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Riding School Formula?

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Riding School Formula?

#106290 Posted on 2017-05-25 20:22:35

Is there a better way to enter ponies in the riding school?

Like mixing all three (trail, private, and group) or doing only one?

I have been an avid hand shower for forever, but I just have too many horses to do that now so I've decided to embrace the riding school more. Just not sure if there's a better formula when entering horses in. 

Curious on the way other players do it.

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#106297 Posted on 2017-05-25 20:46:52

Riding Schools are really static in the amounts or Money and experience you earn, with stats and items as only a chance. If you're gunning for most stats the area you use does not seem to matter, since the stat chance is the same in all types. I tend to get 4-5 stats out of a session of 10 hours so the gain seems to be 50/50 on stat or not per hour. The choice really matters for your secondary earnings, whether you want more money, items or experience. If you want to up your Experience quicker use Group Lessons, For More Money use Private Lessons, if you'd rather have a shot at extra treats go for trail rides. There doesn't seem to be any great benefit to spreading out your hours among the three, but since your options stick it would be easy to do equal shots in each, with one leftover to put toward the one you desire most. Personally I used to use Private lessons when i was building my money up and now use group lessons to get more experience until I reach level 30.

From the Successful Showing Guide
Maximum amounts Per hour:
Experience: 10-27
Points: none
Money: $15-$33*
Stats: 0-1
Items: 0-1
*minus 10% fee
Horses get a 10% bump in Money, and experience if entered into a School matching their discipline, so always try to do that. And they gain no money if entered into your own school, so use other people's schools. You always have the potential for more money, experience and stats from showing, but riding school is a good alternative if you don't plan to use autoshowing for getting through your horses quicker. Good luck!

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#106301 Posted on 2017-05-25 21:24:19

Hmm, I've been debating using the auto showing feature.. but idk I'm old school and like to hand enter. It just takes forever lol

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