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so help me...

ForumsEquiverse Chat → so help me...

so help me...

#80849 Posted on 2016-12-18 18:27:17

Had me a mare born today from my lines.
Got some free horses from the lovely Windspun, but I accidentally picked out all mares. Whoops.
I need to breed my mare that is from my lines with somebody, so that I can keep them going, but I don't really feel like buying a Loki's Dagger right now.
So I have three rare-colored mares that are STILL locked until I breed a stallion.
Dear me. The struggle is real.
Has anyone else dealt with this?

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#80853 Posted on 2016-12-18 18:40:20

Do you want a dagger? Free. I know how much of a pain that is and I'm not really using them since just about all my ponies are locked :)

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#80854 Posted on 2016-12-18 18:48:23

I have 4 mares unpaired in my Mythical Beasts line and it is driving me insane knowing I haven't paired them up yet ;-;

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#80937 Posted on 2016-12-19 11:07:04

you'd really do that for me, Cat?

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#80938 Posted on 2016-12-19 11:10:14

Sure I have 8 of them. I'll send one over :)

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#80941 Posted on 2016-12-19 11:14:39

tysm!!! It means a lot to me :)

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