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Daph and Oswin Private Rp

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Daph and Oswin Private Rp

#75772 Posted on 2016-11-15 04:01:00

This is a private rp between me and oswin. The wolves im using are Saffron. Saffron has light amber colored orbs that seem to draw others in like sticky honey. Her pelt color is different shades of grey mixed throughout her soft thick fur, the colors ranging from dark grays to light grays. She has a rather thick build to her and an average height to her. Her tail is different shades of grey and is long but fluffy. Her fur and coat tend to rustle some in the wind. Then Chali has hazel-green orbs that seem to draw others towards her. Her pelt color is different shades of red and brown mixed together throughout her soft and thick fur. She has a rather lean build to her and an average height on her. Her tail is long and red and brown like the rest of her. Then finally Dagger his orbs are a ice light blue color. His base coat is a dark black ranging from light black to dark black. His fur is short and thick on him. He has taught muscles on him that ripple under his coat and he has a average build and height of any male his size.

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#75799 Posted on 2016-11-15 14:30:33

The small, tan shewolf cast chocolate eyes around the small clearing. She stood at the edge of the wood, gazing into the clearing and into the continuing woods on the opposite side. With soft steps, she slowly exited the safe cover of brush and tree. The wind wasn't in her favor, it blew at her from behind. Her dark orbs took in the darkness around the clearing, hoping nothing lay in wait for her. She approached the stream and lowered her head to drink.

He stretched his forepaws out in front of him, enjoying the slight burn it brought him. He stood and shook, his thin layer of fur whispering with the movement. Padding over to the end of the cave, smothered in dark, he reached down and grabbed a small string. Attached to the loop was a vial, and a glowing red liquid churned inside it. He grinned at the liquid as he twisted himself. The string ended around his neck. Ajabu chuckled as he went to the cave mouth and looked down from his vantage point in the hillside.

A dark shadow slipped from one tree to the other. The caged animal flicked an ear in the direction of the sound. When the shadow moved again, the animal sat up and stared into the trees. It gave a low warning growl. When the male wolf stepped from the trees, the hybrid began to bark bitterly. Codik shook his head as he jumped easily over the small wire. "Quite sad. How does this thing keep you in?" Codik looked from the wire fence to the cage. "You quite forget your ancestry, wolf dog." Codik grabbed the plastic bowl of food and nodded once at the hybrid. "Thanks."
Forest smells surrounded the black wolf as he carried the flimsy bowl. Arriving at a tree with a hole dug at its base, he gave a low whine. A red figure emerged, teeth bared. Seeing the food, the fox's eyes welled up. "Thank you. IDon't know you, but thank you!" She gulped down the food and returned to her den, where starving children awaited.

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#75828 Posted on 2016-11-15 19:37:23

A solid black figure scanned his ice blue eyes from the forest to the small little clearing down over the hill below. Taking a inhaled breath he dashed foreword down the hill into the open exposed clearing around him. Stopping he looked around the clearing looking for any paw prints on the ground from another wolf or animal. Shaking his head to the side he sighed and looked up the hill to Saffron and Chali wolves that he followed closely and become friends with. Looking towards them he wagged his tail and laid down.

The red, lean figure moved her hazel-green eyes down to the clearing down below where he pack mate was "Come on Saffron we should move along to where he is.." she said in a optimistic tone to the grey wolf beside her. Taking off she moved swiftly down the hill and made it to Dagger's side "Any prey?" she asked softly knowing the solemn look in his ice blue eyes knowing they would go hungry again for the night. Sitting down she sighed and pressed close to her friend Saffron shaking from the cold air hitting her body.

The grey she-wolf pressed against Chali's side in an effort to stay warm and share the warmth with her friend. Feeling the hunger pain in her stomach she dipped back her head sending out a howl into the sky. That was soon followed by Chali's and Dagger's howling noise. Stopping she sighed inwardly to herself "I'm hungry..." she mumbled shaking from the coldness of the air around her that seemed to trap her underneath it.

