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#84041 Posted on 2016-12-30 03:32:47

I attempted to do this before, but I believe all the previous users disappeared, so I'm here to do it all over again. I won't bore you with a ton of uninteresting details, but pretty much, this is a little thing I like to do to both help out new-ish players that are serious about the game, as well as gain myself some breeding partners. It also benefits the game as a whole, as I aim to help others with their breeding practices so that they have a better time making money with their horses here on EV! Simply answer the questions as truthfully as possible (I do vet those that answer to make sure they're being honest) and I'll let those who I think can benefit from this the most work with me. c:

One. What are your breeding practices? (Explain, simply or in detail, how you make breeding decisions for your horses. At what age/stats you breed, how many times you breed, etc.)
Two. Put these in order of importance to you: Color, Stats, Conformation.
Three. How do you care for your horses each day?
Four. Are you on every day to care for your horses? What do you do if you aren't?
Five. Do you have deluxe?
Six. Do you have skype?
Seven. Are you over or under 18yo?
Eight. What breeds do you like?
Nine. Are you planning on sticking around Equiverse for a while?

See, pretty simple! Go ahead and answer those questions as simply or complex as you prefer, and I'll get back to this once there are a few entrants to look through! c:

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 03:54:19 by Nittrous

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#84042 Posted on 2016-12-30 03:39:31

One. What are your breeding practices? I am not sure how many times I will breed or at what age, yet.
Two. Put these in order of importance: Stats, Conformation, Color
Three. How do you care for your horses each day? I treat, show/riding school, train and feed/muck/water ever day
Four. Are you on every day to care for your horses? What do you do if you aren't? I am on everyday, and since yesterday I couldn't be on, I locked all my divisions.
Five. Do you have deluxe? No
Six. Do you have skype? No
Seven. Are you over or under 18yo? Under
Eight. What breeds do you like? Lipizzaners and miniatures
Nine. Are you planning on sticking around Equiverse for a while? Yes :D

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#84043 Posted on 2016-12-30 03:53:27

i'mma stalk this thread lol
sounds like a great idea, and wish i saw it when i was more active on the old site

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#84063 Posted on 2016-12-30 08:47:10

This is a really nice idea for us newbies (though i'm more new-ish), so I thought why not give it a try.

One. What are your breeding practices?

While I haven't actually bred any horses yet, though I'm super excited to when I do so, so far I do have a few rules for myself in check, though they do vary depending on the breed. For my arabians, I plan on only letting each horse breed a max of 3 times. 2 breedings will be done by me, and the third would be if I decided to put the horse up for stud or broodmare. For my paints i'm going to let each horse be breed for a max of 4 times. 3 breedings for me, and 4 if a horse is put up for stud or broodmare. The reason I raised the number to four is simply because unlike my arabians for my paints I am a lot more concerned with colour, and getting the colours I actually want. This means I am going to breed them for myself more often, to actually increase the chances of one of the foals obtaining that colour, especially if one of the horses heterozygous alleles.

In terms of when I'm actually going to breed them, I going to do the method of breeding them so that my final breeding would occur on 20 days (ages tomorrow), this is so I can achieve pretty much that max amount of stats that can be passed down to my foals as possible.

In terms of figuring out pairs, I do it based on stats, colour and conformation. For stats I kinda would like all my foals to be born with around the same range of stats, and as such if I have one horse fairly struggling with stats (as I do now) I tend to pair them up with horses that have the highest stats of the opposite sex. I then look at the colour. For my Arabians, the only real colours and genes I'm trying to pass on are chestnut sabinos, and maybe black, so i don't take much colour into consideration with them, however for my paints, while currently all my colours kinda suck, until I get the magical colour randomizers, I do plan on pairing them up based on what colours I want their future offspring to have. Lastly is conformation, where I try pretty much simply not to pair horses with poor in one area, with horses with poor in another. Usually with my pairs one of the three areas has to take a hit for what I personally want, and generally speaking it is usually the conformation, where I do end up with some poors, going with poors in order to get the pairing I want.

Two. Put these in order of importance to you: Color, Stats, Conformation.

For arabians it's stats, conformation then colour. For paints its stats, colour then conformation.

Three. How do you care for your horses each day?

