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#85240 Posted on 2017-01-04 07:51:40

Is it actually popular/used often? I don't have Java, so I can't use it.
Do you guys use it at all?

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#85255 Posted on 2017-01-04 09:44:49

Idk either, I don't have Java, I hope people respond to this.

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#85271 Posted on 2017-01-04 10:37:01

I wouldn't say it's super popular, cause plenty of people seem to have trouble getting it to work or don't have Java as you both said. There have been a couple times when there have been get-togethers in there, sometimes with Abbey, but for the mostpart I think it's pretty quiet.

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#85272 Posted on 2017-01-04 10:41:51

I used to be in it all the time, but then more and more people started having problems getting it to work, myself included, so for the last probably 2 Years I haven't been able to get it to work at all. =\

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#85274 Posted on 2017-01-04 10:46:19

thanks for the responses, guys! it just feels like a forgotten feature to me, like the "Your Journal" is as well
at least, I THINK the journal is forgotten... I just recently found out it existed, so... :X

Last edited on 2017-01-04 at 10:47:17 by Raptorfang ฮฉ

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#85275 Posted on 2017-01-04 10:46:40

I don't have Java either, so I have no idea what happens there.

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#85322 Posted on 2017-01-04 13:10:14

I tried it twice and it never works :(

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#85323 Posted on 2017-01-04 13:12:46

I don't have Java either so I can't use it. I'm usually on my phone or tablet too, and it won't work for mobile devices. :/

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#85337 Posted on 2017-01-04 15:06:25

The chat room used to be really popular before skype and other chat apps were an option.

Around 2007-2010 were the glory days, but unfortunately it's mostly died off. Mostly because not many can access it LOL

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