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Treat Question

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Treat Question

#84585 Posted on 2017-01-01 13:02:43

Maybe this is outlined somewhere, but.....

What is the maximum amount of stats that you can get from one use of a treat? I know there's a listed range for each stat, but what's the max? Can you get, for instance, 3 points in every stat if you use a peppermint (for a total of 24)? 2 in every stat for a hay cube? Or is there a limit, like 6 points max for peppermints spread over the stats?

Just curious. :)

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#84586 Posted on 2017-01-01 13:07:56

what every item in the game does/can do is listed here... including the minimum and maximum amount of stats a type of treat can give :)

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#84587 Posted on 2017-01-01 13:08:01

I'm pretty sure it would be like 2 in every stat for a hay cube etc

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Crossroad Farms

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#84622 Posted on 2017-01-01 15:23:20

Thanks Raptorfang. I actually had no idea that existed!

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