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#82293 Posted on 2016-12-23 10:28:27

Runs in throws some snow balls and runs out.

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#82296 Posted on 2016-12-23 10:31:11


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#82376 Posted on 2016-12-23 16:02:29

I tinkered around with creating a little animated team blue tag today.. here's the URL if anyone wants to use it -


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#83195 Posted on 2016-12-27 01:01:14

Yay Blue! We will be victorious!

@Aesthetic Nice tag. That is amazing!

@Valzed @silverfoxmar2009 Thanks for your kind words about my sig. I would have said so sooner but I had not checked the forums for a few days. :>

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#84282 Posted on 2016-12-30 23:20:47

Blue team.. I need back up!

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#84283 Posted on 2016-12-30 23:28:14

Lol I come back from a really long leave to this? And I'm on the winning team! Woop!

Got some throws in already lol

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#84309 Posted on 2016-12-31 06:36:41

Guys, let's not hit anyone besides those on the "Most Hits" leaderboard (excluding our own team members of course), because they're currently the ones posing a threat. If we target them, we have a higher chance of winning.

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#84319 Posted on 2016-12-31 08:39:16

How? Lol hitting them doesn't do anything

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#84320 Posted on 2016-12-31 08:43:46

I know, but they're doing good, so we want to hit them and make their team lose, correct?
Doesn't getting hit more = lowering your team's score, possibly causing your team to lose?

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#84321 Posted on 2016-12-31 08:45:21

I'm not sure that that's true, i've never heard that before. I think it's just the more one team hits another together (no matter who) the higher said teams score.

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#84322 Posted on 2016-12-31 08:49:05

Oh, okay. Didn't know that hitting particular people doesn't matter; seems like it should to me.
BUT WE STILL GOTTA PEG RED THEN. We gotta hit them more than they hit usssss

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#84463 Posted on 2016-12-31 19:05:38

*pants* did... did we actually win?? is it over?

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#84464 Posted on 2016-12-31 19:21:27

It doesn't end till 11:59 pm EV time (I think, i'm gonna double check the news post) but if that's true it won't end till around 2 am EST

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#84465 Posted on 2016-12-31 19:22:40

I just found more snow, so it can't be over... I just thought it was because I didn't find snow for an hour or so lol

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#84501 Posted on 2017-01-01 00:14:29

I did my best.. Broke 900 throws and I think had the #1 spot for throws and hits.

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