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i did a dumb D:

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i did a dumb D:

#81184 Posted on 2016-12-20 12:59:41

i bred two of my favorite horses and they gave me this beautiful colt

i went to reveal his genotpye in my early morning haze of excitement, and since i wasn't wearing my glasses i GELDED him rather than revealing his genotpye.

Yes, that's right, I gelded that beautiful fourth gen AtAt CrCr Dd Zz Ff Rbrb RnT colt with 78.01 conformation. I then went and used tons of my credits to try and get him a sibling that was equal in color but had no luck and had to settle. Alas. I have hope for his one final sibling due in a week or so, but the odds of getting that perfect genotpye are so slim.

Has anyone else ever done an EV dumb they regretted?

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#81196 Posted on 2016-12-20 13:25:34

Bro. There should be a way for only breeders to use a Loki's Dagger on a gelding, so they don't screw up!
Why is gelding and revealing genotype right next to each other, anyway? It's like the cut and copy options when you right click- one false move, and that whole paragraph I typed went *poof* and was deleted.

Last edited on 2016-12-20 at 13:25:47 by Merry Raptorfang Ω

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#81308 Posted on 2016-12-20 18:49:52

Oh that's so sad! My only EV dumb was feeding horses hay cubes before I understood the importance of stats. Or the time I trained 5 of my horses at an arena that was charging $200 instead of $40, d'oh!

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#81312 Posted on 2016-12-20 18:56:18

I honestly feel like crying for you right now; that is one of my biggest EV fears. Maybe a "Are you sure you want to geld -horse name-?" Should pop up when gelding horses?

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#81314 Posted on 2016-12-20 18:57:55

^^ doesn't one pop up??

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#81344 Posted on 2016-12-20 19:10:13

Oh no D:

Can't you use 2 Loki's on him?

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#81365 Posted on 2016-12-20 19:24:03

Noooooooooooooo! Ugh. My heart, it aches!

I've forgotten to lock an entire breeding herd at 20 aging tomorrow. So many potential super high stat foals, gone.

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#81593 Posted on 2016-12-21 07:41:27

NOOOO!!! *cries* :(

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#81690 Posted on 2016-12-21 11:43:53

Thank you all for comiserating with me!

Ducky, your EV whoops seem a much worse than mine!

And Agrinchlet, there totally is an "are you sure you want to geld this horse?" pop up!
AND I CLICKED YES! because i am an idiot. I remembering thinking to myself: "that's weird, i dont think there used to be an 'are you sure' for revealing genotype"

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#81694 Posted on 2016-12-21 11:45:52

"Huh, that's odd..." - Famous last words :-D

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