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#89235 Posted on 2017-01-26 16:43:35

So, hi. I just made level 3 today because my friend suggested to do lessons instead of shows, so yayyyy points. :)

I have been on a lot of sim games, and so far this is turning out to be one of my top picks. I haven't gotten to talk to a lot of people yet since I just joined, but I'm sure the people are awesome here too.
I was really excited to see the genetics changes. I am a bit obsessed with the brindle marking, so my fingers are crossed that that rate genetic will be added at some point...though I have found that the shading on the appaloosas and sometimes the paints gives the appearance of it sooo I'm probably gonna be breeding them. Even though my heart has always been with Akhal-tekes.

So anyway, hi.

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#89248 Posted on 2017-01-26 17:17:21

welcome to Equiverse! I've stuck around here for 2 years now, whereas on other sims I usually quit within a week.

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#89252 Posted on 2017-01-26 17:35:48

Yea, I don't tend to stick around for very long on sims if I don't like them..and if I do I get REALLY into them. I am slightly ashamed of how much I spent on the last sim I played.

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#89301 Posted on 2017-01-27 01:08:24

This is the only horse sims game I have found I like. Welcome to Equiverse, I'd be happy to help you. I have a tendency to give away free stuff to newer players, so keep an eye of the giveaway sections if you need anything, I might already be giving it away. You can call me Silver if you would like. Not sure what else you would call me. (I go by Argentum Lupus on other sites, but this time I kept the English translation.)

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#89378 Posted on 2017-01-27 12:04:23

*waves frantically* Everyone is so nice here! Thank you for your offer of assistance, Silver! :)

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#89405 Posted on 2017-01-27 15:25:41


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#89451 Posted on 2017-01-27 17:41:36

Thank you!

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#89649 Posted on 2017-01-28 16:44:05

-draws you into the Paint-
Yes, joiiiin uussss!

Paints really need more breeders, mainly so I can buy a bunch of foals to hoard, haha.

I can help you with any horse raising/showing/statting/breeding tips you might need, as I'm constantly posting tips in the game discussion boards when other people have questions about them. I'm pretty long winded on the subject, haha.

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#89673 Posted on 2017-01-28 18:53:46

Haha thank you! I think I'm going to mostly stick to paints and appaloosas, I like how the appaloosas are shaded. :) And yes, I will definitely need all the tips Ican get lol

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#89675 Posted on 2017-01-28 19:03:11

Welcome to Equiverse. I am not so long here as well but do relly love it over here! if you need any help just shoot me the message and I might be able to help you out! Always good to see new members having a good time!


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#89691 Posted on 2017-01-28 20:01:52

Thank you! :D I might have to take you up on that!

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#89710 Posted on 2017-01-28 23:06:05

Genghis I didnt know you were new! lol

Welcome to Equiverse :) I personally have appies and gypsies( I LOVE gypsies haha) but appys are my second fav :)

And again if you need any help, just ask! lol :)

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#89787 Posted on 2017-01-29 10:18:39

:p Yea as soon as I hit level 3 I started posting in the forum looking for roleplays haha I'm booooored. :)

Thank you all! :)

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#89874 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:27:12

Hello, hello, hello! Welcome! Yes, the people here are great! Other sims I quit within a day (IKR i'm picky) but I decided to stay here because the community is nice, and I LOVE the game itself. Anyways, Welcome to EV!

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#89885 Posted on 2017-01-29 15:55:17

Yes, the community here has been wonderful. Everyone is very helpful, and so far no one has told me I'm "doing it wrong" because I want to breed for a certain thing when I'm ready, or anything like that. I :) Definitely an A+++++ place!

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