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First Race Fall

#40330 Posted on 2016-05-23 13:50:26

So if anyone isn't aware, I am a Professional Jockey in NSW of Australia. I've been race riding for 3 years.
Yesterday I had my first fall in a race. My angels kept me out of any serious injury.
The horse who was running third fractured its leg and went down resulting in a domino effect behind. I was on the favourite and travelling second last on the home turn, just starting to gather momentum. The horse fell in front of me, or maybe two did; I'm not entirely sure. I rememeber seeing a grey horse in front of me on the ground, someone yell and bam, my horse went over it and I woke up with people standing over me.
There were 6 jockeys injured. 4 of us went to hospital. I was in hospital for about 4 hrs, got scans done on my leg and over my chest. I got out with 4 stitches in my right shin, bit of bruising to my right eye and forehead, minor concussion and as sore as anything this morning. I'll be having a few days off, then off to the doctor to get clearance to just go steady for a week or two.

Here is the article here:

Wishing all the others save recoveries. Thinking of them all. Please pray for us all :) ♥

We're all tough, but we're all human.

Last edited on 2016-05-23 at 14:20:49 by Blink

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#40335 Posted on 2016-05-23 13:54:18

I hope you and the horses are all ok! How scary!
Just taken a look at the article! How horrible :( Was Bazza's Boy the horse who fractured his leg and fell? RIP :(

Last edited on 2016-05-23 at 13:57:08 by Poplar Equestrian

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#40336 Posted on 2016-05-23 13:57:14

The horse who fractured his leg has to euthanized obviously. The others are all fine :) Few scratches.

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#40338 Posted on 2016-05-23 14:01:55

Seems to be a bad weekend for horses and jockeys. I hope you'll all be okay.

On Saturday, two horses died at Pimlico. First a filly fractured a canon and was euthanized on the track, her jockey was sent to the hospital with a broken collarbone. Then a colt won his race and collapsed walking back to his stable...

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#40339 Posted on 2016-05-23 14:02:57

Is the horse you were riding okay or did he get put down?! Oh, I hope you feel better soon so you can ride those good looking thoroughbreds pounding down the track once more, and feel the wind in your hair. :)

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#40341 Posted on 2016-05-23 14:04:35

...this is why I hate horse racing. The horses are under so much stress. I've never agreed with it.
P.s. dun flame me for my opinion plz c:

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#40345 Posted on 2016-05-23 14:16:29

No every other horse is fine, just the horse that broke down had to be euthanized. The others all cantered off and finished the race :) Luckily we're all alive.

Hoofie, no one will be angry for you having your opinion. We just have to mature about these types of things. All I will say to that is it's just the odds of life. This could have happened during any event like cross country like we have seen in AUS in the last few months, western, endurance. Horses are animals and no matter what we do on them, we're always at risk. We don't make them do anything they don't want. Trust me the horses love it. Bred for a discipline like any other eventing horse etc would be too. It was just the odds weren't in his favour today. :(

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#40346 Posted on 2016-05-23 14:18:25

Poor guy :(

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#40380 Posted on 2016-05-23 15:59:56

Glad that you're okay.

My issue with horse racing isn't the sport itself - it's more that the horses are so young when they're started. Seems like they'd be of more sound body with a few more years under their belts. That and a lot of the breeding in the states is geared towards horses who have the love to run but don't necessarily have the body for it. Mr. Prospector would be a good example of that - got the will to run but break down doing so.

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#40383 Posted on 2016-05-23 16:18:10

I understand that. I don't agree with that either. Some people leave their horses till 3/4yo before breaking them in and stating them, some don't unfortunately. Bazza's Boy was 4yo. :)

I don't want to start an argument here, but wanted to let everyone know we are ok. :)

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#40385 Posted on 2016-05-23 16:24:21

Sorry if I came off argumentative. Totally wasn't what I intended - just sharing my opinion. It sounds like starting them later doesn't really help after all - the horse that collapsed in the states was what.. six?

Any case. I'm glad that you and your ride were okay in the pileup.

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#40431 Posted on 2016-05-23 19:01:18

Homeboykris- the horse who won the first race at pimlico then collapsed on his way back to the stables was 9, and it's assumed that it was a heart attack though i'm pretty sure it's still being investigated. Seems odd to me that they still had him racing at age 9 since by that age most horses i've seen are retired each to his own I guess.

Glad to hear ya'll are for the most part okay, wishing speedy recoveries :D

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#40470 Posted on 2016-05-23 21:49:24

Ah, seems like a lot of racing accidents are happening lately. My sister was just telling me about going to the racetrack today and seeing a poor horse somersault on the track. I hope the horse was okay. My sister said the rider looked fine, but the horse was walking on three legs. I hope it didn't have a broken leg or anything, or else it would probably be put down.

Im glad to hear you and your horse are okay though. Sorry to hear about the poor horse that was euthanized though. Such a shame

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#40473 Posted on 2016-05-23 23:11:26

Woah I think I saw this on the news (Aussie here, Victoria), I wish you all a speedy recovery! Must have been very frightening.

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#40644 Posted on 2016-05-24 13:16:49

Yeah, we were on NBN and Sunrise along with Michelle Payne when she fell at Mildura. Our 6 jockey pile up went a little under the radar to hers though! haha as it would!

Thank you all. Going to take my bandage off my leg today and have a good look at my stitches today. See the doctor tomorrow for clearance for light duties. No riding for another week yet. :/ But the break will do me good nevertheless.

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