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Helping the game

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Helping the game

Helping the game

#274646 Posted on 2024-07-19 17:47:48

I am sure I am not the only one to bring this up so I am sorry if I am a broken record, but I was wondering if there has been any efforts made to advertise for EV. With all the social media platforms, maybe we can all start sharing screenshots, experiences, etc. I found a group on FB that was specifically for horse games and EV is talked about minimally in there. Maybe if we all come together and start talking, it will get others interested.

I would love to see this game thrive again. I joined at the beginning of Covid and it really got me by but I feel like I joined a tad late to the party, it was more active than now but already starting to fizzle out some. I have seen forum posts and what not of what it was like a while ago and I would love to see that come back.

Any thoughts, suggestions?

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NCS Stables

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#274648 Posted on 2024-07-19 21:03:40

@NCS Stables - I've been talking about EV off platform, like Wattpad, DeviantArt, any site that I am on WILL have EV as the main topic. I've only talked about EV once on the two main platforms I'm on. But I've been doing terrible advertising or just not making people aware about a beloved horse game.

Last edited on 2024-07-19 at 21:07:24 by Lizzy

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#275183 Posted on 2024-09-08 23:31:14

If they got rid of the auto-show feature or added a breed-only show feature that would grab attention, but as it stands this game is flatlining

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Mand'alor The Rider

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