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#75842 Posted on 2016-11-16 04:28:58

The tan she wolf stiffened as a howl broke into the night. She looked toward the sound with wide, shy eyes. She had planned on getting in some hunting, but maybe not if.... a sound behind her caused her to whip around. She relaxed as a dark shadow joined her in the clearing. Padding up to the dark male, she gave him s comfortable nuzzle. "You smell like human, " she noted. At the plane of the wolf, she had forgotten the howls.

Codik smiled at his sister. He loved how she wasn't shy around him. They had always been close. "I grabbed that poor hybrids food for a starving Fox and her children." He nuzzled Hush back. "Don't worry, we'll get food for tonight."

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#76059 Posted on 2016-11-18 03:58:50

The solid dark male wolf threw his nose into the air smelling a trace of deer that hung in the air. Although, the scent tasted stale he ignored that and began tracking the four legged grazer through the clearing and into the woods. Throwing his nose back to the ground the scent becoming stronger he licked his maw in the process as he followed the heavy wafting scent that was growing stronger by the minute. Stopping at the bush he shook his head and went through it hiding in there to be hidden from the deer. Peaking his ice blue eyes out they brightened seeing a stag and two does. Giving shaky breath he sighed and mumbled to himself "My odds would be greater if I have a wolf to hunt with..." he said and laid down waiting hopefully for one of the deer to come close his way.

Chali and Saffron
Chali and Saffron gave a little one last mournful howl together in union as the drone of the howl soon faded from both she-wolves. Gasping and taking a swift step foreword Chali sniffed the air and smiled smelling the fresh scent of an injured elk. Saffron finally caught the smell as she sighed to Chali "We need more wolves to bring the beast down.." Chali and Saffron both knew what they had to do. Together both she-wolves let out and ear piercing howl and howled for any wolf to come hunt with them. Letting the howl come out loud and deafening to the silent open clearing they were in.

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#76118 Posted on 2016-11-18 17:26:27

She stiffened when the first howl rent the morning still. She had heard them before, then. She quickly glued herself to her brother's side. "Codik..." she whispered, looking at all the forest surrounding the clearing. She was still scanning the surroundings when another split the silence again. Hush whipped her head toward the sound before staring with fear filled eyes at her big brother.

The dark male looked calmly toward the howl, knowing what his terrified sister was thinking. A smile lifted the tension. "It's a friendly howl, Hush. They are looking for wolves to help hunt." He looked down at his sister. "I'm going. You?" She shook her head and said she would hunt alone. He nodded and headed toward the howls.

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#76148 Posted on 2016-11-18 20:16:14

The black male wolf sighed as he waited patiently for a deer to make there way near the trap he has in the bushes. Seeing doe step into the area he growled and leaped foreword biting onto her neck. The doe snorted and the others ran as he held a secure grip on her neck as she thrashed and fell to the forest floor. Taking another deep bite into her neck he growled against the red hot sticky substance now coming from the doe. Giving a wag of his fluffy tail and digging into his freshly caught deer he began his feast for a lone male.

Saffron and Chali
The two females let out one more howl together that was loud and they stopped looking around the clearing with there hazel eyes. Saffron sighed and got up turning in a circle as she waited hopefully for another wolf to show up. Chali on the other hand gave a wag of her tail and lept into a pile of leaves her red fur blending in with the leaves in a pile. Giving a howl to let any wolf still know where they were she smiled looking around the clearing for any signs of a wolf to come.

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#76188 Posted on 2016-11-19 07:22:31

The dark male chanced across another clearing as he followed the sound of another howl. There, a wolf waited. The scent of another nearby put Codik on edge, knowing one was concealed. But he had s tendency to trust, so he smiled at the female there. "You howled for a hunting buddy?" Codik looked around casually, pretending to take in the clearing. He was looking for ways out if ambushed, but the likelihood of that was slim. Besides, he thought, I'm capable of taking on a few wolves. He was tall, with long black fur. He remembered when both had come in handy one night and he was barely out of pup hood.

