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[resolved] Convert training - foal

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[resolved] Convert training - foal

#79891 Posted on 2016-12-13 22:49:55

Hello all,

I seem to remember a discussion about this topic, but I can't find it anywhere.

I purchased this foal with the intent to convert him to Driving, but before I do, I want to know about how many of his stats will convert. Is it correct that inherited stats are treated as "earned" stats?

Hero Kid

Last edited on 2016-12-15 at 19:35:21 by Ðemure

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#79893 Posted on 2016-12-13 23:32:46

Earned Stats are anything the horse itself earns after birth. I'm assuming by inherited stats you mean the stats the horse is born with, in which case no those won't change, the only things that will be converted are the stats gained from treats, training showing, etc. not the stats the horse was born with.

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#80033 Posted on 2016-12-14 21:27:59

:( Dressage Gypsy foal for sale.......

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#80047 Posted on 2016-12-14 23:07:53

his stats are set up for driving though.....

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#80059 Posted on 2016-12-15 02:06:08

I think he won't lose any of the stats he got in driving so why don't you switch him to driving?

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#80067 Posted on 2016-12-15 04:27:07

His stats are split for driving already, most of it is put in endurance and strength, meaning he was born from driving parents. If you reset his specialty to driving, not much will change statwise.

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#80074 Posted on 2016-12-15 06:39:13

He's set up exactly the way i set up all my foals.

feed him peppermints/haycubes until he is three and then convert him to driving.
that way he gets all the extra stats that those treats give him, without suffering from them being non-discipline (since they'll be moved when you convert him)

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#80256 Posted on 2016-12-15 19:35:08



Things have been crazy the past few days!

Thanks everyone!

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