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Let's Talk About Confo Shows

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Let's Talk About Confo Shows

#84002 Posted on 2016-12-29 21:03:17

ROFL, Nittrous...I read the attention span of a goldfish part, and forgot everything else after that point up until you suggested the confo-building challenge. Guess what I started just about a week ago? ;)

Here are my appies and here are my outside lines are allowed. I'm assuming a new breeder who has nothing but their original foundation horses from which to build a quality herd. I'm keeping statistics along the way. I'm also experimenting with how the stats work so that I can offer Ulysses some data there in the event that there is still a need for the stat calculator. Yes, I'm actually using peppermints for one of the herds...I don't normally do that, but hey, it's an experiment!

If you wanted me to do a confo experiment with specialty stat building only, I would, of course, be willing to start that up, too, as would be very interesting! :)

And yes (as my attention span keeps fluctuating and I jump here and there, not knowing if I am following your comment in order), you do have the idea of the whole system for showing. IMO, there's a lot to figure out there, but we can still throw ideas around and find something that might fare better with everyone in general. Maybe there can be an element of the breeder being able to reset the showing for credits if they run into that problem, or maybe rank the conformation experience points according to horse instead of breeder, so the best conformation horses will rise to the top and the lower they are, the slower they will be to gain levels? So many ideas to throw around...I think Abbey would ultimately be able to figure out a system from the rough sketch of our ideas that would work pretty well.

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#84003 Posted on 2016-12-29 21:03:51

ROFL, Nittrous...I read the attention span of a goldfish part, and forgot everything else after that point up until you suggested the confo-building challenge. Guess what I started just about a week ago? ;)

Here are my appies and here are my outside lines are allowed. I'm assuming a new breeder who has nothing but their original foundation horses from which to build a quality herd. I'm keeping statistics along the way. I'm also experimenting with how the stats work so that I can offer Ulysses some data there in the event that there is still a need for the stat calculator. Yes, I'm actually using peppermints for one of the herds...I don't normally do that, but hey, it's an experiment!

If you wanted me to do a confo experiment with specialty stat building only, I would, of course, be willing to start that up, too, as would be very interesting! :)

And yes (as my attention span keeps fluctuating and I jump here and there, not knowing if I am following your comment in order), you do have the idea of the whole system for showing. IMO, there's a lot to figure out there, but we can still throw ideas around and find something that might fare better with everyone in general. Maybe there can be an element of the breeder being able to reset the showing for credits if they run into that problem, or maybe rank the conformation experience points according to horse instead of breeder, so the best conformation horses will rise to the top and the lower they are, the slower they will be to gain levels? So many ideas to throw around...I think Abbey would ultimately be able to figure out a system from the rough sketch of our ideas that would work pretty well.

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#84051 Posted on 2016-12-30 07:44:29

How about a tier system show based similar to the horse clubs. Foundies compet against other foundies, 2nd generation horses compete against other 2nd generation horses and so forth and so forth.

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#84057 Posted on 2016-12-30 08:06:24

^ while that's a nice suggestion, Arbutus, I don't think it would work. I think it would work best if a horse's "tier" was based on itself and not it's generation or owner, like some other people said (I'm not reading all that again sorry lol). Here's why: I once had a 83% confo foundie, and he would probably dominate most other foundies in a show. Instead, he should be competing with higher-confo horses like him, not low-confo foundies- even though he is a foundie. (yes, he was a real EV horse... his 83% confo isn't made up!)

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 08:07:18 by Raptorfang Ω

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#84094 Posted on 2016-12-30 10:48:45

So I’m starting at the first post and going to work my way down in responses, so apologies if this comes off disjointed.

New specialty affected by confo: While the idea of a halter-type specialty is interesting, I think that it would create an even deeper divide between breeders that focus solely on conformation and breeders that focus solely on stats. With the current set up, a player can focus on conformation, but still have their horses in the popular breed specialty, and so stat breeders that might want to add good conformation to their herds aren’t limited by having to pick a stud/mare/purchased horse that is out of their specialty.

I don’t think that separating shows into stat-bred horses from confo bred horses is a good idea, mostly because I consider myself both (and also a color breeder). A player can absolutely prioritize both equally; it's all about making the right breeding pairs. So in that regard, I don’t think extra points or awards make sense. I really do think that there has to be a way to incorporate a horse’s conformation into how well they show or how

Since Riding Schools give the same exact results to horses regardless of stat or specialty, I think those should be left as is as far as conformation does. However, I do support them giving player points because if they’re an alternative to showing they should, theoretically, provide the same “types” of output/on-monetary earnings, even if the exact amount is different due to the different systems.

Here’s a thought, incorporating a few thoughts I’ve seen
We keep the current 10 shows per horse a day system but ADD another 5 slots per horse that are specifically for conformation shows.

The conformation shows would be game-created and divided not into breeds, but into brackets. < 39.99, 40-49.99, 50-59.99, 60-69.99, 70-79.99, 80-89.99, and 90+
(if we divided by breed, we’d run into the issue of not enough horses. There simply aren’t enough confo breeders to support this, but see my **comment further down on a potential alternative)

Confo shows would have a small maximum of entries – maybe 10. Winners would be chosen by conformation, care, training level, and luck (because horses do act up in the rings occasionally) but NOT on stats. The game would group all same bracket shows together and award the Best of Show to the overall winner. So yes, there’d be several “Best in Shows” each day.

**Regarding Breed Specific Conformation Shows: If we were able to have Breed Clubs host shows that are only open to their registered members (which I personally think they should already be :P), then they could also host Breed Specific Conformation Shows.

Also, my original suggestion about adding conformation to the showing formula sort of got elaborated into something different than I’d intended, so I’ll just lay out here what that idea was in more detail.

Stats, Training, and Luck all are currently part of the equation to determine the winners of a show. Let’s say (just as an example, since we don’t know the real numbers) that:
Stats = 90% of the equation
Training = 7.5% of the equation
Luck = 2.5% of the equation

My original thought was to add conformation as another part of that equation, not that it should negate any part of it. Obviously to stay at 100% all the numbers would need a little tweaking, but I was thinking something like:
Stats = 90% of the equation
Training = 7.5% of the equation
Conformation = 1.66% of the equation
Luck = .83% of the equation

Last edited on 2016-12-30 at 10:49:10 by ᴋᴀʜᴢɪᴇ ɪ

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