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Cuz I totally needed two more breeds...

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Cuz I totally needed two more breeds...

#81612 Posted on 2016-12-21 08:44:20

I'm so bad. I just created two herds of 12 foundies (4 stallions, 8 mares each) in part for an experiment and in part because I just could not resist Appies and Shetlands any longer, LOL!

Here they are! :D

Specialty: Western
Treats: Peppermints

Specialty: Driving
Treats: Hay Cubes

My experiment partly tests the level of advantage of Peppermints over a treat normally given out by riding schools, and partly tests how high I can get the stats and confo by the time they have full peds. I will be recording the stats at each horse's birthday to see how they build, and carefully using only the training and riding schools which correspond to the specialty. Horses will switch from riding schools to showing at the age of 12 so they can gain points, then treat assignments will be removed, training will stop, and horses will be retired completely from showing and schools at the age of 14 to lock the stats in one place for breeding. Foals will be bred for best confo, and follow a similar process to their parents. Each foal will be locked at birth until second gen breeding is done to ensure every gen starts out and matures at exactly the same age.

No foals will be for sale until the great grandbabies of the originals, to keep my line genetically isolated so when I start selling, I will behave quality only and I will be offering stuff that's not related to everybody else's herds. :)

So...whatcha thynk? Gonna be very interesting! Yes, Ulysses...I will be posting the final stat data summaries on this thread to keep people updated, and you can use it for your calculator if it helps. :)

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#81620 Posted on 2016-12-21 08:58:05

I don't have that kind of patience lol

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#81622 Posted on 2016-12-21 08:59:47

Me, neither, but I have a scientific mind, and that level of curiosity!!! ;)

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#81640 Posted on 2016-12-21 09:29:17

If you're feeding peppermints and hay cubes, I'd suggest choosing a different specialty to start them in than the one you truly want. (Hint hint nudge nudge, my appies are all show jumping). They won't do as well in shows eating peppermints/hay cubes because they'll have relatively high non specialty stats.

Example: This teke has only been fed hay cubes since they turned three years old, and are in endurance (their final specialization will be racing). They have a lot of non-specialty stats not related to endurance, adding up to 105 points when it should be closer to 60-80 or so for foundies. This teke is already specialized in racing, and only fed treats relating to that specialization (turnips and carrots) and it's non-specialty stats are at 71, all from when it was created. That's an over 30 stat difference between the two, 30 stats that sets the second teke up better for entering shows.

The two divisions that these guys are in are for my own little experiment, on whether hay cubes + riding school is better than specialty treats + showing or vice versa. The hay cubes group will be switched early (around age 10-14) to showing if they start falling behind, or right before breeding age (19y) if they're doing better.

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#81662 Posted on 2016-12-21 10:45:51

@Nittrous: I am planning to probably convert training on all of them...I want them to have the most stats possible, and I'm willing to spend the 10K per horse if necessary. Regardless, that's part of the experiment...get them as many stats as possible! :)

As far as specialty, I have no idea what's most common for Appies, but I picked driving for Shetlands, because that was most common for them, LOL!

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