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Auction House Improvements and Tweaks

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Auction House Improvements and Tweaks

#83384 Posted on 2016-12-27 18:43:35

So, I don't know about all of you guys, but I think there should be some tweaks to the auction house. Since I have a lot of ideas for what could be changed/added/etc I decided to put it here, rather than the suggestion board, and the top suggestions could go to the suggestion board individually if needed. Feel free to discuss any of these that you fancy, as I could probably elaborate.

Sort by breed. Only needs to be by breed, nothing else. Even that simple bit of categorization will make it 100x easier for breeders to find exactly what they're looking for.

See who is the highest bidder. Important, I feel, so that we simply know if we were the last highest bidder.

Ability to bid from the horse's page. Minor inconvenience really, but I click on the horse to look them over before I place a bit, and it'd be nice to simply do it from the horse's page. I also feel like you should be able to see if the horse is up in the auction house on their page.

See reserve price or see 'starting bid'. Makes it a bit difficult to know how much we have to bid in order to actually win the horse. It could just be set as the minimum bid, with no highest bidder. Even a suggested starting bid would help with this one.

Minimum increase. Allow for sellers to set a minimum increase. If one isn't set, make the minimum increase a percentage of the reserve price.

No deposit return. Right now it's seriously easy to stick absolutely any horse you want into the auction house and have no repercussions for doing it whatsoever. Deposits shouldn't be returned after the horse is put up, whether or not it has been sold. For a few reasons, but the major one being a preventative measure from people flooding the auction house with whatever horse they feel.

Deposit price based on horse auctioned. This one gets trickier. The simplest way to do this would be the deposit being a percentage (5%) of the reserve price. The other options would be the deposit being some portion of the worth of the horse (based on stats, genes, confo, etc). I feel like this would greatly increase the quality of the horses that would be seen in the auction house.

Set time for auction. Set the length of the auction. Something like 8h, 12h, 24h. Some people like faster auctions, where they can put them up, advertise them, and get through them quickly. Set the default to be 24h, and allow people the option of shortening it if they want.

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#83388 Posted on 2016-12-27 19:01:06

I totally agree with almost all of these. Search features would be great; even if adding "auction" to the normal horse search in the same area as sale/private bid would probably be fine.

Seeing highest bidder would be nice.

Bidding from the horse's page would be great, especially since from what I understand currently, if you get notified that you were outbid, you still have to try to find the horse in the full list of horses in the AH.

Not being able to see a reserve price really bugs me with the current system. I don't want to waste my time bidding if it's not going to get me the horse in the end. Having the ability to set a starting price would make sure people get the price they want without inconveniencing the buyers.

I'm not as fussed about the min. increase, but I can see it's benefits.

I don't think the deposit should be held. I don't think flooding really matters that much, especially if we end up having search parameters. Trying to prevent people from using the AH to the fullest extent is too close to bordering on telling people what's good enough to sell, if that makes sense, especially since you say "whatever horse they feel." xD

I'm not fussed on the deposit price either. I'm pretty okay with having one price.

I definitely agree on setting auction times, including allowing both shorter and longer periods.

Last edited on 2016-12-27 at 19:02:51 by Wicked

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#83404 Posted on 2016-12-27 19:42:44

I can't even use the auction house yet (I'm a lame level 8 kid who never shows her horses lol), but the fact that there isn't a MI option is rather odd to me.

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#83417 Posted on 2016-12-27 20:30:55

Sort by breed, yes! and I would love to be able to sort them by stats or Confo, but breed is enough for me right now.

See highest bid; sure maybe or just a notification where the bid box is that says "You have the current high bid" or some such thing.

I'd love to be able to bid from the horse page and to see from the horse page that they are listed for auction. Also I would love the little green sell Sprite to be red or orange to indicate that the horse is for auction.

I wish that there was an option to have a hidden reserve or to be able to choose having a public min. bid instead.

Min. increase honestly don't care; can see the pros and cons of it though.

I don't think the deposit should be held, but I would love for the deposit to be 5% if the auction reserve as it could help to keep reserve prices reasonable for the horse.

I think auction times should be able to be set from 1 hr to 72 hrs at the descretion of the seller.

*sorry for any typos or such I'm using my sisters iPad and am unfamiliar with how her keyboard is configured. ;-;

Last edited on 2016-12-27 at 20:33:13 by insomniaglet

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#83436 Posted on 2016-12-27 21:59:39

sorting by breed, yes. This would help me find the horses I want to look for.

Bidding from the horses page doesn't actually bother me either way. I can find them alright.

I wish there was a way to see reserves, or to have a suggested bid given by the breeder, to get a gauge on the amount they will take for the horse. This has been my biggest pet peeve of the action house, I have no idea what members want for their horses.

Minimum increase seems like a good idea, but I think it should be set by the person selling the horse.

I don't see that the deposit should be held. the action house doesn't seem to have an abundance of horses, just a moderate amount. I'd rather encourage people to use it, not discourage people to use it.

I like the idea of set time choices for the seller to choose from.

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#83541 Posted on 2016-12-28 11:27:42

I think there should be something like a maximum reserve price, for the simple reason that, in real life, at least where I'm from, buyers don't go to auctions planning to spend tons of money on one animal...they go to auctions to get a good deal on an animal, and sellers go to auctions not so that they can come home with animals, but so they can get them sold quickly. More people would use the auction house if it served that purpose and private bidding was reserved for the higher-priced animals, I think. I'm not sure most people in the game have an overly realistic concept of auctions in general when it comes to setting the reserve my corner of the world, unless it is a horse auction, most animals will not sell for anything more than $1,000, and in the good horse auctions which pull the nice prices, they have to be excellent animals in order to sell in the first place. This might be a consideration which needs to go into account when updating the auction this a high-end horse auction, and if so, what is the purpose of auction versus private sale, and if it's not, then shouldn't the purpose be an environment in which players can find really good deals on decent but unwanted horses? Is our purpose to sell our animals quickly, or to keep having them go back to auction until someone finally meets our minimum bid? In real life, the answer to the second question would be no, because auctions are horrible for biosecurity. If the answer is yes in EV, on the other hand, we might want to consider having a minimum starting bid that reasonably reflects the reserve price, so people don't open bidding at $1,000 for an animal with a 65K reserve.

As for held funds, I think I would use it less if that didn't happen, for the simple reason that I'm a big *derp* and never remember to leave enough money on hand for the funds to come out, versus spending them or putting them in the bank. :P

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