She watched her brother pad away and a nervous ball filed her stomach. She took a deep breath and it went away. She was usually okay on her own. So she set off toward the smells of prey. She was following a rabbit trail when the smell of deer hit her. Many deer. She ran in that djrectio I whdn pounding hooves reached her ears. They were running. She lay low as their fear scent washed over her. No way could she take on a runnind deeer. As they passed, she stood and shook off before walking alon ng through the woods again. Suddenly, she spotted a black wolf eating a doe. She crouched low. Fur too short to be Codik. The smell was different, too. The wind changed. He would be able to smell her.

The male fjnished his sight seeing and set off. First order of business: water. He laughed. Maybe a fish or two after that. If not, some prey. Then he could head off toward the hybrid's place and antagonize it. Make it mad. She really was a pretty beast, just a bit dumb. He chuckled to himself. She angered easily. He liked it, but she wasn't anything he'd mate. Too dumb and doggish. Too tame. Too much of a pet. Honestly, he only liked seeing her mad because it was amusing.

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#76198 Posted on 2016-11-19 08:41:44

Saffron and Chali

Both she-wolves saw the bigger male approaching them in the clearing. Chali stepped foreword and nodded "We did, thanks for coming" she said dipping her head in a greeting. Saffron the light grey wolf stepped foreword to where Chali stood "What's your name?" she asked loudly and bluntly without fear of the stronger male that had came to join the hunt. Chali gave a sideways glance at Saffron as if to hush her from scaring away the stranger. "I'm Chali and this is Saffron my friend." she said as nice as possible nudging her friend in the shoulder then looking back at the dark black male with her hazel eyes.

The male continued ripping the meat from the doe deer and he paused sniffing the air. Ice blue eyes narrowing he looked around spotting a crouching figure in the distance. Stopping from his meal he looked at the crouched figure and sniffed the air smelling the fear scent of a she-wolf. Pricking his ears up he looked ahead with his icey blue eyed gaze to her crouched down. "I know your there.... you can come out now" he said gently not wanting to scare the she-wolf that was already frightened enough. "I wont hurt you I promise" he said gently as he stepped back indicating she could come out when she was ready to.

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#76349 Posted on 2016-11-20 11:53:05

The dark male chuckled and looked both females in the eyes. "I'm Codik. Nice to meet you two." He smiled and dipped his dark head slightly. He looked down on the she-wolves with a playful sparkle in his amber eyes. "So, ready to hunt?"

The creamy tan female stiffened. How come everytime the wind changes? She slowly stepped out, eyes lowered to the ground respectfully. She tucked in her tail and let it wag. Another submissive gesture. She decided not to flatten her ears.
She didn't once look up from the ground until she stood a little bit away from the male. She looked up and met his eyes before quickly looking back down shyly.

Last edited on 2016-11-20 at 11:53:44 by Oswin

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#76352 Posted on 2016-11-20 12:13:51

Chali and Saffron

Both she wolves nodded back as they set out with there nose to the ground tracing the sent of the elk herd. Soon diapering over the horizon they stopped on the top of the hill seeing the elk grazing down below peacefully not noticing the wolves. Chali stopped looked to both her sides "I'll take the middle and you two fan out and go to the sides." she said in a strict order to both wolves as she stalked towards the herd slowly picking out which one that they could bring down easily. Saffron nodded taking the left side as she stalked to the position and waited for the signal from Chali to strike.

The dark black male blinked his ice blue eyes at the shy cream she-wolf talking another step back and wagging his tail in a friendly manner to her he smiled. "Im Dagger and you are?" he asked stepping foreword a bit to study the movements of the she-wolf still being a little cautious of her. "You may share the kill with me if you would like..." he paused and motioned to the fresh kill laying a couple feet away from him.

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#76480 Posted on 2016-11-21 16:29:40

Her skin grew hot in a blush hidden by her thick tan fur. "Hush," she said quietly. "Nice to meet you." The last part was a hurried mumble. She was about to decline his offer of food when the smell of the doe made her hungry sromach clench. "Thanks." The word was lost on the breeze as she stepped forward slowly and took a bite from the doe. She looked up to the dark wolf shyly, thanking him with her wide brown eyes.

