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raising foundation foals (ramblings)

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raising foundation foals (ramblings)

#39262 Posted on 2016-05-18 19:28:59

I think the different methods of showing might have an effect.
some people use autoshowing, which (for most horses) won't get you nearly the same amount of stats from shows as hand-picking shows with ~5 entries.

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#39299 Posted on 2016-05-19 04:11:27

Ugh that makes sense. Confessor is that what you do? I am so impressed by how many more stats your foundations have than mine!

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#39307 Posted on 2016-05-19 04:57:51

I do hand show when I have the time. I find it makes a huge difference. When I do auto show, I notice how much slower my horses advance, no matter which option I choose. But sometimes hand showing just isn't an option.

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#39310 Posted on 2016-05-19 05:22:34

So good to know! I will definitely be hand showing my favorites then. Thanks for the tips :) :)

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#39544 Posted on 2016-05-20 05:54:22

Alrighty!! I will make a scatter plot and best fit line today sometime and then we will have a rough estimate, so everyone add your horses!!

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#41543 Posted on 2016-05-27 17:36:35

it was their 7th birthdays today!

stats range from 389 to 270, with a range of 119. that's almost double last week's range, and i think it's biased by how terrible Set Fire To The Rain is doing compared to the others. if i eliminate him from the calculations, the range is 94, and if i eliminate the 2nd lowest, the range is 74.

this week they gained between 19 and 69 stats this week, with an average gain of 42 stats. still on track to be about 1000 by retirement :)

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#41544 Posted on 2016-05-27 17:38:12

it was their 7th birthdays today!

stats range from 389 to 270, with a range of 119. that's almost double last week's range, and i think it's biased by how terrible Set Fire To The Rain is doing compared to the others, especially the highest statted. if i eliminate the two from the calculations, the range
comes down to 60.

this week they gained between 19 and 69 stats this week, with an average gain of 42 stats. still on track to be about 1000 by retirement :)

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