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I think my house may be haunted

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I think my house may be haunted

#97723 Posted on 2017-03-16 08:44:31

She just paces back a forth really like she did in real life

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#97815 Posted on 2017-03-16 22:37:32

Cool! :D What do the pets think?

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#97816 Posted on 2017-03-16 22:46:15

The dog doesn't really notice it, its the cats that are the ones that do all the creepy staring at nothing stuff xD they don't act strange, or stranger than normal for my weirdos xD My kitten would been the one spooked by anything more than what he's used too being born in this house and all. But his brother hates it in here.

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#97817 Posted on 2017-03-16 22:47:34

Oh no! LOL I am sorry he doesn't like it there :( Our cats are Always staring at stuff

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#97820 Posted on 2017-03-16 22:52:17

Its not so much the house, its the other cats, we gave him to our neighbors (I have no idea what me and my mom where thinking, I really wished all four of them had stayed in her closet but Houdini had to lead his two other brothers and sister out) they kick him out, we get him back he forgets his own brother and the two cats who he grew up with and I'm having a hard time readjusting him.

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#97821 Posted on 2017-03-16 22:56:13

Oh no! I am sorry!

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#97829 Posted on 2017-03-17 05:07:35

It's okay, I'll get him there sooner or later, I've learned that he doesn't purr, he growls

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#97862 Posted on 2017-03-17 11:07:47

I just really needed to come in and say cats don't "stare at nothing" or see ghosts. They just have heightened senses, better than humans, and are watching or listening for anything. It's not ghost related. It's just their instincts :P

I should add my 2 cats do that all the time and my house is not haunted :P

Last edited on 2017-03-17 at 11:08:34 by Siren

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#97865 Posted on 2017-03-17 11:15:45

I know that but when they stare and then take off after nothing is a little creepy, the one time they were trying to catch a gnat, but mine really do it more in winter when the previous owner would really freak out when it got dark early, like my cat Sunshine is staring rather intently at the curtains, I really need to get that fuzzball of of them, now he's 'glaring' intently at the dog

Last edited on 2017-03-17 at 11:16:07 by bopsie

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#97939 Posted on 2017-03-17 18:35:51

Human spirits are perfectly harmless, though they can be scary. Dealing with more malevolent and powerful entities is just insane. I feel bad for whoever moved into my grandmother's house after she passed. SO much has happened there.

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#97940 Posted on 2017-03-17 18:57:06

I know how you feel. I have been living in my current house now for 12 years and we have two ghosts. They are nice and they aren't mean so they don't bother me. There is a elderly man (I have a elderly neighbor that was friends with him and he said that he died on my deck) and his young granddaughter. It is unsure of how she died however. I hear things like people walking around upstairs as you do, I'll see things going up or down the stairs, I'll see figures of the man in the dark, things get moved often, tapping on the wall by my bed, and when my sibling was younger she claimed that she had just seen a little girl with blonde hair and a blue dress all the time. That's just some things, but the don't scare my for some reason and I can't even handle scary movies. XD

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#97945 Posted on 2017-03-17 19:35:48

Same here, haven't actually seen her yet, then again, most times you don't sometimes I see thing out of the corner on my eye and when I turn around its gone she's probably not going to be happy tonight though, or I hope she doesn't mind the missing wall xD It'll be fixed Sunday hopefully.

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