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#274589 Posted on 2024-07-17 03:04:24

how do i send credits to someone?? 

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#274592 Posted on 2024-07-17 05:51:03

If you go to the credit shop tab, next to the forums tab, and scroll all the way down you will see a thing where you can send credits. You need to type in the player's  ID of  who you want to send it to. You need to also type In the amount you want to send. Then you click the verification button that's says you can't get them back once you send them or something like that. Make sure you are sending it to the right person!!!

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#274594 Posted on 2024-07-17 08:36:59

Yep, there's no way to get credits back if you send them to the wrong person.  (Unless the recipient voluntarily does so, which is nice but not required.)

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#274595 Posted on 2024-07-17 09:36:01

if you're exchanging credits with someone else for their EVD/items/etc, the safest way to send over the credits is by making a trade in the marketplace and having the other person offer their currency/items on your trade. that way both you and the other person will send over your currency/items at the same time.
and there's no risk of you losing your credits if the other person forgets or doesn't want to hold their end of the bargain, you can just cancel the trade if that happens.

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