The male chuckled as the female took charge. He would have said which elk was target, but then again it was hard to pinpoint the weak ones from here. He nodded and went right, looking to the she wolf and awaiting a signal.

The crazy grey and white wolf headed to the hybrids place, where he stood and watched her get foamy at the mouth. He chuckled. Too bad she was untied in her little yard, or else he would steal her food. Speaking of which... he bid the hybrid good bye and headed to his stream for a drink.

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#76492 Posted on 2016-11-21 17:20:18

(Im already shipping Chali and Codik!!)
Chali and Saffron
Chali stood hidden in the tall grass peering at the elk herd as she shifted her eyes through the elk and fixated on one limping while grazing. Glancing to the right at Codik she motioned with her snout which one to take down. Doing the same to Saffron she crept a little bit foreword then sprang up hurling herself into a sprint after the injured young bull elk. Saffron saw Chali spring out then sprang out herself following to the side reaching the elk first she grabbed onto it's leg with her sharp teeth and locked her jaw ripping and pulling at the leg to injure him more.

The male nodded in a welcome manner "Take all you need.. I wasn't that hungry to start with" he said lying down and watching Hush eat her fill. Studying her with his ice blue eyes he wagged his tail happily "Im Dagger and it's nice to meet you Hush" he said softly and rested his head on his massive paws just watching the she-wolf in silence.

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#76601 Posted on 2016-11-22 16:07:37

(Could you maybe start doing Chali and Saffron separate? I'd like to get to know each of them better :3)

Codik sprang out from where he lay low. At the sight of the fleeing herd, he grinned. A rush of adrenaline pushed him toward the elk Chali had motioned at. It was already bucking and kicking frantically by the time Codik reached it. He had a sudden compassionate thought but it was quickly squelched by his hunger and the adrenaline surging through his blood. He leaped up onto the elk's back and dug his sharp teeth into the soft flesh on its back. He hung on with his claws and teeth. He loosened his grip so as to grab the neck. But as he did so he felt the bull tense up, preparing for a heavy blow somewhere. Codik looked up. The bull turned slightly, and it gave Codik all the information he needed. The look out of the corner of its eye, the slight turn... He gave a particularly harsh bite to the elk's back before springing up. He landed nimbly and sprinted to the place he had determined the elk would go. His jump had carried him farther than he expected... He needed to get there before the elk... As he ram Codik saw the elk begin to roll over onto its side, where Saffron clung to his leg. With the rest of his energy, Codik leaped forward, dragged Saffron off the leg and pulled away as the elk rolled over. He grinned, panting. "Ready for another go?" He pointed his nose at the lame legged elk trying to stand.

She didn't eat much of the deer. Her appetite never was a big thing. She stopped eating and stepped back from the doe. She glanced along his dark body, wondering at how he had taken a deer down alone. When she met his eyes she quickly looked away. She looked at her paws and shuffled them.

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#76872 Posted on 2016-11-24 18:37:52

The red-brown she-wolf growled narrowing her hazel-green eyes and biting at the neck of the bull elk throwing all her weight into the bite. Sinking her teeth into the bull elks neck deeper she dug her paws in and wrapped around the elks neck making sure it stayed it place. Narrowing her hazel-green eyes she held onto the neck in a locked jaw grip so it didn't move.

The light grey she-wolf nodded bleakly as she lept back a the elks stomach sinking her sharp needle like teeth into the soft tissue and ripping. Holding onto the elk carefully she paused to adjust her position and looked to Codik with her amber colored eyes and tore into the elk feeling it stop thrashing beneath there holds they had on it.

The dark black male laid down watching Hush the she-wolf. "So Hush do you have a pack?" he asked questioningly to her thumping his tail on the ground. Rolling onto his back and moving back and fourth to reach the spot that irritated his fur he paused just watching the striking she-wolf that seemed nervous around him.

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