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Breeders Directory/Wiki [feedback needed]

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Breeders Directory/Wiki [feedback needed]

#91616 Posted on 2017-02-07 17:58:19

Hi guys! Most of you are probably familiar with the Breeder's Directory via the forum topic stickied on this board. I'm currently in the process of doing a major revamp to the site in order to significantly expand its functionality, and need some feedback on how you've been using the site so far, so I know what existing features I need to maintain backwards compatibility for.

First off, let me be clear that the main structure of the lists of breeders under the different headings of discipline, colour, etc, will stay the same, and you will be able to continue to use the directory as per normal while the revamp takes place. That is, feel free to view it, add your details, etc, as you always have.

My main question is about how you access the directory itself. Some of you may be aware that you can display a breed directory on your pages using iframe html, which means the directory you see on your page gets updated automatically and remains current. I know this is currently done on both the Quarter Horse Club page and the Clydesdale Club page, if you want to see some examples of the way it can integrate into existing layouts. Most other clubs choose to either link to it instead, or maintain their own directories, so the iframe doesn't appear to be a widely used feature. Does anyone have this on their player pages as well? Do you like being able to edit the directory from a page here (e.g. a club page, player page, etc) or would you rather go to the directory page on its own, and edit it from there? For those that don't use this, do you think this is something you might use in the future, or would you always just access it for viewing and editing directly? Is there perhaps some issues with it that would have to be resolved in order for you to consider using the iframe feature? Any other improvements you'd like to see?

Any other general questions, suggestions or bug reports about anything else to do with the site?

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#91619 Posted on 2017-02-07 18:03:57

I just link it because with the iframe, ads show up and I don't like them on my page...

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#91620 Posted on 2017-02-07 18:06:22

That's fair enough. I can't remove them though, much as I'd like to, since it's a free site. :( I can only suggest using an adblocker, or linking instead, as you've done.

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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