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Horse Auction Search (Lizzy)

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Horse Auction Search (Lizzy)

#276148 Posted on 2024-11-29 20:25:23

As the title says: I am looking for a nearby horse auction in my hometown or any nearby MI, I've found a good couple horse auction sites, one with a mare up for sale in Ohio and is said to be quite good. But I do not know, I know I've just ridden ponies, worked with them, and still aspire for that dream of mine.

But to build the dream is to start off with a good horse of choice, I've found a Mustang for a $1 but he's in TEXAS!! Not to sound rude if anyone lives in Texas, I just want to find the best site and the best auction for a horse. A cheap horse, I know there's rarely any cheap horses out there because of inflation and prices vary between breeds.

I just wanna find one real bad, I've ridden in the downtown horse carriage twice, one with my mother and one without, I gave the woman a five dollar tip and she's gonna give it to the driver. Also, the two horse pulling the carriage are two Belgian beauties but look short for Belgians. They are still cool as ever.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Oh, and um, can anyone give me tips on how to search better for horses? Or auctions? Anything is good information for me, as long as its helpful, in some way that I hope it is. Still, I would appreciate it if y'all can give me tips on what to do and where to look.

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#276149 Posted on 2024-11-30 00:14:28

The cheapest part of owning a horse is the purchase price. 

You also, more often than not (and there's always exceptions), get what you pay for. 

Cheap, Broke, Sound 
Pick two. 
When buying, you're buying the training a horse has. 
Auctions are a hit or miss. Good luck. Most horses in cheap auctions are there for a reason. Good auctions with good horses, expect to pay premium prices. 

That being said, I've no information on auctions and I won't buy or do any business with "kill pens/lots/auctions" 

Good luck.

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#276155 Posted on 2024-11-30 12:20:30

Thanks! But sadly I missed a Hillsdale horse auction today, it was at 10 and I napped from 7 or 8 and took the three hour nap instead, but it was held in Detroit and would've been two hours from now. I would've missed it regardless of knowing.

The next Hillsdale horse auction is next year, I'm pretty excited to try and search up some more auctions, knowing there's one ready for next year; there's gotta be countless more up for next year as well.

I did see one kill auction I searched up, but I didn't go to the website, even though I should've to at least save a horse of whichever breed I picked to bid on or just buy.

I'm still new to actual auctions, there's one official website that REQUIRES you to sign up and buy a "buyer's number" or something similar to that. I think it was an online auction, but I've just been trying to search up pretty minimum prices.

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