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#83128 Posted on 2016-12-26 18:13:43

So I think I heard something on here that we aren't allowed to ask for advise on medical or physical stuff? I can't remember it was so long ago, but; If I'm posting something on here that shouldn't be posted, please tell me and I'll take it off. (:

I'm trying to get more muscle for gymnastics, but obviously, for muscle you need meat, or protein. I am a vegetarian by heart; I don't like meat period. The only meat that I will eat is Tuna. So, I was wondering if you guys have any advise on good tasting, protein infested meat? It would be a great help to me! (:

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#83293 Posted on 2016-12-27 12:40:26

Instead of getting protein from meat you could try protein bars or adding protein powder to smoothies. I think that would be a lot easier for you since you're a vegetarian.

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#83301 Posted on 2016-12-27 13:11:40

They do sell vegetarian based protein powder. Just might be alittle tricky to find but sure you can get them at

There's actually a lot of things you can find like that nowadays. Would you ever eat boiled eggs? A few times out of the week I'll cook quite a few boiled eggs and I do 1can tuna, 4 diced boiled eggs, and 1-2 tblsp spicy mustard chilled for between meals for protein purposes. I've always run alittle on the anemic side so I know how it is.

Last edited on 2016-12-27 at 13:13:15 by Notori

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#83460 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:20:11

Thx guys!

@Notori I used to really like boiled eggs, but then one night after eating eggs, I felt like I was about to throw up. Ever since then I'v never been able to eat eggs without feeling terrible afterwards.

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#83463 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:30:36

Smoothies also help :) Nuts, bean and rice, and Braggs Amino Acids are all proteins :D (Braggs can used on rice, its kinda like a soy sauce)

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#83465 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:36:20

Quinoa, Buckwheat (its not a wheat), Soy (try to only get the whole soy not soy lecithin), Mycoprotein (Quorn brand), Rice and Bean/Lentils/Chickpeas, Azekiel Brand Bread, Seitan (meat substitute that monks eat, used with soy sauce or Braggs, see above about braggs), Hummus and pita bread, Chia, Spirulina with grains or nuts, and Peanut butter Sandwiches with a grain bread (wheat, rice, or corn) are all proteins :D

Last edited on 2016-12-28 at 00:36:41 by IndigoMagic

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#83466 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:47:17

Thanks IndigoMagic. :D I'll try some! (:

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#83467 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:50:30

Definitely educate yourself on sources of protein =] I have a book called The Runner's Diet for the half marathons I run, and it actually explains to you how some vegetables are actually a higher source of protein per serving than meat. It also explains on how you can hit certain points with training where you might be burning muscle instead of fat, and what the signs are to look for. There's a lot you can learn from the right books. I hope this helps you as well. =]
Oh and good job for being out there doing your thing! That's awesome that you're into something like that! I wish I was younger, that's something I always wanted to get into!

Last edited on 2016-12-28 at 00:51:47 by ⚜Remington

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#83468 Posted on 2016-12-28 00:57:07

Remington: thx! I'll look for some books, and most definitely look into the one you were talking about!

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