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Base vs. Birth

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Base vs. Birth

#89822 Posted on 2017-01-29 12:31:23

Could someone explain the difference in base vs. birth stats? I saw a post in the bugs board suggesting there was an issue with "birth" stats not being correct, but Abby posted and explained that they were really base stats. But I'd always thought those terms were interchangeable, so the discrepancy confuses me.


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#89829 Posted on 2017-01-29 12:43:29

Base stats are the stats that cannot be converted. Birth stats are the stats that the horse is born with (includes the stats bonus from pedigree, discipline, etc).

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#89834 Posted on 2017-01-29 12:54:25

Right. But why is there a discrepancy between the two? My understanding was always that the base stats should be equivalent to the birth stats, because none of the stats a horse is born with are supposed to be convertable.

EDIT: I guess the better question per your post, maple, is what is considered a "bonus" for the pedigree?

Last edited on 2017-01-29 at 12:55:14 by Sonoma

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#89861 Posted on 2017-01-29 13:55:51

Some of the stats are convertible because they are specialty bonus that are added onto the base stats. If you compare birth to base stats there tends to be a boost in stats that the parents had a specialty in. There's always been convertible birth stats?

The base stats are simply the non-convertible stats. There wasn't really a difference until the addition of "birth" stats being added to horses but this was since renamed base stats. It's just how the stats are stored on the game.

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#89864 Posted on 2017-01-29 14:12:47

Okay. I must have just had a misunderstanding from the start. Thanks, maple.

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