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I'm working on improving

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I'm working on improving

#72955 Posted on 2016-10-22 18:09:51

What program do you use? GIMP

What drawing tool do you use? labtop pad (not even sure what it's called, I'm horrible with computer part names) aka, just my labtop nothing else.

What do you feel you struggle the most with? hooves, eyes, and proportions. However, I'm mostly interested in how to improve my digital parts, aka lining, shading, etc., as I know my physical drawing flaws, and I'm doing my best to improve them.

What do you feel you're already good at? I really only feel I'm mediocre at most things...

What have you noticed you need to work on? Critique yourself: same as 'struggle the most with part' Hooves are really hard for me...

What help are you looking for? I'm mostly looking for advice in any way I can improve my online work. I've come quite a ways, but would like to continue improving.

I'd like to know, honestly, (you can even be harsh with me. I always admire honestly, even if it is brutal) what things need to be worked on before I can even attempt to sell. I don't want to be trying to sell something, thinking I'm at least moderately good at it, and finding out the hard way I'm not at all good at it.

I know myself that I could use some work with the actual drawings themselves. I do all my own drawings, and quite frankly, I'm not very good at the realistic ones. However, I'd like to make characters, so I'm going to have to at least try. Sorry if I seem like I'm rambling on and on. Here is my latest art piece.


still working on this one a little, the shadings off
Just a quick color

Last edited on 2016-10-23 at 22:01:04 by SilverWolves

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#72988 Posted on 2016-10-23 04:46:46

The one thing I know enough about to critique you on is that: the darker color on the head drops off pretty suddenly to the roan body. Like you did on the legs, try and fade it more :)

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#73117 Posted on 2016-10-23 21:59:13

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to get ready for selling, but it's hard to figure out when you are at that point.

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#74941 Posted on 2016-11-07 20:07:40

I think your work is adorable. One thing I immediately notice is that the stomach curves a bit to sharply upwards to meet the back-leg area, making the horse appear skinny, so maybe you could maybe the line curve more gradually. Other than that, I think it's good. :)

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