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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#24735 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:00:04


"Hey yeah i will pound his face till he looks like a pug" she said as she giggled. The breeze felt good as she smelled the open fresh air. She looked to Mia who looked as if her heart had been choped in half them cleaved down the middle.

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#24736 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:02:27

Mia didn't even smirk at Blair. She fiddled with her fingers quietly as she grabbed her phone and texted her aunt. " can I stay here for a bit?" She asked quietly glancing up at Blair. Her eyes were a bit red and they burned as the breeze kissed the .

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#24738 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:06:16


" ill boot every'one out." She said smiling. She ran to the stairs as she stood on a stool " GET OUT EVERYONE!!!" she screamed and when that didn't work she screamed " FIRE!!!!" trying to get them out. They fled until they were all gone.

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#24739 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:08:54

Mia stood at the top of the stairs and covered her mouth as she cracked up. She smiled and walked down the stairs, over to the counter, and picked up a beer. She needs butane had already had 2 drinks so what could another one do? She popped it open and sipped the cool liquid.

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#24741 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:11:20


blair smiled and shrugged" had to get them out some how.." she raided the pantry for all the chips and food she could find. She sat on the couch as she opened the cooler and popped open a drink. She signaled for Mia to to sit down as she turned on the TV.

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#24743 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:14:55

Mia grinned and jumped to the couch. She sighed and lay back relaxing. She grabbed some Cheetos and stuffed them in her mouth and fed her hunger. She looked at her beer and shook her head at it. She placed it on the table and left it to be alone

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#24747 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:19:20


Blair smiled as she grabbed a Dr. Pepper. She sipped it and then she took a big gulp. She scanned through movies wondering wich one to pick she had no idea.

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#24753 Posted on 2016-03-29 18:23:05

Mia looked at the tv and spotted a great show. " oh Once Upon a Time!" She screeched and pulled her legs up to her chest and grabbed some more snacks.

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#24785 Posted on 2016-03-29 19:19:12

(That is a Greta show)

Sebastian quickly fell asleep.... but then he got a phone call. He rolled his eyes and smacked his head. It was Riley.
"Hello?" He asked frustrated.
"Hey Seb! So, I was thinking that I should go sneak to Blair's house!" he said.
"Seriously?" Sebastian asked wiping sweat off his face. "It is late and you call me because of this crapy nonsense?!" he gritted his teeth with frustration.
"Yep." said Riley. Riley carried his gaze to the street. "In fact I am right in front of your house."
Sebastian looked out the window. He was waving and laughing. He could here it through the phone. He growled. "Are you serious! You know whatever the you want. I am not putting up with it." he said, hanging up and going to sleep. Riley frowned and walked to Blair's house. He looked up and smiled.

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#24797 Posted on 2016-03-29 19:52:48

( i know i am there number one fan........ i love it!)


Blair smiled as she turned the show on. She heard a knock on the door as she went to open it. There stood Riley " what did Sebastian send you cause hes to chicken to face us face to face? Or was he to scared id pound him to the ground?" She said as she leaned all her weight on her left leg. Anger clearly shown on her face as she rolled her eyes.

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#24798 Posted on 2016-03-29 19:56:40

Mia leaned over the couch to see who it was. She smiled at Riley and mouthed to him " sorry". She winked at him and sipped some soda. She what he'd OUAT and grinned as Elsa stormed around Story Brook.
( me too! That's why I said that lol)

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#24803 Posted on 2016-03-29 20:13:38

(Psst.... He didn't knock on the door Laney.)

He walked to her. "Nope. He is very tired and is fairly mad at me because I won't leave him alone. Just wanted to hang out with you. If that is okay? I can leave, if that is what you really want." he said to him with a raised eyebrow.

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#24806 Posted on 2016-03-29 20:16:18

( ohh i assumed cause you said he walked off to Blair's house... sorry...)


blair smirked " ahh sorry yeah come in" she said as she opened the dorr wider fo rhim to step in. She was surprised that he had come in.

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#24807 Posted on 2016-03-29 20:17:42

Mia grinned at him. " hey Riley!" She said and sipped her soda. She smiled as she watched the tv and her friends stand awkwardly.

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#25079 Posted on 2016-03-30 18:35:46

Riley put his hand on the back of his neck. He was a little nervous, but didn't want to show it. "So. Just came to hang out. Saw Blair- Blair right?" He smiled and nodded at Mia as a greeting. "So, as soon as I saw you," he said looking at Blair, "I thought you were pretty cool. Thought we could hang out. None of the others get along with me very well. They call me the trouble maker and the jokester. I mean come on! Can't anyone have a little fun around here!" he said standing inside and his hand down from his neck.

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