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Foal Training

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Foal Training

#275826 Posted on 2024-10-29 20:30:48

I have heard from many help posts that you NEED to train EACH task to get the full 100% at the end, if you are not RELIGIOUS in making sure each task was assigned you will NEVER reach 100%.  

This was an issue for me as I had most of my foals reaching 100% and I never paid too much attention to the task I assigned them, I just trained them with whatever.  So I decided to do 3 different foal group studies and found that the task makes no difference, you can retrain the same task for the entire 7 days, even miss tasks, and reach the same goal.  As long as you train them that day in any task they will be fine.  This is what I have discovered.

0-1  yr old 1yr - 2yr old 2 yr - 3 yr old
0-31% 31-66% 66 - 100%
0-4 31-38 66-71
4-9 38-42 71-76
9-14 42-47 76-80
14-19 47-52 80-85
19-23 52-57 85-90
23-28 57-61 90-95
28-31 61-66 95-100

As long as you reach the appropriate percentage by the time the foal ages to the next task set, you will always reach 100% at the end regardless of which task you train, how often you retrained that task, or if you "missed" a task.  No need to worry just pick a task, any task and you will be just fine.  No need to worry about did I train lounge already? did I miss Desensitize to tack?!  Just train them and go about your day.

Last edited on 2024-10-29 at 20:31:37 by Kholours

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#275829 Posted on 2024-10-30 07:02:42

i'm not sure where you heard that but it's incorrect, the amount of stats that a horse earns at the end of training is what is impacted by what kind of training is done. the bar will still be filled yes, but you will earn less stats if you did not ensure different kinds of training were done.

Last edited on 2024-10-30 at 09:33:38 by forgottenland

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#275924 Posted on 2024-11-05 17:34:12

I keep track of foal training by choosing tasks according to the foal's age.  "Ages in 1 day"?  Last task on the list.  "Ages in 2 days"?  Second-to-last task.  Etc.

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#275950 Posted on 2024-11-12 17:00:22

Ah, now that makes more sense.  The stats you receive at the end.  I always wondered what determined the amount.  I have noticed that the higher the states the foal was born with the higher the stats earned at the end.  This is good to know.  I will run another experiment lol.  Thank you!

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#275986 Posted on 2024-11-15 01:50:17

Yeah, a higher started horse also gets more stats at the end. Guess it's a percentage of the total stats they have. So if you do more trials it's important to use horses with similar stats.

And I do the same as Belkar, going down the list with each day

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Bláth Bán

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