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Flying Free (Equine RP)

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Flying Free (Equine RP)

#85166 Posted on 2017-01-03 19:17:51

Deep in a jungle, a species of equine has been hidden from men for generations. Herds form and friendships are tight. But when men start to tear down their home, will these equine stay or go to a new jungle, away from the men? Each group of equine will have to decide for themselves. Do you think leaving the jungle is better, or will you risk our species being discovered for the sake of staying where we've always stayed?

No controlling other's characters
Do not kill another's character without their permission
Do not put in a plot twist without PMing me first
Do not have men tear down trees without consulting me; I will say when men are doing stuff (men as in people, not just males lol)
Be descriptive, but don't go overly gory
No swearing at all
Romance is encouraged
Most equines will not have horrible pasts; life has been easy until this year
Even genders is a must

Now I need to unveil the mystery - what kind of equine am I talking about? The title indicates they fly, and they do. But no, they are not pegasi. They are small. They are bug-horses. Before you say "eeew," these creatures are crosses between moths and horses and are actually adorable.
NOTE: This species is called flutter-horses, and the young ones are flutter-foals.
ANOTHER NOTE: The characters that we will be playing will all be in one herd. If you would like to be the lead stallion, please put that in "Other." I will pick the first person who asks who I think will do a good RP job (hint hint be descriptive).

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#85169 Posted on 2017-01-03 19:30:26

He hopped onto the leaf right next to the one he was currently standing on, eyes twinkling. He jabbed at the leaf, giggling. "Gottya!" He giggled again. "You jumped!" He hopped back onto the other leaf, his flutter-foal wings fluttering weakly. They weren't much help yet, but he liked to flap them and hover, though he would barely get any lift. When he flapped his wings, his hooves grazed the leaf he was flapping above. He grinned when he landed back onto "his leaf." It was his favorite leaf in the whole forest. It was a dark green leaf with a red stem. All the leaves on this tree were like that, but somehow he knew this one on sight. He looked out at his favorite view of the whole jungle. His eyes widened. "Woah." His eyes widened as a huge tree fell.

She looked down toward the frolicking flutter-foal. He was a cute one, like she hoped her baby would be someday, if she ever had one. Her eyes softened as he jumped back onto a leaf. When something captured his gaze, she followed his eyes and gasped. She hopped up and flew to the lead stallion. "A tree just fell!" She looked toward the small gap in the heavily wooded forest. It was just one. But like all the trees, it was a big one. She sighed. Another amazing life source gone. Because of the men.

Sunny, clear skies.


Movements of Men:
"Whew!" one of the workmen exclaimed. "Took us forever to get that giant down!" He grinned at the huge trunk, patting it affectionately. "Good wood, that. Lots of wood, lots of money... Lots of space for buildings." He turned toward the rest, raising a megaphone. He was obviously in charge. "That's it for today! Go home, eat, get hydrated!" They left, having only fell one tree for the whole day. First tree in a few months. It would take a while before this place was cleared.

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#85172 Posted on 2017-01-03 19:48:04


Archer was nibbling on a leaf when he heard a crashing sound, he looked over just in time to see a tree fall. That was weird trees don't just fall on their own, he looked around only seeing a few others around. He went in to a trot flapping his wings and taking off, he wanted to get closer and why it fell he flew past a flutter-foal on leaf. He smiled at him, he seemed to be having fun.


Faith woke up at the sound of the crash, she had been napping on a branch. She looked around stopping on Chariz, she went into a trot flapping her wings and taking off. She flew over to Chariz, landing on the branch. "what was that sound it woke me up" she hadn't seen the tree fall.

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#85231 Posted on 2017-01-04 05:52:59


"I see." he muttered to Charzi as she ran up to him. Quet slowly walked nearer to the fallen tree, soon starting to fly. He flattened his ears once he was in the air. The tree was big enough to kill flutter-horses if it landed on them! Swatting his tail aggressively, he swooped back into his log to brood over this. What would he do? What could he do?


Hestia hummed absentmindedly, plucking at a mushroom. It was white in color, with red stripes. Probably poisonous. I shouldn't eat it. she decided, turning away. Just as she did, huge tree fell not that far away. She stood, frozen with shock. Trees didn't normally fall so... quickly.


Charavi was drinking from a large pitcher plant (look them up they're cool) when she heard the crash. Another one? We can't take many more falling on us! How long until one kills somebody?
She launched herself off the plant and flew at her highest speed to her brother's log. He seemed to already know what was going on.


Orie was pawing at a large dead lead when the crash came. He gasped, frantically looking this way ad that to avoid being squished. However, looking was pointless. He was blind. So he slowly got up and walked around the area. No trees there. So I must be safe... for now.

