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Venomsayers *Human RP*

#22957 Posted on 2016-03-25 10:03:16

Mia studied his face " go on" she smiled slightly pondering on his words. She suddenly looked down as thoughts filled her mind. She swam backwards from him a bit scared of what he would say next.

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#22987 Posted on 2016-03-25 11:31:20

Sebastian felt nervous. He opened his eyes and followed her. "I, I meant, meant..." He stopped and looked down, "You." He shook his head and climbed out of the pool. He grabbed his towel and left from sight.

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#22995 Posted on 2016-03-25 11:41:21

Mia stood slowly and pursed her lips. She was confused at why he had ran and what he had said. She felt her eyes burn as she slowly stepped from the pool. She felt dizzy as the loud sounds filled her. She gazed around And ran inside frightened.

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#23066 Posted on 2016-03-25 13:42:52

Sebastian sat in the restroom a little nervous and embarrassed. That was a little dramatic. Someone knocked on the door and he looked up. "Hello?" He asked. A man answered him. "I'm, Sebastian is that you?" it was Alex. Alex knocked softly again. "You have been in there forever. Is there something you need to talk about?" Sebastian got up and opened the door. "Just a little embarrassed, I said something weird..." it was dramatic and he knew it. Alex leaned on the side of the door. "You always have been sensitive, it is okay man. Come out and have fun!" he looked at Sebastian and patted him on the back. Sebastian smiled slightly and walked out. "You see Blair and Riley are rocken it off!" he said laughing, and Sebastian laughed too.

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#23070 Posted on 2016-03-25 13:56:04

Mia sat at the table quietly. She Lat her head in he hands and breathed deeply. What had just happened? She didn't even know what he was saying nor why he had run. He leaned over and grabbed a semi cold beer. She popped the tap and chucked it.her eyes watered from drinking so icy and she burped slightly embarrassed of how large it was.

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#23081 Posted on 2016-03-25 14:32:09

(I read your message wrong! I thought she was backing away from him because she thought he liked Blair. Silly me! I will go on though)
Sebastian walked by Alex all the way down back to the pool. He hoped to see Mia there again, but she was gone. He had three beers... He set one down and put his feet in the water and looked at his friend. Alex, who had drank a few sips from his drink looked back at Jordan. Jordan had a drink in his hand. They all were protective over him, and didn't like that he was drinking. Sebastian followed his gaze. He then couldn't stop looking, he was also flirting with a familiar girl. Mia! Sebastian felt anger and disappointment boil in his stomach. Alex looked at Sebastian with a worried look. "Dude, please..." Sebastian stood up.

He had walked from the couch and grabbed a beer. He knew he was doing wrong, but it was a party! He was 19... the thing was, he had more than one. He stood up and saw a girl that had burped at the counter and laughed. He walked to her and giggled. He sat next to her. "That was large." he noticed something about her, she was pretty. He wanted her! So he began to flirt.

('s win are you going to post anytime soon?)

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#23114 Posted on 2016-03-25 15:30:08

( oh his crew is so flirty! And lol yeah was confused on his stuff too)
Mia turned horrified that he had heard it" ha you must have come with Sebastian right" She asked curious but most clearly he had. She looked down trying to hide the fact that she was blushing and gazing at his chest. She felt as though she wanted to reach out and tough him. She smiled cutely at him as he flirted. She smiled as she looked over him, he was so handsome and she burned inside as she looked at him. What was happening? Did she fall in a hot man trap?

Last edited on 2016-03-25 at 15:34:31 by Bopper

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#23118 Posted on 2016-03-25 15:45:02

(Hahaha! This is my life!)
Sebastian's cheeks burned. His face was red, and Alex looked almost as if a bomb was going to drop and everyone was going to die. Sebastian twitched as he saw the reaction that came out of Mia. Surely he knew that Mia was the girl Sebastian was hanging with? Or was he too drunk to notice! He walked forward a step hands clinched into fists. People around stood by them and became curious as they noticed his expression.

Jordan noticed and chuckled. "You can touch them if you want?" He said seeing her reaction.

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#23125 Posted on 2016-03-25 15:49:22

Mia's eyes widened with joy but turned as she saw someone walking towards them. She pursed her lips as Sebastian came closer. She began to shake fearing they would fight just as she whispers " Jordan" she jumped from her seat as she motioned for him to turn. Her bikini sick to her body if holy as she moved backwards, her body still damp from the pool.

