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Venomsayers *Human RP*

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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#23200 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:07:39

Sebastian stood up angrily. He was tired of this little brat! It was about time he was going to make some changes. Then, he let it go with a smirk. "You think your tough." He scowled. Then he looked at Jordan. He then looked at them all. "When did I say I was rich? You're the one acting all cool because your parents have whatever the you wanted!" he glared at her, his eyes looked red. He walked upstairs. (Dont have her leave he is coming back down) After a little while he came back down. "I am tired of hiding." He said looking at the boys who were all really happy, especially Riley. He looked back at Blair. He was all same, except... He had black skinny jeans on. A black emo jacket, an anime shirt on. The boys ran upstairs and changed as well. Riley's blue shagged hair had looked adorable. He was the second hottest besides Sebastian in this look. Sebastian put Blair's chin up with his hand and looked at her. "Just because your pretty doesn't mean you're tough kid." He smirked at his buddies. Before, and if she did try to slap Jim, he would of caught her hand.
(Big plot twist in the character, he is just beginning. Sorry if it confusing... but he is big bad boy now! If that what she want, then that what she get. Moohahahahahaha!
"I will take your advice though. That motivational speech worked." He walked out side with his buddies and they returned to the house. He saw Mia down and he felt bad, but no expression showed on his face. He walked to her and looked at her. "Looks who's back!"

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#23206 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:17:07


Anger raged through blair She felt like punching him but she held back clinching her fists in her hands " tough... tough... Listen here you arent much of a glamour either... Me spoiled brat alright last time i checked she was MY friend... I'm tired of you.... Me rich i dont rub it in everyone's face like you.... " OH my Dad got a bunch of money off art blah blah blah" You know what mister Mia deserves much better than the you " She said using choice words as rage swept through her " look just because im a girl dosent mean i am not tough.... dosent mean i cant hit someone just as hard as you can..." Her eyes turned red as if she breathed fire every time she spoke. She gave the hardest glare. She gritted her teetha nd tried so hard to refrain from attacking. " oh but now your precious little car gets swollen and you go nuts... i bet you care more about that thing than you do your own mother!" she snarled as she though steam would burst out of her ears.

Last edited on 2016-03-25 at 19:32:27 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#23208 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:21:04

Mia climbed from the pool shaking. It had all came down to her. She new Blair had a point and was her 'sister' but would she go with the one she truly felt for? Mia glanced between the two. Blairs words stung her as her eyes filled. Her face drained as she lifted her shoulders and pushed between them. Her head span as she ran from the house. She wished she had her car but if wouldn't do any good. She breathed in and out as she ran down the street.

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#23211 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:36:37

Sebastian ran after Mia, trying to ignore Blair's stinging words. He caught up with Mia. He put his hand on her shoulder. He looked at her sorrowful. "Look, I am sorry. Your friend is great. I am sure we will get along someday. She is just hard to click with. I don't want our fighting to make you unhappy. I really am sorry! I, I don't know what to say..." He looked down and wanted to hug her.

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#23214 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:39:40

Mia stood with her eyebrows raised and her mouth open. Anger burned inside her " so just because you upset me you have to lie to make me happy?" She huffed and rolled her eyes " I know you two don't get along big it doesn't mean to have to suck up to me!" She screeched at him and trudged forward. She urged to slap him and kiss him but instead grumbled to herself as she walked.

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#23217 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:44:49

Sebastian wasn't sucking up. He looked at her and caught up to her again. This time he looked at her sternly. "Mia. Listen, I am not sucking up to you. I will prove it." Before anyone could say anything, he kissed her on the lips. He didn't stop this warm moment.
(This is optional cause I am really scared of what is going to happen)

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#23221 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:49:13

( xD lol it's ok... She's just really confused?)
Mia stood, hands shaking, and leaned into his warm lips. She breathed him in slowly and carefully placed her hand on his leather jacket. Her eyes burned with fear as she slowly pulled away. She looked down and anger filled her. She looked up at him and slapped him. She gasped at what she had done. She instantly spoke " I'm.. Wow" she giggled as a red mark appeared on his cheek.

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#23226 Posted on 2016-03-25 19:54:36


Blair stood in anger. How could Mia like this guy? She felt like booting him out of her party but she stormed away. Some friends of Sebastian all they did when she stood up to him was stand there with there mouths open wide. She walked off as she stood by the pool. Hate filled her eyes. She had never hated one person so much in her life.

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#23283 Posted on 2016-03-25 21:09:15

(Jeesh... I mean, Blair... Jeesh, I like almost peed my pants she so scary. Trust me though... Mwoohahaha)
He felt her pull away, and then flinched as she hit him. He felt his face and it began to sting more and more. He looked at her again. "Oh, wow, that was hard..." He looked back. "I really feel bad, I really don't like that Blair is mad at me. She like motivated me to find you. She really cares about you you know. I know that she is only letting me stay because of you..." He looked at his friends. Alex walked up and patted Sebastian on the back. "Good job dude." Sebastian blushed confused. Jordan air high fives him and Sebastian stuck his tongue out at him. They laughed. Riley went to the pool. He looked up at the high diving board. It was huge. He climbed it and was finally about to get in the pool. He, on the top of the diving board, threw his clothes down, and still had the swimming trunks on under it all. He jumped and did a back flip dive into the water. He was given and applause and he swam off to the side.

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#23296 Posted on 2016-03-25 21:20:53

Mia laughed at the boys and turned back to him. " yeah she's my other half, my bold, out going other half" she smiled and shook her head " I just want you to to get along better, and even if you can't become friends than just let me know that you tried" she squeezed his hand and took off the towel that was still around her body.

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#23980 Posted on 2016-03-27 19:14:50

"She doesn't like nice guys. I mean, I went off on her. I am not rich, and she can't call me a silly little rich boy. She is the one that gets everything she wants! Now she is getting her parents house. You wonder why she is mean to people and does what she wishes, It is because she rarely sees her parents. I just wish I could help. Sadly it isn't my business. I will try to get along." he said, with true feeling.

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#23984 Posted on 2016-03-27 19:23:26

Mia stepped back a little hurt. " you cant say things like that if you dont know why and what she has gone threw." Mia looked down lowering her voice " her parents dont really... see her anymore and when they do they, they dont approve of her" She smiled softly but stung inside " I know you mean well but please, shes my best friend" she looked up at him to see his dull face.

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#23990 Posted on 2016-03-27 19:46:01

Oh lol wrong rp

Last edited on 2016-03-27 at 21:18:47 by High Voltage(Laney)

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#23992 Posted on 2016-03-27 19:49:10

( laney wrong RP :D)

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#24143 Posted on 2016-03-28 09:25:57

He frowned. "Sorry..." he looked down. "I should go now." he said walking home and the guys following.
(I am a little confused of what I have done with my character. Silly me. I don't really know what to say. I want Oswin to come back.)

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