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#85392 Posted on 2017-01-04 18:48:10


Nalacia reached out towards a delicate twig, neck outstretched. If she could only reach that large leaf on the edge... BZZZZZ! She leaped back, staring wide-eyed at the passing bee, just inches from her nose. Behind her, the carefully arranged leaves she had placed along the edges of her colorful black-trimmed wings floated near unnoticed to the forest floor. She nickered in disappointment, flicking her ears back, where she heard the bee buzzing along, paying no mind to the young flutter-horse who's attempts to "fringe" her leaves he had destroyed.
A solid THUD echoed clearly through the forest, making the leaves tremble and Nalacia jump. "You and your nerves," She chided herself. "It's no wonder a silly bee isn't afraid of you." A couple of nats and a huge beetle glanced disapprovingly at her, and she flew away, her face red.


Tracent stood atop a large, sturdy leaf, looking both ways importantly. "Prepar-ING to dive!" He called in a loud, deep voice, scanning the ground below. At last, he saw a lazy millipede. "Bingo," He said in his normal voice. "DIVING!" He yelled, somersaulting off the leaf. He landed on the millipede's back, slipped off, and climbed back on. He rode along, humming absentmindedly, until the insect finally threatened him with it's jaws. He shrugged, and slid down. A pesky (and large) mosquito buzzed in circles around him, making him dizzy. "Hey!" He yelled, trying trying to bat it down with his hooves. The annoying bug seemed to find it amusing, keeping at it until a booming voice filled the air. It zipped off, buzzing the whole time. "About time," Tracent rolled his eyes. "Now what was that?"

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#85813 Posted on 2017-01-06 15:48:17

She turned to look at Faith. "The men took down a tree," she said softly. She felt bad for Quet and what he would have to face. It would be hard to figure out how to stop the humans. She sighed and settled down on a leaf. "I wonder when one will fall on someone," she murmured.

He stared in wonder at the big tree when he heard someone flying. He turned to see Nalacia flying by. "Hello!" he called out sweetly. "Do you wanna play?" He was bored of jumping on leaves and 'scaring' them. He wanted a playmate. He giggled to himself. He wasn't really bored of jumping on leaves. They always jumped when he scared them. The bugs never played.

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#85816 Posted on 2017-01-06 16:02:50


"Why would they do that" she didn't see how the humans could do such a thing, trees are beautiful and full of life. She looked in the direction to where she thought the tree fell, it wasn't all that far off. She looked back to Chariz giving her a smile, "come on don't be that everything it will be fine I'm sure of it".


Arched stopped a few trees away from the one that fell, he could see the last of the humans leaving. He pinned his ears back one less tree in the forest, there was no telling how many they would take down. He flew off again heading back to the others, he landed on a branch near Hestia though he hadn't spotted her at first.

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#85829 Posted on 2017-01-06 16:52:19


Hestia swiveled her ears at the sound of someone approaching. "H-hello." she stammered, turning to face the newcomer. It was Archer... she rarely spoke to him. She rarely spoke to anyone, really. She was also embarrassed that she had looked so stupid, playing with a mushroom while a tree fell.

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#85835 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:03:05


Archer looked at Hestia with a blank stare, when did she get there he shook his head clearing his head. "Hi, did you see the tree fall", he was sure she did who could of missed it. He was still a little mad at seeing the humans, they had no right to be there.

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#85839 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:07:48


"Uh-huh." she muttered. I wish he would go somewhere else... I don't like social interaction.
"Who didn't?" she finally snorted, looking at the ground.

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#85847 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:18:10


Archer shrugged his shoulders, "was just asking" he looked to where the tree had fallen. "Do you know why" he didn't expect her to, and he wasn't planning on telling her. He looked back to her now realizing that she was staring at the ground, he gave her a questioning look.

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#85849 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:20:55


"Yeah. Humans. They hurt the trees." she responded flatly, looking back up at him expectantly. What does he want next?

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#85851 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:28:19


Archer let out a small laugh, he didn't know why but he did. He knew she seemed to keep to herself a lot just like he did, this was probably the first time they even spoke for this long. "Right well whatever you where doing before I came here you can continue on" he turned around and started walking away.

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#85853 Posted on 2017-01-06 17:29:53


Hestia watched as he walked away. "Okay then..." she muttered aloud. What had she been doing? Nothing, really. Shaking herself, she flew up into a tree to look down at the fallen one not far away. It was a shameful sight.

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#85867 Posted on 2017-01-06 18:15:53

"I'm not being pessimistic. I'm usually very optimistic." She shook out her mane. "Sorry. It makes me mad that men would want to destroy the trees. They're so beautiful and sources of life." She sighed. "I could do with a pomegranate."

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