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EVC Pricing

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EVC Pricing

#84969 Posted on 2017-01-03 09:08:30

So, one of my favorite things about EV has been there really hasn't been much inflation on tag sale pricing (minus the auctions that go crazy, lol) and the EVC pricing has stayed consistent the past few years.

Now as I look through the credit sales, I'm wondering now why the pricing has seemed to spike? Any insight onto this my fellow players?

Obviously there's no way to change it and "force" people to drop prices, it's merely gotten be curious

Last edited on 2017-01-03 at 09:10:40 by Cinch

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#85008 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:29:18

i'm not sure if the reason behind it, unless there's been a surge of newly created foundation herds, and players are buying credit items to use on them.

i've been selling credits for between 75k and 125k these last few weeks via the credit sales. As long as people keep buying them at that price, that's what i'll keep listing them for. Like you mentioned, forcing people to price things a certain way won't ever work. That's the fun of an open market economy :)

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#85011 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:34:42

I just refuse to buy them for more than 50-55k,
but if other people choose to pay more through credit sales or what not that's their business.

I have noticed a reasonable spike in prices per credit, but that's just supply and demand. If people can sell them for more money, they may as well, so long as people buy them. If people are buying them for more I would sell them for more, I'm just always broke from credits, haha.

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#85017 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:42:46

Yeah, I believe it's just to gain money. Someone sells it for 55k, and because there's nothing else for sale, people buy it. Then they sell one for 60k, and the same thing happens until we're at prices like 180k for 1 credit. I have nothing against gaining more money (like selling one for 75k), but nearly 200k for 1 credit is a bit over the top imo...

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#85018 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:44:08

Supply and demand. I know I'm actively buying them in bulk so I can make a couple new herds pretty. :)

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#85022 Posted on 2017-01-03 11:59:48

I agree with what Nitt said - to me it's overpriced the way they're selling now, but when supply is low and demand is high price will increase. That's just how it is.

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#85023 Posted on 2017-01-03 12:03:46

I guess I'm just trying to figure out where it all went for the supply and demand to hit where it's at xD I'm honestly shocked it has taken so long to come to this, I just hope it doesn't get too outrageous like other games.

... sadly I'm also needing EVC with my deluxe expiring -sob-

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#85025 Posted on 2017-01-03 12:06:51

Oh I think it's ridiculous, and I hate it. I refuse to buy any credits for more than 50k, that's how it was in the old game and that's how it should stay. If the base price in the old game was 50k, then why should it increase when it's not used for more on here?

Also, I think that tag prices have gone up, especially since the credits have too. Most tags i've seen have been overpriced, but maybe that's just because i'm picky.

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#85030 Posted on 2017-01-03 12:17:06

I think most things have gone up. That has to do with people slowly earning more, so they are willing to pay more mixed with the fact of supply and demand.

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#85088 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:13:09

I noticed that a ton of credits were sold around the end of November. Then when people started selling them again the prices were much higher. Supply and demand, like others said. I'm waiting for the price to go down again or hoping to get lucky and catch someone selling them for $50k in the forum before they sell out.

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#85094 Posted on 2017-01-03 15:29:30

Yup, basically supply and demand. Since there seems to be less supply of credits, whether because there are less people selling or more people buying the supply has decreased, but the demand is still high, the demand will always be fairly high and as such the prices sadly have spiked.

For people like me who don't buy credits with real money, I just don't buy credits which are over 75k for one. However if the bulk amount of members on site who buy credits don't because of the prices, it should drive them down again... hopefully.

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#85123 Posted on 2017-01-03 17:32:56

I was the bad member and bought all the EVC out of the credit sales... I wanted me Deluxe back xD It's a bummer when you look and look and are forced to buy at the higher price :/

There's actually one listed for 300k :O

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#85125 Posted on 2017-01-03 17:35:47

really, Cinch? 300k? good lord!
EVERYTHING is more expensive now, it seems... I can't afford anything lololol

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#85131 Posted on 2017-01-03 17:49:23

I'm hoping it actually doesn't sell for that. But yup, all of them are 100k or 300k right now :/

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#85181 Posted on 2017-01-03 20:05:48

O.O 300k? I'm guilty of selling them for what I see as higher (but is still below the current market price, at 70k) because I want art, and art is quite expensive for the most part (though a few artists sell for lower prices, and I love them dearly for it). I can't afford to compete with the 1.2 mill for a tag, so selling credits at a higher price (but not overboard) helps with the costs.

However, I am willing to cut deals if I ever make actual in game friends, or to people I've found I like and respect.

Last edited on 2017-01-03 at 20:08:23 by SilverWolves

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