that I'm leaving?

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#189223 Posted on 2018-09-15 07:47:02

"Yep." Kahlen caught up to him, studying his expression. "You alright?"

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#189226 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:15:17

ย The fact that they'd just reached the porch steps accentuated her point. "Uh... I've got nothing. Maybe we could find another person to help us?"

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#189227 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:18:13

"Yeah. Are you okay with me going on the quest?" Auberon could see the strawberry fields up ahead.

"Maybe there's a secret ramp? Does Chiron ever go up there in his human form?"ย 

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#189229 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:21:14

ย His eyes lit up. "Wait, yeah actually, there is. Come on." And with that, he wheeled her chair around, giving Freddie what was probably the scariest ride of her life as he sprinted around to the back of the house with her in tow. "There we go! His ramp."

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#189231 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:23:51

She laughed, releasing her grip on the armrests. "Try not to crash my chair, please and thank you." Freddie felt for her soda which had miraculously not spilt. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

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#189233 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:28:29

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Liar liar you know you're not okay with it at all but keep it up I guess

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#189234 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:30:52

He shrugged, mumbling "I dunno," under his breath. He had expected her to care more about his going away, at least that's what he was pretty sure was going through his head. He couldn't really tell.ย 

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#189238 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:42:27

"... okay. I am... concerned, but ultimately what I think won't really be taken into consideration, so..."

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#189239 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:42:33

ย Jimmy grinned, pushing her up the ramp and then around the wrap-around porch. The duo finally reached their destination: The front door to the Big House. "Do you think Chrion's in here?"

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#189242 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:56:36

"No idea. If he is it'll make it more fun. Did you grab a movie at the cabin?"

"Yeah, I guess not." He entered the strawberry fields. The satyrs playing for the plants glanced up at them before turning away.

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#189244 Posted on 2018-09-15 08:59:02

Kahlen kept her eyes on the ground. You still haven't told the whole truth, Kahlen.

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#189246 Posted on 2018-09-15 09:05:31

"Now what?" Auberon asked bluntly, not in the mood to figure out a topic to discuss. He was already irritated, for a reason he didn't know, which just made him more irritated.

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