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Gelding rant

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Gelding rant

#85475 Posted on 2017-01-05 00:22:57

I hate when i see a beautiful high stat and perfection stallion gelded like he could have amazing foals witch makes me so upset like why would you grld a horse unless hes ill or has bad bllodlines??

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#85476 Posted on 2017-01-05 00:35:30

Agreed! I picked up some lovely Gypsies from the RC today with beautiful coloring and stats, and their notes say they were gelded due to conformation. They could've been amazing additions to someone's herd who didn't mind poor conformation.

Last edited on 2017-01-05 at 00:35:40 by wey

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#85479 Posted on 2017-01-05 01:18:00

I mostly notice horses gelded to preserve bloodlines or because they wouldn't sell in the market. It's kind of a "you wouldn't buy them from me you can't have them at all" thing. I can see why someone would geld. If the only people offering to buy your horse breed their horses 20+ times and you want people who will breed up to four times to keep your bloodlines valuable and sell able, then you geld. Makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is gelding it just because it doesn't meet your qualifications and not selling it to a breeder who does breed limited.

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#85501 Posted on 2017-01-05 08:20:51

They are pixels. They do not get "ill"

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#85515 Posted on 2017-01-05 10:20:26

I have stallions that have 200+ Foals. I keep the mares, and anyone that wants a stallion reserves one. A lot of the Gypsy horses, Arabians, and Andalusians in the rescue center are mine. I don't mind people putting them in riding schools. I don't mind people showing them. I don't even mind people breeding them. I geld them because they didn't sell while I had them for sale. I have strong feelings about this. My stallions may get overused by myself, but my horses are mine and I'll do with them what I want. If you don't want to pay for a stallion that's got 90+ conformation, then you'll pay for the gelding with 90+ conformation from the RC. The high price comes with the breeding rights.

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#85520 Posted on 2017-01-05 10:50:06

A lot of big breeders (including myself) will geld for the exactly the same reason you included in your rant. We don't want them to be bred to make more horses, we geld them so people can't pick them up and mess with the amount of foals produced from our lines.

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#85522 Posted on 2017-01-05 11:00:00

I also realized my above post may seem mean, but I assure you it didn't seem that harsh as AI was typing it.

Another reason I put a lot into the rescue center is simple. Geldings can't breed, but they're still better at showing than most foundation stock. It's basically a freebie to a new player until they can figure out the game system and how to play. A 200 stat gelding would've helped me out hugely when I was new.

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#85546 Posted on 2017-01-05 13:17:28

I'm more on the side of big breeders who do geld. They put a lot of effort into their pixel horses, and to have all that work possibly destroyed would be quite annoying and frustrating.

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#85553 Posted on 2017-01-05 13:50:38

I don't often geld, but I thoroughly vet potential buyers and if you don't meet my very strict requirements then I won't sell you a horse. Any horses I can't sell I send to my spare account and let them die, then delete their records. I also tend to sell my horses at the higher end of the market pricing so that potential buyers have to invest something into the horses they get from me.

I find it sad to see nice horses gelded, but each player plays this game in their own way and I love that gelding is an option available to breeders who want to utilize it.

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#85630 Posted on 2017-01-05 19:06:38

Personally, I have not gelded much because I am not breeding much, but I really do not want people breeding something that I would not breed, and therefore, why not geld because I don't like something (i.e., the confo)? I want my line represented the way I want it represented, and not overbred, either, because I work hard on it; therefore, I will not allow someone to use something that is shamefully low quality compared to the rest of my line. I also don't want somebody overbreeding my animals...I want them to value what they get from me.

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#85631 Posted on 2017-01-05 19:08:11

In fact, I often keep most or all of what is born and use a Loki's dagger to make the best ones stallions and the lower-quality ones mares, because stallions can be used more effectively for improvement. This also means my line is mostly within my barn, and rarely does anybody get any of it, except through stud services.

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