Last edited on 2016-03-25 at 15:55:52 by Bopper

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#23136 Posted on 2016-03-25 16:33:16

Sebastian grabbed the beer from Jordan and stood inches away from his face. Jordan looked up surprised. "What the Heck dude!" he said to Sebastian. Sebastian looked at him angrily. "Repeat your age to me." Jordan looked at Mia surprised and nervous. "19" he said. Sebastian looked at him sternly. He smelled alcohol and smoke from his mouth, and he became more angry. "How old do you have to be to drink alcohol and smoke!?"
"21, Sebastian." He looked down sadly. He knew he did wrong. They were all Christians, and really in to that. "I am sorry."
Sebastian looked angry still, but now he felt guilty as Jordan looked sad and sorry. Sebastian put the cup back on the counter. He stood straight up and studied him. "Jordan," he paused, "How many drinks have you had?"
"S, six." It was bad to lie, so he didn't. Jordan was drowsy. Sebastian looked at Mia. She looked cold. His face was softer when he looked at her. He grabbed a towel from Alex, in which had walked up with one for Sebastian to use for himself. Sebastian walked to her with a warm smile and helped her up and wrapped the towel around her. Then he turned back to Jordan. "We are leaving boys." Riley had just made it to the pool and began to poute cutely though. He walked to them and they all looked at Sebastian and Jordan. They all walked outside. Sebastian walked to the car and stopped motionless. The guys looked at Sebastian worried. Sebastian turned to them and his face became redder. He looked back at the car, that in which had been beet up by something. It was dented everywhere and he caught a few younger boys run away from his car, about 13-15. He looked at the car and walked closely to it and yelled. "Are you serious! How am I supposed to get home now!" He looked at them embarrassed and angry. Everyone was looking at him. He wanted to shout and cry at the same time... He was so stressed out now.

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#23155 Posted on 2016-03-25 17:13:56

Mia smiled softly as he rapped her in a towel. Her face quickly fell as he walked outside to leave. She stood in the door way, mouth open, and gasped at the damaged truck. She gel her face drain and walked to him " I can drive you or you can borrow my car" she offered trying to help. She really hoped he would say ok. She looked at the tired Boyd one by one and grimaced as she reached Jordan's face. Mia was 20 but only had two drinks and did not smoke. She eyed him for a while and turned back to Sebastian. Mia pulled her towel around her tightly as the wetness seeped into her tan skin

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#23156 Posted on 2016-03-25 17:15:05


Blair swayed her feet in the pool as she sat on the edge of it. She got up noticing Mia but she looked occupied so she walked over to the rock along the pool. She stepped up on a large one that hung over the pool. She screamed as she said "wooohoo!" And plunged into the water beneath her.

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#23160 Posted on 2016-03-25 17:24:20

Sebastian looked up and then looked at her look at Jordan. Jordan looked at her back and smiled. Sebastian felt angry again. "No we're fine." He said, the boys looked surprised. He eyed Jordan and then began to walk home as the guys followed him. Riley glanced at Blair, then turned to follow. Sebastian got far from the house and he stopped and turned to the guys. They looked unhappy. "I am sorry guys. I, I just... I am really stressed out. I just want to go home and sleep. It is late." The boys looked at him a nd they smiled at each other and came in to a bro huddle. They hugged one another and then started walked home. They made it home. They decided they would stay with each other. Sebastian looked up and tears began to fall from his face. That car meant a lot to him. A Chevy... all gone. He swore he would find those kids.

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#23162 Posted on 2016-03-25 17:30:18

Mia sighed and walked back inside. She came to Blair in the pool and slowly slipped in. " I feel bad.. Not cause of his car but cause of Jordan" she starred at her lap and finally looked up as her eyes burned " I should have tried harder" she finally chocked out as she half smiled at Blair.

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#23163 Posted on 2016-03-25 17:31:16


Blair watched Sebastion leave. She hoped put of the pool angrily as she ran after him. Running after him she caught up. "Listen here Sebastian!" She screeched as she grabbed his shirt lifting it. " you're going to turn around go to the house and get Mia! I'm not going to watch you sit around on your lazy but and wait for her to come to you... She likes you she wants to be with you but you push her away everytime" now up in his face though she used other words that but when she said it." I'm tiers of you feel in sorry for yourself walking off listen if I were Mia I would've walked away the first time I saw ya... drop the rich boy attitude and get in there and be with her..." She released him as she gave him a scowl

Last edited on 2016-03-25 at 17:32:17 by High Voltage(Laney)

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