I pretty much do everything. Though for my treating I do make it slightly harder on myself as I give treats based on how high or low the specialty stat is. For example lets say my horse has 250 int and 247 agi and they are in dressage. I would give them a yellow carrot to raise the agility to try and keep the specialty stats even.

Four. Are you on every day to care for your horses? What do you do if you aren't?

I try to be on every day, but in all honesty sometimes I just don't feeling like clicking button after button on about 24 horses, or I'm out for most of the day and feel dead tired. So I usually lock my horses if I remember. Two times I haven't and hence have mentally kicked myself but in general I try to get on everyday.

Five. Do you have deluxe?


Six. Do you have skype?


Seven. Are you over or under 18yo?


Eight. What breeds do you like?

Arabians, paints, friesians, and thoroughbreds.

Nine. Are you planning on sticking around Equiverse for a while?

Of course, or I wouldn't be applying ;)

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#84073 Posted on 2016-12-30 09:29:42

Just wanted to pop in and say this is really nice, but I'm not a newbie, so I'm not entering heh

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 09:30:05 by Raptorfang Ω

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#84091 Posted on 2016-12-30 10:38:33

One. What are your breeding practices? I am not high enough rank to breed yet but when I am, I'll only breed a mare 3-4 times tops.
Two. Conformation, Stats, Color.
Three. How do you care for your horses each day? I claen feed and treat first and after that I train them. Then depending on their Stas I either show them or put in a ridding school.
Four. Are you on every day to care for your horses? Yes What do you do if you aren't? If I can't get on becase of school or life, I would lock my acount so the "horses" wouldn't go hungry.
Five. Do you have deluxe? Yes
Six. Do you have skype? No
Seven. Are you over or under 18yo? Over
Eight. What breeds do you like? Mustangs though when I get higher in the game I might branch out.
Nine. Are you planning on sticking around Equiverse for a while? Yes

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#84113 Posted on 2016-12-30 11:50:59

((Before I start, let me just say, this is really awesome of you! Also, I am not exactly sure if I count as a newbie, maybe just as new-ish; I've been a member of Equiverse for roughly six months. If not, feel free to either discard this forum or say so. I have no problem with deleting it.))

One. What are your breeding practices?
Since my first group of foundies has yet to make it to breeding age, my regulations haven't been put into practice yet. Either way, I do have a set of rules to abide to. The general ones are as follows: One, breed no more than twice. Two, breed at age nineteen and then at twenty if breeding twice, and if not, breed at the latter age.

Then, to get into more specifics, for my Dutchies, I am aiming for markings and either black or chestnut. Due to that, I reveal all my horses genotypes and then create pairs according to which gives me the highest chance of producing the desired outcome. Also, since I have sixteen horses, half of which have markings, I also try to match them in a way that every possible offspring has the chance for either roan or tobiano (marking-less horse x marking horse).

Two. Put these in order of importance to you: Color, Stats, Conformation.
Stats, color, and then conformation. Though, I like to believe that all the traits are equal in importance. And as a rule of thumb, I don't keep horses with conformation lower than 55 or who have more than two poors.

Three. How do you care for your horses each day?
Each horse is trained and entered into riding schools daily. Once that it taken cared of, each horse is then groomed, watered, fed, and has their stall cleaned. While I go through each horse doing what is stated above, I open to more tabs-one for yellow apples and the other for carrots-and treat them according to which area (speed or agility) has the lowest stats.

Four. Are you on every day to care for your horses? What do you do if you aren't?
Yes, I am on everyday, mostly for the whole day, even if it's just being logged in while doing something else (reading, homework, etc). And I take care of my horses daily; I while not go a day without taking care of them fully. But, if I know that I will not have internet connection or will be too busy, I lock up.

Five. Do you have deluxe?
Yes, and I just recently got it too. After saving up my EVD, I was able to buy some credits and while I did have all the funds to buy 22 credits, some kind players gifted me more than half of what I needed. I got my deluxe last week, on Thursday, I believe.

Six. Do you have skype?

Seven. Are you over or under 18yo?

Eight. What breeds do you like?
Dutch Warmbloods, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Quarter Horses (I've always had a soft spot for the colorful, paint marked Quarters).

Nine. Are you planning on sticking around Equiverse for a while?
Yes. I plan on spending years on this game, and with the amazing community. I am also super excited to get to know as many people here as possible.

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 11:52:50 by ιlѕa

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