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ForumsEquiverse Chat → Pedigrees


#73718 Posted on 2016-10-29 05:28:40

Last time I played this game (which must be well over a year or two ago), clean pedigrees were a huge part of the game. Since I came back I've seen less talk about it, but I'm still wondering whether it's as important now as it was then.

How much do you consider pedigrees when breeding/buying? Are linebreeding (the block kind of prevents inbreeding), more than 2-3 offspring and deceased still big a no-no?

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#73724 Posted on 2016-10-29 07:26:10

For me, pedigrees don't really matter. I mean of course I prefer pedigrees with no 'deceased' slots but I don't refrain from buying a horse just because it has incomplete pedigree. I *think* breeders still look for horses with clean pedigree when picking a stud for example. When lisiting studs I've often reduced the stud fee a couple of bucks because of some missing parts in pedigree. Just my opinion. :)

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#73728 Posted on 2016-10-29 08:17:01

Pedigrees are still fairly important to me.

I think once all of the horses still locked on EV1 are transferred over here, likely sometime in January-March of 2017, pedigrees will once again rise in importance for many players.

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#73737 Posted on 2016-10-29 09:07:09

i know lots of players created totally new lines when the recode started, so there are tons of foundations and second (possibly third?) horses around - more so than i remember seeing before the recode.

Inbreeding is definitely still a negative, but the "deceased" issue should be clearing up soon like aglet said.

The 2-3 offspring might still be a thing people are concerned about, though i personally could not care less. With color and confirmation breeding, it's almost necessary to maximize the odds of getting what you want from a pairing, and that may mean breeding them many times.

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#73740 Posted on 2016-10-29 09:44:30

I won't buy/breed to a horse that has any ancestor appearing more than once in their lines. And I will go all the way back to check, no matter how many generations that is (though admittedly I don't like clicking past the second page and tend toward foundation or low gen purchases).

I also agree with what Kahzie said; I don't care so much how many offspring are produced if the lines are clean and conformation/stats are high. I prefer under 10, but that's not always a necessity.

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#73759 Posted on 2016-10-29 11:27:23

If I'm interested in a horse, I look at the parents and see how many offspring they have. Usually if it's more than 8 I pass on the horse. Just because I don't want horses with super common lines.

A lot of my horses that I purchased in EV1 have broken pedigrees and that's not really too big of a deal for me.

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